Shantae: Half Genie Hero

Is this game any good? Is it fun?

Yes and Yes.

yes, but play the original games first.

It's alright but it could've used a couple more levels and a little less backtracking. I enjoyed Pirate's Curse a lot more.
Wouldn't recommend buying it at the full price, wait for a sale

Is the Risky dlc out yet?

It's both good and fun.

The main thing I hate, is some of the sweet concept art gallery being locked behind a full completionist speed run.
Because I fucking hate this filthy jew tactic to pad your own game by locking content behind shit achievements.

I'd stomach a speedrun, but not a 100% unlocks speedrun under a 3 hours threshold.

No not really. I platinumed it and it was pretty bad.

I finished it myself earlier this week. It was pretty good but not super amazing. Like the other games in the series it has a lot of personality and charm to it but the gameplay isnt super impressive. Felt like a much more polished Risky's Revenge to me. It was a tad short and still not as good as Pirate's Curse though.


That content is a reward for doing a good job. So get good.

>I hate actual rewards instead of a stupid achievement that absolutely nobody cares about.

I love to see you baiting off the Jews.

That's padding for lack of content not a reward.

But I understand you are so willing to justify your inability of cracking the game for your own pleasure.
Keep yourself limited onto the end consumers group, like the good doggies that never question your jew masters.

You must get so angry.
Being so mad about being so bad.

Are you retarded? What's the point of even speedrunning the game if all you get is some shitty achievement. When did Sup Forums become so casual? Next thing, people will want everything from the get go, because WHY would you have to beat a game to unlock stuff? You paid for the game, you are entitled to that content right away, amirite?

It's fun in short bursts, but not very good.

Its fine. I'd wait for it to go on sale.

Pirates curse was 10 billion times better.

The final boss was kind of lame in comparison to the showdown with Risky.

> paid

I never pay for games.
They are just child's play, mostly meant to deliver some kind of cracker propaganda.

I crack these shovelware craps to do my bidding, I won't ever bow to the cracker jew padding plan.

Sucks to be a sheep like you, user.

Can't fathom that there are plenty other individuals out there, with different mindsets, looking at the whole picture; instead of acceppting the crap fed to them by the corporations.

>not pay for games
>still whine about entitlement

>Getting mad because content is locked behind achievements instead of...Oh I dunno...A FUCKING PAYWALL.

> entitlement

I fight for the gamers' rights.

That's me, caring for the fellow gamer that actually is willing to invest into this kind of child's hobby.

But you can't fathom this.
No, you are entitled to your enfranchised mindset, in which the corporate has the final word.

But it is high time that those filthy corporations are made to feel the full weight of their shitty decisions.
And they will not, until sheeps like yourself will be willing to stomach their padding plans.

It's hackers like me, with the drive to publish free content for the users, and give them enough tools to enjoy and shape the game for their own leisure, that actually bring freedom onto this environment.

Your toxicity is clearly understood.
A clear depiction of entitledcrackers onto our society. Sheeps that protect the wolf, out of fear to lose the little grass they've been granted during their short lifetime.

>gamers' rights
