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strafing into Lara's DMs

>ps2 graphics

wtf this isn't anything like real life????

the next generation of video games really is here... holy shit...

>trying so hard to shill your video

Stop shilling your shit channel and make a webm like everyone else.

I don't think that's how horses work

The way it doesn't even try to fake grass further away from you instead of just having a flat green texture is triggering as fuck

This is how they should, controls often suck so bad for horses because of the lack of strafing and the need to turn slowly every single time

I think horses can strafe irl to some extent

I think you do not remember what PS2 looked like.

I'm pretty sure real horses can't strafe but I'm no horse expert so idk

I just played the e3 build (that's what I was told, the version was 1.2S) at an event and it looks really damn good, the picture doesn't do it justice

Yeah, their legs should allow them to do so. I think if they strafe quickly they might stumble over themselves though

Not that guy, but the (harmonica?) sound makes it better

From googling I've come to the conclusion that they can, but it's more of a "drift" style where they have to move forward a bit while doing it


this is completely different than how the nintendo made the "strafe"


In all fairness these are fantasy horses that may have evolved that mechanic.

You really do learn something new every day

>sonybronies whimpering in fear about this
they do it in real life, stop crying

That looks nothing like like the Zelda video.

I'll take "what is an art direction" for 500 Trebek

Why the fuck is this using the Jurassic Park theme? I made sense for No Man's Sky, but it doesn't for Zelda.


So Japan never saw a horse I guess

>Sits by a bonfire
>Oho ho
>Rather unusual to see another "soul" in these parts

Is this a Dark Souls reference or am I reaching?

It's the same thing, it just moves slightly diagonally IRL, but since this is a videogame, strafing horizontally makes more sense.

It's shit. That's the point.

>slightly diagonally

Noice, so it does happen

>Art direction
>Using polymeme

You faggots would defend anything.

Yes, everything is dark souls prepare to die reference.
>have bonfire
>swords and magic
Pretty sure it's dark souls prepare to die reference.

>Dat music choice of all things
Man, it's too early for this shit.

Also, the horse can fucking juke.

It just looks boring. At least Twilight Princess looked fun (until you got to play it for more than 10 minutes)

>trying THIS hard to say better horse controls is not good somehow

have you?

Bigger and blander is not better user kun. Wind Waker's teeny islands were memorable the vast sea was not.

Look, I really really need you guys to delete this, my paycheck depends on it.

When did I even talk about bigger and emptier.

I tried it at a game show and the game was pretty meh.

The graphics were pretty average on WiiU and the lighting was too bright, which diluted the image a lot. You can kinda see it here: Gameplay had some neat perks in that you can interact with a lot of things in the environment but the environment was pretty stale and boring for the most part.

I'm surprised it's getting a lot of buzz but then again nu-age gamers see Zelda as some icon of gaming or something.

I'm continuing on my tangent about it being a snooze cruise

It's a reference.
If you use the Dark Souls Amiibo on BoW, it triggers him to say something different and give you an 'estus' (bottle).

Lots of shills tonight.

you sonyggers see dark souls everywhere

you are delutional

Why does BotW always look so much better in "off screen" footage? Pictures or videos of TVs showing it?

While it looks worse in direct feed footage?

I don't understand why this happens. It looks more vibrant and less washed out in off screen pictures like these. In videos too.

Microsoft why? They aren't even Nintendo's competition

Dark Souls is a PCfat game dummy

Obvious bait, but if zelda isn't an icon of gaming then what is?

that's part of the joke

RGB something something

When will this meme die? It surfaces with pretty much every new game that is not cutting edge. PS2 didn't look anywhere near as good as you remember it. Maybe you should play it sometime.

You're posting this again?

>LINK the fire
Nintendo confirmed for bros.

>His horse can't strafe

Supposedly something with the RGB setting. You can change this in the switch options menu (not sure why anyone hasn't tried instead of leaving it on automatic).

Looks pretty similar senpai

You're blind, literally

Kids that were born when the PS2 came out, are old enough to post on Sup Forums now.
Of course they don't remember.


Not really sure why you decided to go with a Windows logo there.

>anons wondering if horses can strafe
y'all better be pretending

how do I get paid to act like a retarded newfag ?

Why are the font and the ui so fucking ugly?

Not all of us live around horses, Cleetus

You can turn off the entire UI besides the hearts and the stamina meter.

And the text is okay. Just a little out of place


What the horse is doing isn't called straffing it's called yielding and we can do it on anyhorse trained to do it. Though I can't see the legs properly in this shitty gif but I am 99% sure that is what this is.

That's cool. It's never seen in games though. You live in a farm or something?

Your font very ugly

>widetext doesn't work

This is giving me a deja vu, like if i seem this all before.


>[dorifto intensifies]

>that's not the best horse model+animation out there

Nigger, open your eyes.

there's the PS2 graphics meme
then there's the PS2 was better than the gamecube meme
It's not complete shit, but wasnt that good, just acceptable. It was what it was. Leave the PS2 alone, stop lying about it faggots

Yep, I love how the horses move and look in the game

Another problem I think is that compression destroys the refined look of the long grass. Videos I see make the grass look muddy and like a blob when they should be blades.

>posts the HD remake / emulator
typical "PS2 graphics" kid
post a screencap from an actual PS2 running snake eater, I want to see the actual pillarboxing black bars that 2000s consoles make on capture cards, go

It still looks worse in that screenshot though

my sides

We are trying to meme it into the new No Man's Sky

Not working so far

but can it drift?

not even close


This is retarded. Nintendo is retarded.



Will there be deer/ram/giant boar / stag strafing too?

Here's a PS1 game, and it looks better than BotW.

>Footage at 0:20 looks completely fine

Ruins the video