What are your hopes for system shock 3?
What are your hopes for system shock 3?
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Waifus and simplified game mechanics.
I just want it to be like 1 or 2
That it won't suck. But it probably will.
Wait a minute...
that card?
Are we all in agreement?
Tentative hope but expected disappointment?
I'm curious about the enemies, will they look like the enemies in SS1, SS2 or a mix?
I personally think that the enemies in SS1 felt more creepier.. except maybe the midwife.
It had better be a standalone story, unless they only want to sell it to people who have been playing games for 30 years.
I want cyberspace levels to come back
Pretty much.
I thought Shodan was just a computer program, why the heck is there a giant face?
that's fanart
More tension
not unity like they are doing with the remake.
seriously fuck unity.
shodans original voiceactor would be nice if shodan even appeared in ss3.
shit tons of logs that you have to actually completely listen to or read to solve puzzles and progress.
also ss1 hacking.
>Weapon animations
more similar to 1 and 2 than bioshock etc
not holding out much hope though since otherside haven't produced underworld yet and what I've seen of that doesn't look that great...
Nothing. I don't want it to be made.
This. Also applies for any upcoming game ever.
Not sure why he's shitting on this so hard. The original Rebecca Lansing was a fucking disgrace. One of the worst voice actors in video game history. Even her fucking portrait was ugly
Is there a reason why devs gave us separated Med/Sci/A n R&D?
>its not the exact same to the original in literally every single way so its shit and anybody that supports it is dumb or a child
Is this guy serious? Is System Shock 1 the only game he ever played in his life and he worships it like a fucking deity or something?
More to the point these devs aren't really in it for the money.
How much can you realistically get from System Shock 1 fans? The game was never really popular.
this dude is a faggot
This guy seems like a total autist.
Really, as much as I loved 2, I hope it gets cancelled. It's not going to be good, and will just taint the series that died peacefully.
That it resembles system shock and not bio shock
wait she actually has a giant robotic face
I thought that this was a hologram or tv screen
Wait, who's making it? I'm pretty sure 2k doesn't own the franchise.
In fact, I thought Bioshock was just made as a replacement for system shock.
That it gets cancelled so its not another legacy fucking ruined.
Do not ask things of the monkey paw
It's got Spector behind it right? What could go wrong?
aside from consolization
Otherside Entertainment is making it, and yes Warren Spector is on the team.
These guys called Nightdive studios got the rights to the franchise and kickstarted a remake of System Shock 1. They're the guys that released System Shock Enhanced Edition and put out that proof of concept demo online last summer. System Shock 3 is now being headed up by Warren Spector, Sheldon Pacotti, Paul Neurath, and Tim Stellmach, all System Shock 1 and 2 and bioshock devs. They're also bringing back Terri Brosius for SHODAN's voice again.
Honestly I have faith and even backed the kickstarter
>At the end of the second game, Shodan downloads herself into a human woman called Rebecca Siddons, leaving a cliffhanger. This will be the starting point of System Shock 3.
>"We are going to be picking up all of the loose threads of System Shock 2. Rebecca Siddons is going to appear in this game, for sure," he said.
>Spector pointed out that there are six survivors from the previous games. Their stories will all be addressed in System Shock 3 as well. Among the NPCs, there's Shodan and Siddons as well as her colleague, Tommy Suarez. The story will also include Rebecca Lansing, who was the player's human guide in the first game.
>Also, the game will feature the two previous protagonists: the hacker from the original game, and the soldier from System Shock 2.
I think the real question is will there be SHODAN fanservice?
why is shodan alive?
Didn't you play the second game? She ascaped.
No intrusive cutscenes interrupting gameplay or special snowflake characters shoehorned in.
She downloaded herself into some woman who managed to escape the spaceship with his boyfriend.
then what is this ending cutscene where you shoot her
is that just you being a cheeky bugger?
or did I miss some shit after that happens
System Shock flavored Call of Duty™
whoever wrote that article is such a fucking smartass
this happens after you shoot her, there is a cutscene of a spaceship and shodan taking the form of a human
Who are the survivors? did i miss a lot of logs? I thought only soldier and the couple escaped. And one of them are corrupted by SHODAN
Shodan, Siddons, Tommy Suarez, Rebecca Lansing and you.
Don't know the about others
Prbly Citadel survivors or their family
Prbly a guy who created SHODAN