Enojado Eduardo
Why did he get so fat?
How many gyms have $7 memberships?
What was his name again?
Is that Hapless Habanero?
he looks more ethnic as he gets fatter
>he looks more American as he gets fatter
he need to lose some weight to looks more angry
Sup Forums jealous of True Love
You realize Mexico beat out America as the most obese country in the world, right?
what a big guy
Oh, Amigo Toyota loose some weight
>True Love
isn't she only with him because he's "famous"? wasn't she a groupie or something?
Fatty Fernandez
Post her tits
>left:looks kinda badass
>right:"damn I could use a soda right now"
proud pedro
the gravity around him seems to be morphing the background. what a fat ass
>Can you hear me?
>Yes Daniel I can hear you
Shes getting fat now from living with him.
>that other guy gets swoller and swoller
>joe gets fatter and fatter
you'd think he'd realize
She's got those crazy eyes man.
He doesn't know what he's getting himself into.
her head looks tiny compared to his now he's married to a gringo he can't get deported sad face
he's angry cos he's fat and he eats cos he's angry poor fat joe
did he stick his face in a bee hive
vidya gaems
Age and an overly comfortable lifestyle makes you fat.
This. I can see her losing her shit all the time over nothing. Not worth it.
no it doesn't, stuffing your face with chippotle and high fructose corn syrup does though
joes in his thirty's man he's not 50 that's no excuse to being like that unless the brothers got some kinda medical issue
What happened to his old tittymonster gf?
There's no excuse for being fat with a pot belly in your 50's either.
Is he hiding nuts in his cheeks?
>tfw over the years Angry Joe has got fatter, more manbabyish, less fun and worse at video games
>tfw at the same time Other Joe got /fit/ as fuck, is the fan favourite and generally is essentially for every show
>as soon as other joe leaves the stream it becomes a poorly lit view of AJ silently playing or sometimes whinging about a game
>Other Joe gets all the funny bits in sketches
can't entertain a girl with seven bucks
Gimme a quick rundown on this hombre
When you watch videos progressively from older to newer you see him unzipping more and more of the jacket. Now he doesn't even zip it anymore.
She looks like a fucking doll
And not in the good way
He probably didn't want to settle down or something, and got himself a new toy with that blondie.
Face like a blow up doll but SHE THICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
guys I found his 2020 photo
He did, he admitted that in the DBZ fusions video
casual clothes
Shitty lifestyle. He's also gotten sickly pale over the years and probably only his ancestry is saving him from looking like a zombie someone with his lifestyle would look like at that point.