Nier/spoiler thread

because I didn't see one

Other urls found in this thread:エンディング分岐について

So have we found ending f yet?

Fission mailed dude.

Mission [F]ailed.

X and Y are the only remaining letters now.

Welp it sucks that it's another joke ending. I was expecting more sadness and suffering from Yoko Taro.


I know you change between 2B, 9S and A2. But is there some sort of post game where you can do sidequests and shit?

I don't want to many spoilers, but when do I get to access the suicide elevators?

Yes, you get a chapter select to replay old shit as well.

>get to Emil boss fight
>give it one try
holy fuck

You can do sidequests yeah (in any of the routes and there are minigames too), it's just most streamers are rushing the story and ignoring side content.

He did promise a happy ending of sorts. Honestly this game and its production must be the happiest period of his career so it's not surprising that he ran out of grimdark to pour into his game. He did set up the foundation for potentially more depressing games in the Nier Universe.


How do you change between characters?

So correct me if I'm wrong:
A: play as 2B
B: play as 9S
C: play as 9S
D: play as 9S but can finish as A2
E: play as A2

C/D you play as both A2 and 9S

A: 2B route
B: 9S perspective of 2B route
C & D: 9S & A2 route, decide between the 2 at the final battle
E: Pod route.


I don't want the blackbox, only the steelbook day one edition one but nowhere sells it...

E is just a sequel to ending C/D....

being ONLY able to play as 9S for C, D and E is a lie
stop believing shitposters

Ah, I see thanks. So there's 4 routes, it's just that one of them branches out into 2 endings at the final battle.

So which main character do you control during E?

ending E is the troll ending....
(not as good as DOD E ending)

Ending E is just a sequel to ending D!
And it's all about PoD saying shit

Stop this. Troll ending or not, you needed to get through C and D to do it.

You control YOURSELF

Oh, cool.

So there's basically 2 routes then.
A/B is same but you play from different perspectives and C/D is same apart from final battle.
E is just an ending and the rest are death based "joke" endings.

Platinum Games turned Nier Automata into a mobile shoot em up game...

Cavia would have done better...

Now cry

Exactly...just 2 route...
will you still buy it?

>death based "joke" endings.
Not necessarily. In one ending, 9S decides to study machines instead of help. The end.

what if the reason they want DRM on PC is to stop people from keeping their save files

>cavia would have done better


Nice. Maybe X and Y endings after Emil gets rekt will also be unique.

I think some Nip found that but couldn't beat them Def_ender I think

I just spent a long long time hacking him to death since I was like level 36 at that time

>sceret boss
>part of an early sidequest
>not hacking him to death like a scrub

shirakko is casual gamer

So guys, Nioh or Nier ? Which one is better ?

The one with Father Servo

I have both and would rather play Nier for the first time again if I could. Nioh has a community that isn't full of people who watched others do it on Twitch though so that's a bonus.

The one that's not exclusive...oh wait


Depends, I never had interest in Souls-like games and I probably won't be playing Nioh anytime soon.

>Asking this in a Nier thread

Both are as good as each other because fuck your rules.

Nioh because at least the game is true that you will play as Aijin-sama and not switch out and have you play as fucking Naoe Kanetsugu or something.

Tell me, Sup Forums

Is le_che cute?

How did the game weigh up to the demo?

I need to know before I drop money on this.

It's good.

How did they go against Emil? Is hacking the only way to damage?

Were all achievements found?
Also OST when?

I know hacking isn't the only way because one user posted a video of another guy beating emil with 9s the standard way

I don't know how the nip boy went against him

The Emil fight looks like shit.

Fucking hell, how hard was for Taro to let platinum games design some fucking good boss fights ?

Well shit. Time to level up and fight him head on then.

where do I get all the other sound data?

No one has all endings yet it seems unless Y was found recently

It is getting boring real quick

I was already bored after playing the demo. Fighting the same robots over and over again.

Was X found?

Apparently fast travelling one hundred times on one character is the way to do it. It's hard to confim shit without doing it yourself though and I can't be assed right now.

That's just some bullshit one guy said innresponse to someone asking if there are any ripercussions to fast travel.
Don't believe anything you read.

Is there a list somewhere of how to get all the endings found?

is it just me or did the original Nier reuse FFXI assets and that's one of the reasons it feels so comfy?

Seafront could fit in Bastok perfectly.エンディング分岐について

Saved me some time then my dude, still hard to confirm a single thing. Been scouring all over for info but it's hit and miss.

Thank you

9S' initial campaign is kind of tedious with all the hacking.


that's a pretty clever warning

Emil boss fight


Wait, so this game features A-Z endings? With only X & Y missing yet?

Looks like it. The race is on.

appartenly, yes

What happens if you beat the game. I mean ending E. Can you replay from the very beginning without starting a new game?

Can anyone help me with Heritage of the Past?

I have the mask and the staff, but I've been scouring the desert for like an hour and can't find any more pieces.

And the superboss (Emiltruck) is just stupid

>Adam and Eve
>X and Y

Really makes me think

Nah, it'll be just another stupid death/escape joke

Post the ass pic

our bois


>mackerel ending

´like to know this aswell


All we know for now

Man, where the hell are 7 and 8. I think they're all I have left for Pascal's quest, but I've scoured the world 10 times over already.

Is 2B hot?

>Emil completed the 85,943,258th copy of himself. The fierce war with aliens began 100 years previous. To fend against the continually evolving enemy forces, the Experimental Weapon No.7 continued to make copies of himself in retaliation.

In the end, we were Emil all along.

can you replay the game after ending E without starting a new game?

i mean, can you play as 2b, 9s and a2 like you want?


yeah, you dont need to sacrifice your save data.
it's kinda stupid

explain this shit

Those are in the chests in the huge ass cave where you find Emil's lair. You need 9S to hack them open.

would you explain how it works

Thank you, user!



>got off Internet to avoid spoilers
>beat the game
>NG+ is fucking 9S
>apparently the next few playthroughs will be that way as well
I blame myself for not knowing Taro games but without controlling 2B I seriously just don't want to play anymore