Real Lives Thread


Starting stats

you know the drill

Art and Reading/Studying

Only that?


wtf I've never played this game. Is this on GOG or steam?

Its a educational game, but its great for Sup Forums runs like this. you can find a pirate download via google, version im using is the 2007 version

>26 int
>39 app
fuck no


She's only 14, no romance, spend time studying

Those names are extremely rare in Greece.

just realized that guy has the same last name as we do

Ambrosina into cousin fucking?

Do it.
Average int and he looks fine as well



>95 appearance
>78 INT
you're on the roll bud this won't end well

I smell rape incoming


>that int
>that appearance
we ojou-sama now

reroll canada and become a wood farmer

>happines 19
>STR 94
hell no

Does it have the money to pay debts? I don't htink so, he should go fuck himself.



>having friends


no fuck that


Does it run well on Windows 10?

No idea, i run win7

No, fuck friends. We /antisocial/ now.


fuck the degeracy.


eh, seems kind of meh. might be good for a bang or two.

A depressed, stupid, weak, average, callous artist? No thank you.

>depressed unattractive retard

this guy doesn't even lift, don't bother.

We becoming model right?

No work as a nurse and /ss/ young patients.

let's become an indie developer instead.


>96 Appearance

Anything else would be a waste

Indie developer?

Like, programmer or something like that.


Refuse it, safest option.



>Suporrting palestines

Mudslime apologist

you're greek, corruption is in your dna.

press F to pay respects

Press F again



What a shitty game tbqh


Drink to forget

I don't think we have a choice now. Drink.


There are many Christians in Palestine you propaganda swallowing murrikan.



I'm european actually, and mudslimes are basically destroying my and neighbouring countries

Kebab Removal when?

No I bet he's one of those scammers and will leave in a car.

>fashion model
>monthly income 764
>I receive almost same without doing anything

makes you think...

yes, he needs it more than you do

Who knows but Europe and the rest of the world need to return to their Christian roots or they face death.

There is no alternative. Pray to Jesus Christ.

If only we could remove ALL religion from the world

Religion (and money) are the sources of all the worlds problems


What are you talking about? Europe has been Godless since the 60s and look how that's turning out for you.

Where are you from?

fuck no, don't waste your ojousama radiance.

Fuck no, we stay clean. Gotta stay clean for mom and little brother. It's what they would've wanted.

accept and watch your appearance drop to 75


Cocaine is your friend OP


Yes, the time is right

How come she's still making so little money ??


He's pretty good, so maybe a yes.


Pick one user-kun


> Hot
> Smart
> Happy

I think it's time...


It's time.

Dew it

before you continue, how do you choose all the choice from all other anons?
do you just pick random post that seems fit to you or what?


Not surprising


could there be a more perfect man?


Farewell career


we ara ara~ MILF now

also this. I told you she has to become an indie developer.



Aristotelis jr.

Did i get twins or did the game just bug?

I never got a 2nd pregnant message

kill yourself