Could this be a new standard for cyberpunk?
Other urls found in this thread:
>looks exactly like Satellite Reign
>a new standard
>another top down game that doesn't realize using a 3d perspective means you see more at the top of the screen than the bottom
getting real tired of this shit, the only time 3d perspective is acceptable is when you have direct control over the camera
also the game looks like clunky ass regardless
>exactly like Satellite Reign
apart from the "looking like Satellite Reign" part
>class-based strategy game
>Open world
I am more hyped by the last night, but I'll get this one for sure.
So it's a pretentious Alien Shooter clone ?
Is hit name Not M Pohtant?
>new standard for anything
>that soundtrack
>standard for cyberpunk
Why does Sup Forums have a problem with dystopian cyberpunk futures?
i like the aesthetic and the animations but that type of top down shooter always has horrible gameplay, you're like a rotating turret all the time, too exposed to do anything fun.
even hotline miami has deeper gameplay model.
Actually looks good. Why have Devolver always got to chase the next Hotline Miami though?
>witch house
What the fuck are you on about OP?
user*. Not sure why I typed OP.
Full song:
nah, cyberpunk 2077 will be
copper dreams might be good too
Looks like a pretty generic twin stick shooter.
What is the current video game standard for cyberpunk anyway?
I can't think of one. theres those turn based rpgs which are okay at best, but really lack a lot of what you'd expect from an RPG and feel more like a string of unrelated adventure modules with nothing interesting in-between
holy shit I almost rolled my eyes out of their socket.
Looks cool, I love isometric shooters.
Deus Ex.
Looks neat
welp, my purpose to become a programmer and game developer is RUINERED.
Although this isn't EXACTLY what I wanted to do, it's very close and mine will seem like a inspired by clone or some shit.
Looks great and all but I have an important question...
Can the character act non-chalantly and nod and or grunt when talking to other characters? I need to feel like the Driver from Drive and be a real human bean.
You're a nice man. We don't deserve you.
Im not ready.
Is there a single bad game these guys made?
Wait I didn't know it was this weird isometric perspective
It's been ruined
>only wanting to make one game
X com 2
There is no standard, Cyberpunk is about as loose as the definition of RPGs.
On one side, you've got fun over the top games like Binary Domain and Far Cry Blood Dragon. On the other side, you've got Deus Ex and System Shock.
None of them are really similar, other than the neon lights. Somewhere along the way, the definition of Cyberpunk changed.
>It's been ruined
Not to mention there are people who think cyberpunk = neon lights and nothing else and then call their games cyberpunk because they have neon lights.
I'm hyped
n-no it doesn't
looks fine, I may try it
>Actually has punk elements
Thank god