(Heavy breathing) You're..............doing this..................for..............the planet.............same.......as.............us
(Heavy breathing) You're..............doing this..................for..............the planet.............same.......as...
nah fuck you
So will they use the same VA for Cloud they used in MOBIUS?
He's the self-insert for the average fan.
Cloud is such a fuccboi
''We're currently polishing up the bombing mission''-Nomura
LOL enjoy your PS5 launch title
pretty sure, they 'll do a different direction tou
>Prime Cloud
Not interested.
Last I checked, polishing came last
Yeah, but SE was also the same company to keep FF15 in development for 10 years doing fuck all.
Yeah, it's the same VA they've used since AC.
Burton has voiced him since Advent Children and yes that's the same person as in Mobius as well.
What kind of garbage sweetFX did you use that your saturation and contrast are so fucked?
user, that was during the fall of FFXIV. Their decision to scrap the entire thing left the company in shambles. The company seems to be stable. And now since Nomura already greenlit the characters aesthetics and gameplay, production is on roll. Since VA recording is almost done, best we can expect is mid 2018. Unless they're gonna push both KH3 and VIIR in the same year which I highly doubt they'll do.
Probably. But I'll go with Jap audio wih sub. From Mobius, I prefer the jap va since cloud seems less flat in jap. The same thing with Lightning in XIII. I really hated how one-toned Lightning is in english.
V-v-very p-pretty!!
No wonder Don Corneo picked him.
Mobius starting to bore me. Clocked in at 40 hours. Does chapter 4 bring a bit of closure to the story.
This ain't The Witcher 3's thread, user.
Chapter 4 raises a fuckton of questions while answering none.
It does however sound a lot like this is some form of prequel to FF1 since Chapter 4 basically heavily hints at the fact that the world is stuck in a time loop.
Japan is currently up to Chapter 8 and the story still isn't finished there.
Whoa, great voice acting there, OP. Keep it up.
Should've lowered my expectation since it's a f2p mobage. It was kinda interesting in a mysterious way in the start. Seeing how retarded Serah is in chapter 3 made me shake my head violently. If you've played the jap version user, mind telling me, what's the "rotten smell" everytime WOL sees Serah and what's up with Garland. He seems to be in hots with Serah.
I haven't played JP but I did read spoilers.
It seems Sarah is a basically an undead and Garland is the original WoL, you're actually the Warrior of Darkness and Meia is your actual destined waifu.
>SEnix NOT in shambles
How's your 10m sales Tabata?
Huh. I thought Garland's the baddie. Might play it again once the next chapter drops.
>expecting anything
You're the idiot here, user.
When will BASED Tabata will take the project from Nomura
>10 million meme
It was their personal goal Nomura-cuck
>Garland is the original WoL
This became pretty obvious at the end of chapter 3 by the way he was acting after he took his helmet off in front of Sarah.
where's crossdressing Cloud
Is it just me or Mobius have a better story than XV?
As expected
>Is it just me or Mobius have a better story than XV?
It honestly does in my opinion, at least based on what we have now.
THERE'S ACTUAL FUCKING MYSTERY and you actually want to know what happens next.
Furthermore there's actual mythology of the world being explored.
XV is the epitome of inconsistent story telling and writing. At least the fuckboiis are entertaining to watch for a while.
Fuck, I heard that FF VII remake will come out in episodes. I really hope not to, otherwise we will finish it in 5 years at best
Yeah I agree. At least it provoked my curiosity. Even Echo seems to be less irritating later in the game to me. Unlike XV where the entire story is being told through trailers and the wayword story telling drops the ball for me. The combat is just meh. I had more fun in Mobius than in XV despite Mobius seems to follow a certain pattern of combat.
Who's the white haired fag?
kek. Nomura, please design the wig to be similar to Lightning's hair. Please deliver.
Mobius changes the pattern starting with Chapter 4.
There's enemy swarms being introduced as well as Shadow Blanks which seem to be Manikins.
Also Light/Dark elements.
Echo actually does have a deeper side to her and you can even see it in the current FF7 event in the Infinite Mako reactor.
Protagonist of Mobius Final Fantasy.
That's old news, user. But yeah, it's a "full game" episodic, whatever fuck that means. We'll just have to wait how far into the original story ep.1 is. Hope Nomura will deliver, unlike JUST-Tabata
Ah, I've fought those in Mako 3. Is Onion gonna be usable past Dragoon stage? They seem to work for me, but reading elsewhere suggest that I should've dropped Onion earlier. The only job I have right now is Warrior and Dark Knight. I really want a Paladin.
>Is Onion gonna be usable past Dragoon stage?
I would start investing in Dark Knight ASAP. Onion is a dead-end, he only has four skill panels to unlock while Dark Knight has eight.
Why the flying fuck are you using Onions?
They are LITERALLY demo jobs.
They have 1/16 the stats of an actual jobs.
Onion jobs are useless starting Chapter 2-3 let alone anything now.
Seriously what the fuck have you been wasting your tickets on if not Jobs especially considering Jobs don't have duplicates?
Is Warrior any good? I have a fresh Warrior on my second account. Grinding for DK is still on-going right now.
I didn't know, user. Forgive me.
>tfw used magicite to buy bronze ticket to unlock panel on fucking onion
>ftw read that use magicite ONLY to buy Mobius Box
Forgive me, user. I messed up.
>Is Warrior any good?
Every job is good at something, it's just a matter of weighing their stats and their damage boosts/resistances against what you're trying to fight. Warrior for example has a high boost to Fire damage and a decent resistance boost against it, too. No job is objectively bad except for the starter jobs and maybe Red Mage.
>>tfw used magicite to buy bronze ticket to unlock panel on fucking onion
>>ftw read that use magicite ONLY to buy Mobius Box
Jesus christ.
ALWAYS use your magicite for Mobius Box every month.
You literally get about free 3500 magicite just from Distiller alone monthly if you don't let it overflow and collect it twice a day.
And you can get an extra 3000 from hepling first clears in multiplayer every day, just make a second magicite mule account for hosting MP games, and the second you start the match, quit the match with said magicite mule host (Help button in battle -> Flee) and complete it 3-man. You will get your first clear bonus but the mule won't count as finished and will be able to host another game.
Rinse and repeat 5 times a day.
>Seriously what the fuck have you been wasting your tickets on if not Jobs especially considering Jobs don't have duplicates?
Trying to get Cloud's job. I read that to summon it uses the VIIRemake 6 Cards bundle
>Trying to get Cloud's job. I read that to summon it uses the VIIRemake 6 Cards bundle
You're a moron, Soldier 1st is not only a permanent addition (not time limited) but also not exclusive to GAS pull.
You can get it from 3* and 4* pulls as well, it's just GAS has highest chance while 3* has lowest.
It's not even good, at least not until the Hall of Fame panels for him which are minimum 6 months away. A fucking Black Mage is superior to him right now in every way for example.
Shit taste in jobs desu
>8* dark knight
Shitter detected.
I see. Thank god I'm still at chapter 1 on that account. By the way, where do you grind for seeds? I've been busting my arse on Mako infinite (Hard) on the Dragoon Onion account and still can't pass further than the first node.
Fuck. I've been duped. Gonna grind for DK now. Thanks user.
It's literally all of them barring the paywall ones.
Also Mage is straight up better than Dark Knight.
Turning a shitposting thread into a Mobius thread? PROUD of you anons. Now, post best jobs.
>max dark knight and dragoon of all things
>leave paladin at 7
Not a smart player. Guessing he would be a breaker that gets instagib'd in the first turn of 4* MP
Protip, Dragoon was my first drive heal job and I got him forever ago.
Unlike you I started on launch you dumb shitter.
And I only got Paladin this week and ain't got enough crystals to 8* him yet.
I only use Assassin and Viking as breakers.
Mage and Mystic Sage. No point in bringing any other attacker jobs.
>all this Mobius appreciation
For once I'm proud of Sup Forums
Is that OtherJoe?
>unlike you I started on launch you dumb shitter
I wonder what this is then. I'd post an adamanterrapin card but I value my bank space and deleted them
I wish to ride a time machine.
The Steam release seems to have done wonders for it's popularity here.
>l'cie bombing everything
Also, good use of in-game clock to btfo the dragoon shitter
For a mobile game, it was kind of entertaining. I've been playing this and Yugioh Duel Links for days now.
We're paying you more than a few gil.
unzips pants
You'd best be worth it.
>All that onion investment
You know you could've just posted your card collection right?
>Dragoon shitter
Not like Dragoon and Dancer were literally top of three towers straight, nope, not at all. This is how I spot retards. Get cancer and die, literally. That's all you deserve.
Looks like you have some catching up to do.
Also, sorry that miles I'm better than you :( What's your in-game name? I'll make sure to eject you.
>Looks like you have some catching up to do.
>Being a whale
Yeah, I sure am ashamed of not dumping hundred thousands on a mobile game. Enjoy being milked dry worse than a cow you retard.
why is he so fucking skinny?
>Being too poor to buy some QoL upgrades in Mobius
I knew you were bad. Stay inferior.
I was curious, user. I seriously thought why the hell am I getting lower levelled jobs compared to the one on my Onion. Seeing how I'm on a Samurai at that point.
Whatever floats your ocean dumb whale, stay milked in a fucking mobage f2p game.
To upset and confuse Americans.
How is the assassin job? Its the first job i rolled.
Mako, user. Mako. Once you've started relying on it, it fucks up your metabolism.
Best breaker in the game right now that isn't pay2win paywall shit.
Did you even pull DFF Cloud and Zidane? If not, then that'd be a sad, sad Soldier 1st that you have there.
>being this salty that others straight-up outplay you at every turn, resulting in you feeling mediocre and thus lashing out
You will never, ever taste how sweet double Aerith on Mystic Ninja is. Yum yum, poorfaglet.
Not Zidane since I didn't have enough tickest saved but I do have Cloud.
Anyhow I hope you do realize that you're exposing yourself as a said pay2win whale shitter for everyone to see.
>wasting money on a mobile game
>actually wastings thousands
he kinda has you beat user
>Anyhow I hope you do realize that you're exposing yourself as a said pay2win whale shitter for everyone to see
Thanks, captain obvious. Also
>ST water card
For fuck's sake, scrub, there's Ixion fodder in the event. Failing that, use Shiva Sic. You really do suck, holy shit. Also, nice unmodded Buster Sword.
Is Aerith a pay-only card?
What's a sub-job? Is this a JPN version only thing?
You faggots could just stop responding to the attention whore whale.
Nice gorillion shekels you've dumped into this, sure showed me.
Aerith is a 0.08% drop chance card that even people who dropped 15000$ failed to get, also since he has every single card and paywall job as he claims, he'd need to have dumped ~8000$ alone to get all that not counting Aerith.
As for sub-job you unlock job switching after you beat Chapter 4 Prologue. You can then use 2 jobs in battle kinda like paradigms in FF13.
I forgot Sup Forums didn't have stable employment and disposable income. I'll see myself out while you all circlejerk over your Siegfried cards.
>Aerith is a 0.08% drop chance card that even people who dropped 15000$ failed to get
Now that is straight up misinformation. I got Aerith on my magicite alt after about 7 rerolls. And the drop rate is above 1%.
The sad part is you think that Sicarius is better than 5* ST cards, protip they ain't because of ST's higher break value and damage being compareable thanks to Vitality Tap.
Enjoy your (You) I guess.
Ah, now I know what job to pair with my Onion. lel. Thanks user.
user, please teach me your ways. I gonna need money to start my dreams of becoming a one-man game developer.
No user, it's not misinformation. Just because you were lucky and have confirmation bias doesn't mean that's her drop rate. Check Mobius plebbit.
The rate is around 0.8%
Just fucking stop. You guys are as obnoxious as he is.
That guy got a big old tranny face.
Basically sarina valentina.
>not laughing at the dumb whale that doesn't even know why 5* ST is better than 4* Sic and that Sic won't be flat out better until they actually get 5* augments
I wish I am joking user. But I REALLY do need money. Good thing I still got my crappy animu drawing abilities to keep me entertained.
>using reddit for "information"
user...you just made yourself look like an even bigger tool than you already did. Why are you so bad?
Why do you think you're good at this game? Nothing points towards that being the case.
Do explain why you think it's better. Or are you just trying to validate wasting Growstars over something actually useful like AoE BDD?
>exising at launch
Also already explained but you're too dumb to read apparently.
>Not using Jecht Shot instead
I bet you don't even have it. Even if you do, you're too retarded to pair it with Blade Beam for optimal damage.
Why are you so bad? You really do fucking suck.
>I bet you don't even have it.
Sure I don't, cause I'm not a pay2win whale like you and back then I prioritized jobs which were far more important over pay2win cards that will come back anyway.
Good goy.
No doubt the rage kiddie is just another underwhelming attacker in multiplayer. Stop arguing with casuals. He denounces whales yet probably plays FFXIV and pays a monthly fee to ERP with his gay friends.