
>"Senpai, I've decided I'm not going to let other people's opinions of my size hurt me! I'm going to get fat and be proud of it!"
Fucking hell. Even Atlus are now pandering to the SJWs.


Don't you mean Fatlus?

but she's wearing like 10 layers of clothes, it's a visual gag

Why would you let the truth get in the way of trolling anonymous?

I only want /fit/ waifus, fuck off, skank.

>No nice thicc grills in Persona besides miyabi hanakouji

That aborted fetus girl in 4 doesn't count.


But does she also do anal?

fat girls do everything



She's not fat.


>me wearing 21 shirts
>i also do anal

Something about these two things together cracks me the fuck up.

>No nice thicc grills in Persona besides miyabi hanakouji
That's a strange way to say landwhale

Its because you like le random reddit humor, user.

Oh shit it's that weeaboo from the first Danganronpa

Holy fuck just Deja my Vu up.

Then I'm in fine company here with you, looks like.

>looked her up
Oh fuck she's cute

that's a big girl


if i removed those shirts, would it kill her?