I just beat 999 and it was a wild ride. What are some other great puzzle games...

I just beat 999 and it was a wild ride. What are some other great puzzle games? I don't want to get into VLR because I'm not really interested in the VN part for now.

kys paper fucker

Shut the fuck up, Christina.

Kurisu was so much less appealing in the anime than she was in the VN.

I googled that and it's not a game. Go away.

woah... really makes you think, huh

Why 999 is the best and everything else is garbage:
Capillary action: the narrower the spaces within human / objectual relationships it manages to slip in, the higher rise its near-seizure columns in spite of the material gravity and middle-class materialistic gravitas; the thriftier the dosage of comic indulgence, the quicker it's absorbed from its rarefied environs. Less is more.

You should not play anything else OP.

I don't have any non-VN recommendations, so I'll just say that VLR has more interesting puzzles and an even wilder ride than 999

u could just fill in the 3 to make it a 0

But VLR is better than 999 in regard of both puzzle and story. Your loss faggot.

You dont even need the 4 boxes. Use 1 and turn the 30 into "3.0" and done.

What do you not understand about "for now"?

>"by filling in 4 of the boxes"
>fuck the rules

He did it the absolute madman

Then just fill the top left, bottom left and far right squares of the > sign to waste 3 squares and use the remaining one to make it 3.0

This is what a super duper high level shitposter looks like.

Also S;G0 wasn't that good.

Whatever you do, do not play ZTD.

It kind of looks like an 80 now, right? Did I win, OP?

Layton if you want normal puzzles/riddles
Spacechem if you want the hardcore puzzles

Wew lad.

No. You didn't fill in 4 boxes. Congratulations though, you're officially retarded.

Ghost Trick is what you're looking for OP.

Maho > Kurisu.

I filled them with the paint bucket tool in MSPaint. That's 4 squares I put black on.

It's wrong. Fuck off now.

80 is > than 20, though.


That's not an eight though.

Puzzle agent is great, but not because of the puzzles, which are meh.

gg ez

I loved it when I played it but the more I look back the more I realise how shit most of it was.

Mostly because of the haphazard way everything ties into the true end. True end should have been one route with all the other ends being what was in the game



i don't know any numbers that look like that thing.

>He can't fill a square

>i don't know any numbers

Both are wrong.

Jesus christ, how new is half of this board? is the only right answer.


>Make 20>3.0 with by filling 4 boxes with black
>Not correct

what number is this

Isn't that a pokemon

it's not difficult, retard

Play ghost trick senpai



I didn't like it because the plot was all over the place, seemingly random events causing the worldline to shift only to undo parts of the story for no reason.
Like, nothings happening and gets a phone call, if he picks up he's flung through time in to world war three! or future world war three!
I remember one route I picked up the phone only Okabe and the main cast to just leave the story all together for some bullshit reason and the rest of the chapter is just Maho and Moeka.

It worked in the first game because you always played the game from Okabe's perspective of events and all the changes were clearly sign posted via sending d-mails.


So was S;G0 what happened after Okabe failed first time or what?

You sir, just won this thread


Basically, yeah.

>You sir
i feel like i just lost the thread reading your cancer

Character designs are superior in 999 and so is the overall aesthetic.The hand drawn sprites look much better than the low poly, poorly animated 3D models. Gameplay goes to VLR, story is debatable..


Yeah that was a major fucking problem
Then the true end comes out of nowhere and doesn't even tie in to the previous events since Kagari is still around.
The game seemed designed only to tie up loose ends and even then it done it haphazardly as fuck, took me 2 weeks to figure out all the events in my head

Maho and Daru where pretty good tho

Rules don't talk about filling with white.

>by filling in 4 of the boxes with black

>with black

I'm sure someone would be able to draw a sort of route map explaining why certain actions resulted in the shift, but the game doesn't convey any of that information to you unless you sit down and start piecing it together yourself. I understood why every jump happened by the end of the first VN, not so much this time.

Also the layout of each route means you were jumping between saved and fast-forwarding through entire scenes which made the story feel disjointed after my first playthrough. Irrc S;G had one route with branches that led back into the main route.

VLR is a better puzzle game, too
try Danganronpa or Ghost Trick


There is literally nothing wrong with having to figure out how the story works yourself.

Going by euro rules and denoting the decimal with a comma


even if you use the fact you can fill boxes with white, there's only one way to resolve it

either, the only solution is vidya related

>20 isn't greater than 3.0

why filling 3 corners with points?

It depends, sometimes you just want to read a captivating narrative without having to take a fine comb and replaying it 3 times with your notebook in-hand. Also, I don't believe the complexity of the narrative was the intention of the writer(s) which is why I'm critical of it.

I would have filled in a fourth but I had to spend a square on a decimal point

the rule is filling 4 boxes with black, so you can fill a black box with black
no need to have three pointless boxes, just have one white::black and three black::black

20 > 8.0


Honestly, the main issue is how wasted most of the new characters were. Other than Kagari,Maho and the villains they might just as well not have been there. Meanwhile in S;G every character has some sort of role to fill

Solve this

>no daru
Can't be solved if my boy ain't there.

>Meanwhile in S;G every character has some sort of role to fill
Lukako didn't really have much reason to be there other than pleasing trapfags. His chapter was the shortest too from what I remember.

He helps them find the IBN

>le my animu is better than real woman xddd
kill yourself degenerate

List the girls upside down and you've got a pretty good list.


Lukako is basically just a running joke that stopped being funny after the first time the writers did it. Simultaneously worst boy and worst girl.
Mayuri & Faris are sweet, probably best wife material overall.
Suzuha's a good bro and probably the least autistic one there. Beta Suzuha seems like she'd be nice enough once you get past her cold exterior too I guess.
Kurisu & Maho are objectively the most patrician choices. Only people with no taste would disagree.

If Faris was my wife she would probably drop our baby because she refuses to take off her cosplay accessories at any time, fuck that

This user gets it
