N64 launched with a great Zelda

>N64 launched with a great Zelda
>Successful system

>GC only had a shitty Zelda and a postmortem port
>Failed system

>Wii launched with a great Zelda
>Successful system

>WiiU had a shitty Zelda and a postmortem port
>Failed system

>Switch launching with a great Zelda
>Successful system

Why do people go so ga-ga for Zelda?

Other urls found in this thread:


>N64 launched with a great Zelda

No... Ocarina came out 2 years after launch



Wagglin lured a casual market that was not yet lost on consoles for mindless games

You know, when you're a normie, and you play CoD like every week of your life and you see a commercial showing Zelda, you go : "Oh wow, Zelda ! I played that, when I was younger ! Damn, it was so fun, I wish I could play it again."

And that's why normies go from cod/fifa to Zelda, and never play anything else.

GC version of TP was better than the Wii version
The wii was successful because it was targeted at casuals

Everyone I know including me bought a Wii for TP and Mario galaxy.

>Wind Waker
>Twilight Princess

How can a man be so wrong?

>N64 launched with a great Zelda

N64 launched with 2 games, friend. Neither were zelda

>N64 launched with a great Zelda
>*actually not a launch title

>Wii launched with a great Zelda
>*better version on GC

The fact that some people you know bought the wii for TP doesn't mean it was the source of the console success.

The main source was because "muh wii sports" and "muh motion controls", not Zelda.

>triggered WWtoddler

>Successful system
what ?

Yea we get, your precious Zeldatoy is 6 days away, no need to make 15 threads an hour you degenerates

>wind waker
>TP on Wii

Trumps your non-existent sources though ; )

Got any?
PS : the people you know and yourself doesn't count as one.

pick one

Wii U never got its own zelda?

Nope. It only has Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, and the inferior BotW port. Even Hyrule Warriors got ported to 3DS pretty quickly.

So OP's entire post is incorrect as it stated it had a shitty zelda.

and what great zelda was he talking about for the Wii as it had the Twilight Princess shared with GC and then Skyward Sword.

bunch of contradictions man.

How lond must I wait untill pic related?

forever my delusional friend

End of year at the latest, I bet.

Well this thread ended quick. OP doesn't even know what he's talking about


Probably a good while. The good news for emulation fags and perhaps me down the road if I'm replaying, is that the frame drops in the game seem to imply it's not hard locked 30, it's skipping frames instead of slowing down the game. You can't play Wind Waker at 60 FPS because it will double the speed of the game, but it will probably be fine for this one. We'll see. I'm playing it on Wii U though, not waiting for that shit.

I'm right though, it was 1 year outside of Japan which is within the launch window.

You said "launched" not "launch window" you fucking retard
Also Zelda always sells MUCH better in the west than japan

Same shit, you fucking idiot. And the original Zelda sold well in japan.

>Implying TP was good and WW was bad


>Same shit, you fucking idiot.
>a game releasing at the same time as the console is the same as a game releasing a year later
You might literally be retarded.

>Wind waker

Glass yourself

>Wind Waker
>Shitty Zelda.

the switch wont be successful itll be a wii u 2.0

>BotW shills are underage

>Cartoony Cel shaded shit