Fire Emblem

Remember when this series had dign-

>Radiant Dawn lets you save (not suspend, save) and reload whenever you want, as much as you want, removing all difficulty or risk, since you can just reload anything that didn't work out and guarantee perfect levelups every time.

>Path of Radiance is the easiest game in the entire series. The Mary Sue protagonist gets ridiculous growths and can solo the entire game by himself. The biggest challenge is staying awake during the enemy turns while you see 0 damage, 0 damage, 0 damage, 0 damage after sending Ike forward to just do everything himself.

>Sacred Stones is just as pathetically easy, rumours say it is possible to lose this game, but they remain unconfirmed to this day. Zero difficulty and one of the most boring forgettable stories in the entire series, I literally cannot remember what the enemy nation was called.

>Binding/Blazing blade every single goddamn attack animation is bullshit weeaboo nonsense, at least the later games kept the animations reasonable. "Hurrr the horse jumps 50ft in the air! Woo!" "Ooh, the hero tosses his shield up, does a huge smash then catches it! This is just like my Japanese animes!". Story pointless and Blazing Blade is clearly stifled by being a prequel, "Lyn just randomly dies."

>Genealogy lets you save and reload as much as you want, blahblah, removes difficulty, blahblah, why would you put this feature in a strategy game?


Guess the oldfags were always full of shit, huh?

Other urls found in this thread:

>ike is a mary sue

I'm going to S rank Lachesis and have a time portal baby with her!

Name 1 game that doesn't become easy when you savescum.

The modern games don't let you savescumm. That's the beauty of it. They've got some actual difficulty.

That is, difficulty beyond "Select Ike/Septh, send forward, end turn." TACTICAL GENIUS.

They still have those as options, and even more casual options, they just give you the choice to disable them when you start the game just in case you're a retard who can't choose to ignore them when he plays a game.

Awakening lets you still do that though, even on lunatic/lunatic+, just funnel xp to MU and get either sol or VV. At least the bonus xp system in path of radiance encouraged you to finish chapters as quickly as possible and helped make what would otherwise be units that would take too long train viable and make a more well rounded team more feasible. Shame awakening didn't have it, its a great system without it theres no encouragement to go fast.

>Awakening lets you still do that though, even on lunatic/lunatic+, just funnel xp to MU and get either sol or VV

There's no way you're soloing Lunatic and especially not Lunatic+ with Robin. The early chapters are difficult to solo even on Hard.

Unless by solo you actually mean "Use Frederick and just snipe the kills with Robin on the first 3 maps."

Hell, even then. You're not getting Sol until chapter 10, you're definitely no soloing until ch10 on Lunatic+

>Radiant Dawn lets you save
Pretty sure this is completely false, at least on hard mode.

>Path of Radiance is the easiest game in the entire series
You are aware of maniac mode, are you not?

Sacred stones is very easy, but the level design is still decent so you'll need to do some thinking and use different tactics in certain maps.

The GBA animations aren't as good as the jugdral ones but despite being stylized they are pretty memorable. I play with animations off so I can't say too much.
You're right that FE7's story is bad, there was a time when it was regularly criticized but newer games have made it seem passable. It's all relative.

Genealogy is blahblah good blahblah the game still records if your units die and you reset (the gba games do that too) so if you savescum you don't really win. Saving mid-map is necessary because the maps are FUCKING MASSIVE in a good way.

My favourite FE games are Thracia and Conquest.

If anything the games become more core orientated as they started adding H5 in Shadow Dragon and Lunatic in all the following games. I enjoy the series for the gameplay and now more than ever since the modern changes.

Anyone talking about how Fire Emblem used to be strategic while citing the western release of Path of Radiance is a clueless shitter who's barely better at the game than the casuals they're complaining about.

Holy shit how are you so fucking bad? Not only can I solo* lunatic+ with robin, I can IRONMAN it. Try using your brain for once, this is supposed to be a TRPG series.
*I could probably solo it but it's easier to use robin and chrom's kids as well. Also you do use frederick to some degree in the early chapters but you don't need to overly rely on him since you can solo the first map by abusing the water.

>The Battle Save feature is disabled on Hard Mode and replaced by the suspend option. It is also unavailable in the Japanese version of Radiant Dawn.
As I thought.

>I could probably solo.

No you couldn't. If you tried to solo lunatic+ with Robin and nobody else, no pair-up he/she would be killed by the prologue enemies.

If you're using Frederick, Chrom, Lissa or anyone else early on it is not a solo.

>How bad are you
>I could totally do it!

Okay, come back when you have.

>Also you do use frederick to some degree in the early chapters

Nice definition of the word Solo.

Go for it, do a legit Lunatic or Lunatic+ SOLO run with Robin, ONLY. No Chrom, no Lissa and especially no Frederick. I don't care what "strategy" you're gonna use, the enemies will destroy you.

It would be easy to solo lunatic mode. But you'd have to pay me to make me play Awakening again.

>Guess the oldfags were always full of shit, huh

Yes, none of these games are hard, i've beat all of them on Hard/Lunatic, literally shut the fuck up, you raging fucking faggot

>Not only can I solo* lunatic+ with robin, I can IRONMAN it

Hmm, nope, i just dont believe you, nice try though

>awakening has shit graphics, shit story, MUH I CAN SAVE EVERYONE EVEN MY SISTER SUICIDE BITCH
>fates uga buga incest no way no real incest lol, take that XDDD

Did i mention shit graphics and shit characters?

>le grafix

Man, what a compelling argument

You can't even beat the first three maps solo on Lunatic, let alone Lunatic+.

"I can definitely solo it! I only used 4 characters!"

Top Kek

>Caring about non canon DLC


>Somehow missed that there is legit incest in Fates


>ueeeeee waaaaa ueeeeee i can let everyone resurrect whenever i want because i'm a little baby yeeeeeeee

The story: Yo bitch, i'm chrom and i'm useless and Marth with EVEN less balls, meet my daughter from the future who is as charismatic as a cardboard box

OH NO somebody dies!
Don't worry little babies everyone is safe anyway and you can recruit them and fuck them!
Even the genocidal maniac!

The old games are just as hit or miss as the new ones

5 and 6 were fairly difficult just conquest was, 6 moreso on a blind playthrough at least without knowing about how bullshit support abuse was. There was no real consistant difficulty throughout the series. Hector Hard Mode in 7 was pretty rough, however you had to beat the game once to actually unlock it. Anyone who tries to say "Wow the series was so hard" probably only played 776


More like Fire Emblem was always full of shit in general.

>muh generic fantasy weebshit is better than muh generic fantasy moeblob waifushit

Pathetic series for losers. I fucking glad Atlus actually evaded opportunity for straight up crossover with this shit series.

Minna, lets kill another fucking dragon!! I fight for my friends and power of friendship!!

>Dissing the GBA animations
We're reaching levels of faggotrt that shouldn't even be possible

Is this like Monster Hunter where OP shits all over the series and everyone else just talks about the game?

>Defending weeaboo trash

Shit like this is why this series circled the fucking drain. Go back to your fucking facepetting minigame.

>>muh generic fantasy weebshit is better than muh generic fantasy moeblob waifushit


This fanbase is pathetic

Japs always get the best version.

I would fucking love to see the video of you soloing Lunatic+ with just robin.

Go on.

I will unironically wait for you to provide the link to the video.