S'up /v

S'up /v.

Some months ago I was reading a thread about this series and a lot of anons started saying that KH 2 FM had one of the best (if not the best) combat system in the action genre.

Well, I played through KH 1 and Re:Chain (which I might add liked a lot, even if it was really easy to break) and right now I'm playing KH 2 FM and I can't see what the fuss about the combat system is all about.

Maybe I fucked up by starting on normal difficulty or I'm doing something wrong, but I'm 20 hours into the game (by the part where you have to fight the 1000 nobodies) and every movement you make seems to be either automated or circumstancial triangle press.

Am I doing something wrong or did I got troll'd really bad?

Enjoying the series anyway, so that's that.

Bump with the shittiest final boss of all time.

>Maybe I fucked up by starting on normal difficulty or I'm doing something wrong, but I'm 20 hours into the game (by the part where you have to fight the 1000 nobodies) and every movement you make seems to be either automated or circumstancial triangle press.
It's this part.

You're completely missing out playing on normal, but that's fine for a first playthrough. The game has some 15 superbosses that are an absolute joy to fight.

It wouldn't call it a great combat system, but what I would call it is fun. Fun as fuck. And I imagine you're probably mashing X like everyone who plays the game and incorrectly thinks magic is worthless, which is kind of true on lower difficulties.

The difficulty, you mean?

Definitely do a playthrough again on critical after you're done and have fought the extra bosses. Critical requires some decent knowledge of the base game if you don't want to pull your fucking hair out.

Only Kingdom Hearts I played was Birth by Sleep on a psp I got for cheap. Quite enjoyed it, even basically replaying areas didn't really bother me since I was having fun.

I'm looking forward to playing 1 and 2 on the ps4 when the remastered collection comes out. I'm still a bit apprehensive about the price but it should have plenty of quality gametime so probably worth it.

I'm probably going to play through the others first.
I'm playing them by release date.

By the time I get into BBS, should I go directly for critical?

BBS Has one of the hardest critical modes. Honestly your first critical mode should maybe be 0.2. That is far down the list but easiest to digest.

>not the fucking nobody dragon

No it doesn't, it just has a tedious one.

BBS is dogshite nigger (if you are interested in good combat anyways)

It's addictive and fun but for all the wrong reasons

Basically it's all downhill from here lel

The only thing that can save KH at this point is KH3

BBS is easy as fuck even on critical, it's only hard with Terra and that's only the extra bosses, even then you can shocklock them to death if you are smart


When's the shit getting dropped on PS4?

It's over exaggerated in the community, it doesn't have close to the best ARPG combat system, it isn't an amazing action game on it's own right either

I agree with this user

BBS is like junkfood you got around the corner

KH2FM is like a fancy ass dinner you cooked yourself, while starving.

Next month


>KH2FM is like a fancy ass dinner you cooked yourself, while starving.

KH2FM is like you start screwing a nice hot pair of tits that are softer than toiletpaper and the extra bosses are you cumming your brains out from how fucking awesome your balls feel from hours upon ours of being rubbed softly

KH1FM is a hand job from a toothless hobo.
an important learning experience, but feels too stiff to enjoy

BBSFM is rawdogging a twink

KH1 is the only good game in the series. Compare Sephiroth from 1 vs 2. 2 relies too heavily on triangle prompts for its combat and just timing dodges.

>kh1 sephiroth
>Just spam aero to win

KH2 Sephiroth is just spam square and reflect to win, it's comparable

>The only thing that can save KH at this point is KH3

What should I expect from the DS-3DS games?

I've heard lot of mixed opinions.

So BBS is the best one?

Take whatever response Sup Forums gives you and halve that opinion

It's fun and addictive for all the wrong reasons

Not remotely true. I have a friend who's autistically obsessed with KH2 being the best action game out there, but he wouldn't ever touch Bayonetta or DmC because they're apparently just buttonmashers instead of the "perfect" combat of 2. He's also the kind of shitter that hates braking in driving games and blocking in fighting games because he thinks it ruins the experience. He sucks.

>alternative fun

B R I S B A N E ?

Does he post here?

He might be the guy who convinced me to play the games, lol.

>it's fun and addictive
but it isn't. It's repetitive and boring

the amazing world of opinions my man


>Playing on non-crit
There's the issue, and yes, there's a lot of pressing X and sometimes Triangle, you probably haven't realized how useful it is to mix magic into combos, how to use the square modifier attacks, or how to use magic to control your finishers with reflect and magnet.

It's really no different from something like a first person shooter in that complaining about mostly using the Right Trigger to shoot is too easy, the difference being KH2 has a lot of depth that you're not forced to use on lower difficulties. Play through on critical, or at least proud to start, then crit, and do everything. Fight Sephy, beat the Data Org XIII, and fight Terra. Spamming X tactics won't get you anywhere in most of the Data Org fights and absolutely stomped on by Terra.

or just meme it up and say the game is too easy, most people seem to enjoy that more than actually trying to learn the game beyond a surface level

No it doesn't, literally spam dodge.

Like clockwork.

KH2 on crit doesn't require anymore extra thought, it's not some super deep game like Ninja Gaiden, you just play a game of simon says with whatever boss you're facing. The mooks are still spam x and the story bosses are still easy as shit.

>hating on the ss darkness

I never said it was super deep, and the base game itself isn't quite as easy on crit, you have to keep your distance and keep in mind which reaction commands can get you killed, as well as chain attacks properly with square.

You're really not doing the same justice but if that's what you believe then fine, KH2 isn't as deep as other fans without a doubt, but saying the base story bosses are easy doesn't nullify the points I brought up at all, as I talked about the real content, the post-game fights

Restart immediately on Critical mode.

It's a very different experience, and it's not just "enemies have more stats".

Never play a KH game on anything lower than the highest difficulty. All the other difficulties are for literal children, as in case you're not aware, this is primarily a game series for children.

Maybe if you grind. You most definitely can't spam X to win if you don't, as many enemies will kill you in one hit.

Well I'm 20 hours in so I'll probably just finish it and replay it some time later.

Been playing this games without mixing with anything else, so I'm starting to feel a little burned.

358/2 days is awful, its terrible but has plot importance and character development and shit like that but from a gameplay perspective its definitely the worst KH.
Re:Coded is super fun but contributes pretty much nothing to the overall plot with the contribution it makes being summed up in one sentence. Definitely worth playing since its really fun with all sorts of different gameplay mechanics for every world e.g. Olympus Colosseum is turn based with Sora teaming up with Herc and Cloud.
DDD is fun and really important to the plot but adds time travel to the already infamously convoluted story. It has you swapping back and forth between Sora and Riku which not everyone is a fan of, I personally think it helps with the pacing of the story making it flow really well and if people just wait before fighting a boss they can go in with the drop gauge full so they don't have to worry about dropping in the middle of a fight.

Overall they are fine but just watch the cutscenes for 358/2 days and save yourself the hassle.

>1 hit killing enemies

Truly a mastery of 3D game design.

358/2 Days has generic combat but a very good story and atmosphere. Still worth playing over watching the trunctuated movie version.

Re:Coded has solid and varied gameplay but pointless story.

3D is all around good, an improvement on the BBS combat with a ridiculous but entertaining story and a great soundtrack. Combat is still unbalanced/easily broken/occasionally frustrating/lacking in depth like in BBS though.

>Liking the SS darkness
there is a reason why you didn't make it to become a master you know.

If you get hit by a clearly telegraphed attack(which all the OHKO ones are) you don't deserve a second chance, user. You don't get a second chance if you fall down a pit in Mario either.

Kingdom Hearts always lets you start right on the same fight anyway, there's no "fake difficulty" involved.

Wtf i love mysterious figure now

You're not far in yet if you actually went into this looking for great combat.

All the stuff people praise about the KH2FM combat is post-game, where there's a bajillion extremely well-made optional bosses waiting. Without using guides you're looking at 100 hours of playtime, so you should still restart now if you want to see what the fuss is about.

Finish the main story and restart on critical. It sounds like a stupid "just gimp yourself" excuse, but in critical mode it's almost the opposite and you suddenly see how useful some of the limits and summons can be and how bad some abilites are

>It sounds like a stupid "just gimp yourself"
You get way more AP and Abilities to start with in critical mode right?

KH1 is objectively cancerous for its camera and clunky platforming.

KH2 is mediocre in 2017, but it was good back then.

>hates braking in driving games and blocking in fighting games because he thinks it ruins the experience

He'll fit right in!

Yeah and a big attack boost so you don't deal chip damage like in BBS

Tbh I finished kh2 on critical without using a single summon, and the only magic spell I used was reflect. It wasn't that difficult, maybe comparable to DMC

As much as I love Bayonetta and DMC1/3, KH2's combat at its best really is better than those.

The core difference is in the enemy interaction. In Bayo/DMC, while there's a lot of depth to the controls and the bosses are more spectacular than in KH, the systems kind of fall apart and boil down to "dodge/block like hell, then spam combos for a while until the enemy's next attack" when you're up against the most challenging opponents. This is the same as more recent KH games like BBS.

KH1 and KH2 meanwhile have much more dynamic interactions between player and enemy. If you hit the enemy's sword mid-attack with your own sword, you'll deflect them with a satisfying visual effect and possibly open them up for a counterattack. If you manage to hit the enemy once, you can keep pummeling them as you force them backwards, ending with throwing them clean across the room with a combo finisher. Yet they're always so expertly designed that you don't get to keep the upper hand forever - eventually they'll get their opening to counterattack and you'll be the one on the receiving end of their onslaught and having to dodge, heal through it or defend against it. This kind of impactful back-and-forth lets you both feel powerful as fuck while still being in awe of the enemy's own strength, and while vanilla KH2 never really sells it because the game is too easy. the FM version with its new difficulty and tons of new bosses is fucking sublime, requiring you to learn all the nuances of the battle system and providing a high level of extremely fair challenge that is also extremely varied.

You probably only finished the story then. And also have a malfunction in the fun center of your brain.

If there's no reason to use them then there's no reason to try it out. It's an option for a reason, you aren't forced. I went through the crit on KH2 without using summons outside of leveling them up for the sake of it. The extra bosses aren't very hard, it's glorified simon says, they aren't a pinnacle of game design.

Yeah, you're probably autistic.

Never said I didn't like the game, just that people exaggerate the depth and what's required to beat it on critical

While I understand that it demands your precision and it's challenging on it's own right, the thing about DMCs/Bayo combat that people like is being able to express themselves through the combo/weapons systems. That's why you see so many videos on combos on these games, and people have utterly different experiences while playing them.

Whilst the skill floor of Critic mode in KH 2 FM might be higher than these games, the skill ceiling is clearly superior on other hack n slash games.

If you're playing KH2 Final Mix, there's post game content with 14 bosses that require actual strategy rather than just overcoming them with stats or mashing X.

The rest of the game is mashing X though.

>that "Defeat all the enemies" popup that stops the game before every battle
Is there any way to disable that? It seriously drives me nuts. I fucking hate it.

Yet all the DMC/Bayo playstyles boil down to the same thing - "hit/shoot the enemy with weapon repeatedly, dodge or block when needed".

The possibilities are more varied in KH, with its summons, party members, limit attacks, various drive forms all with different gameplay styles, and customizable ability setups. On top of that KH still has the same basic elements of the other games, like launchers for mid-air juggling, weapon selection and generic magic attacks. The only thing KH is missing from the other games is the more seamless combination of melee and ranged attacks, but I never really missed that. Also Witch Time from Bayonetta, obviously, but that's a gimmick KH doesn't need - it's too much of a crutch feature.

It's a bad meme by fanboys who think 1 hit death + air tech + pretty = good system.

Regardless of difficulty Sora's base form is balls slow and all forms lack weight. Many of his attacks have magnetic properties that make whiffing harder than it should be. The enemy design is still very basic and mobs still spawn annoyingly often.

It's a pretty good system, but not amazing and the game itself is poorly designed. KH1 is more fun to replay despite worse controls, less tech and a shit camera because enemy variation and balance is way better and the game is less tedious.

What are some better ARPGs?