I am trying hard to like switch and Zelda but I just don't get it, why would I want to play a game like this in two thousand and SEVENTEEN
What's the appeal?
like what?
Wait for Nintendo to put their games on PC. Buying a console is a waste of money. Don't support such a cancerous industry less they repeat their heinous behavior.
Are you mad that there aren't any black characters in the game, huh Sonygger?
hi r*ddit
As if you'd buy them if that were to happen.
>am trying hard to like switch and Zelda
user is retarded, move on
>Wait for Nintendo to put their games on phones.
Fixed that for you, and for free. Now please don't make that mistake again.
Breath of the Wild looks like it's a fun game, but I'm just laughing at the retards who are already going into hype overdrive claiming it's going to be an all-time classic and a GOAT video game. Just stop, you fucking retards do this every goddamn time.
The Nintendrones really are among the worst when it comes to this shit.
I just wish Nintendo would bring AAA games to switch and not this outdated childish shit
What is the meaning of typing out 'two thousand and SEVENTEEN'? Is it meant to convey OP having a stroke as he attempts to share his terrible opinions?
Gorepost to make browsing Sup Forums hell for the paid shills
>dodging the question this hard
If you guys couldn't tell this game was gonna be something else since the first demos at E3, you're beyond salvation.
The fact of such a big, landscape-fetish game has such attention to fun, innocent details that never seem to end with each new tidbit of footage they show is just mindblowing.
>literally, LITERALLY a shill
Fuck off.
Every single video I've seen has just been a giant empty field with some little scripted event you can do like push a boulder down a hill into some enemies.
Game looks seriously lacking content or fucking anything.
Op here, I'm not a shill, as I said earlier, I want switch to bring aaa games, I like the concept of switch and I'm willing to buy it, but not with the current gaming lineup.
Those aren't scripted events - you can push the boulder wherever you like. Also the area you're referring to (the "Great Plateau") has been noted by journalists as the emptiest area of the game, since it's basically a tutorial zone.
>all these people who were hoping the open world fad was reaching its end
>mfw the success of BotW will ensure another decade of nothing but ubisoft style open world games
What does a AAA game mean to you then? Zelda is Nintendo's most prestigious brand after Mario, has many of (and THE) best reviewed games of all time, clearly a shit load of time and money went into this game, the sheer variety and size looks ridiculos....
Is it just because it's not a brown dudebro shooter or what?
We don't want AAA games, fuck
I want Nintendo to be Nintendo
I have a PC and a PS4 for that shit
Those aren't scripted events.
BotW has a fully-featured physics engine.
>this fucking meme again
Just say you've watched two videos.
>yfw botw blows ubisoft crap out of the water
>This boulder perched right next to a slope positioned right next to an enemy camp TOTALLY isn't placed her on purpose you guys
Come the fuck on bro
Every video, screenshot and gif is a giant empty field with some trees and extreme FPS drops
So as I was saying, just say you've watched two videos.
that's because everyone you've seen is the first area which happens to be a plains area. there are dense forests and mountains in the game which i bet you haven't seen
>I don't know what scripted event means
>I am a complete retard.