Red Dead Redemption 2 PC

We are over 5m+ strong on Steam, and who knows how many RSSC versions of GTA V there are. What are Rockstar thinking, do they permanently want to lose PC fans, because it is legitimately going to happen.

Do you guys think they are pulling a GTA V 2.0 and are going to release a PC version further in the future? Or are we going to get pushed a side again like in the original Redemption and never see what the game is truly capable of? All I know is this is some god damn bullsh*t right now.

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it'll be like GTAV, they've realised they can get people to buy their games more than once by staggering platform releases so they're going to keep doing it

hi i know some people, RDR2 is coming out 1 year after console release just like gta5.

I think it's a clever way to give devs more time to optimize their game meanwhile gaining more money for double dippers. If you count PS4pro (and future Scorpio) patched, releasing for all platforms at dayone can only hurt players.

Jesus fucking christ, he's gonna end up on boogie's level isn't he.

Who ate all the pies!!!
You fat bastard, You fat bastard,
You ate all the pies

it's just the stress, guy's is making all the work by himself

I know when I stress I can't eat.
No excuse

>mfw he is forced to buy a newer and larger version of that shitty jacket

Best part will be his denial of weight gain and keeps wearing the jacket even though it'll stretched to hell and won't be able to move his arms in it

He's so round

They are not going to release it for PC, you guys signed petitions about RDR1 for years and nothing happened.

Ventage Joe was Skeletor

why does joe look like he's turning into steven segeal

They're gonna do a gta on it.

>becoming a youtuber was a mistake

>tfw see old picture of self and realize you're going down the same path joe is

Feels fat man, probably happened when I gave up on online dating

What does RDR1 have to do with anything? It was made by a team inexperienced with PC ports and the game itself was messy enough that even the PS3 struggled to run it. RDR2 on the other hand is also being made by R* North, which made GTAV

what the fuck is wrong with his face, is he having an alergic reaction?

he already did it. if you notice, he wears two different jackets in the pic. Pedro probably has a couple of XXXL ready for future months

Quick, someone prepare the petitions!

>game itself was messy enough that even the PS3 struggled to run it
only PS3 user, it was also sub-HD. 360 was fine, 720p and 30ish fps

I understand Sup Forums hates fat people, but why so passionately?

If you've already submitted to the fact that you're ugly and will never meet a woman, and you're holed up all day playing video games, why the fuck does it matter at that point?

Yeah you'll die earlier, but it's not like it's effecting anyone at that point but yourself

I know, i own the 360 version

Of course PC is going to happen. Just wait 2 years. Rockstar is gonna double dip you like with GTAV.

the old lady riding a zebra, good times

He almost can't fit the jacket anymore

>mfw pkeks deluding themselves that there will be ever RDR2

The only reason you got GTA5 is because of next-gen console launch that they ported remaster on, otherwise you wouldn't get shit.

If you can't zip up the jacket, you can't fit into it, fact!

>second pic stomach reveal
put that shit away man

Never saw her. I've been replaying the game recently because i rushed it so fucking much the first time around, only focusing on the story. I couldn't imagine just fucking around playing liar's dice would be so fun

Angry Joe more like hungry joe

They said since the beginning GTA V was gonna be on PC though they just needed to port it because they needed a lot of help they had so many people from nvidia and amd there to help it was insane, also every GTA is on PC f a m
Saying that not one RDR game has been on PC and probably wont be because Rockstar San diego owns it or some shit and they hate PC

god damn he's putting on the pounds

Lmfao I love it

When will he stop growing!?!

HUNgry Joe

when he will stop playing on PC

Joe needs to retire from video games.
Maybe be movie full time or something. He was never that good if you ask me.

Secondly, Why would players who have spent years on a game about cars, jet fighters and all this other modern day shit just up and down grade to horses and buggy's?

>DLC 3 pimp my horse edition.
>Buy buffalo chips.
>epic Rite brothers plane for bank robbery job.
>Historic Scar-H when you pre-order.
>Eruptive over the shoulder cannon unlocked at lv 100.
>Don't forget to buy buffalo chips.

He actually got fat after becoming a console pleb ironically

Are R* gonna attempt to make an online version with the same depth that GTA V had?

I'm thinking no, since there wouldn't be nearly enough to do in the red dead universe.

>starts as x360 player\streamer
>thin as fuck
Nope, my neckbeard dude

When we start sending he's food to Africa.
Think the millions of people that could be saved

No, GTAV was announced with no PC version. That was revealed later

You knew it was though not one GTA hasnt been on PC

Sup Forums hates themselves. The attacks on people over petty shit like their weight or looks are the doing of terminally pathetic people who are so bitter and hateful of themselves that they lash out at others. Literally nothing wrong with being fat beyond health reasons which are personal and affect no one, and certainly not a reason to hate someone.

They will try. Otherwise how else would they sell buffalo chips?

How else would they get crazy rich?

And lastly, Joe needs tape worms to save his worthless reputation.

true, but V was so successful sales-wise on PC

Pc release 2 years after the first release when they also release it for Scorpio and ps5

Back to redd1t buddy

Jesus Joe needs to work out.

Geoff Keighley: Now look at you, you mess.

Mainly because of the overwhelming amount of fat people who dont accept it, and rather, live in denial, bitch and do nothing about it, or otherwise use it as a bullshit excuse for things

Sure, i agree, but Joe makes a living by filming himself and showing himself in front of a large audience. The least he can do is make himself a little presentable. It really makes me sad progressively seeing someone get fat, it's depressing. Same goes for Tomska.

They're gonna go full GTAV on that shit, are you kidding? Are you seriously able to look at the money they made off of that and say to someone unironically that they wont? Really? Like, actually seriously? Not that i care either way, but holy shit dude

If I won the lottery and had like 2.000.000$, I would spend it all to hire a hitman to kill this guy.

Every youtube person is on PC, and if they arent, they inevitably switch when they have the money, it's just how it is, quality is king

God, he's gotten so fat.

But I also don't have free Swedish poon so he's got that going for him.

I liked his old girlfriend better.

mfw in 5 years time he'll be a giant 500 pound blob

Freelance hitmen are a meme. If you hire someone for a crime you can be sure he will just steal your money and do nothing since you can't do anything about it. No one in the business will do the job first and then take the money.

Your best bet would be hiring someone directly out of some cartel but that would be dangerous as fuck and they will operate in a limited area. Keep in mind you would be forever connected to the cartel after you worked with them. Depending on how paranoid they are they might remove you after a while or they will keep dragging you into their business. Though this is close to impossible anyway without the proper connections.

What the fuck has Joe been eating? I remember his 2010 reviews but jesus, his cheecks are like fucking collapsing inward his face.
