This is AI-chan(male?)

This is AI-chan(male?)

She(he?) plays steam games.

Other urls found in this thread:

Idoltalk goes on
Please use the sage function properly on /jp/
Thank you very much.

>When she plays games
No user, you are thr shitposter here

She's cute and I like the comedy but you don't need to keep talking about a Youtube meme on Sup Forums.

We went through this several times already.

One out of 40 videos dosn't make it videogame related.
All e-celeb shit is not allowed on Sup Forums.
Pointing the fingers at other and saying "they do it too" isn't helping anyone.

You have a functioning thread without shitposting on /jp/.
So why not use that one instead of starting a shitposting thread here?

Please use the proper boards for your interests.

i'd shill my waifu's gaming channel

hypocrites. I still see pewds threads and they don't get deleted.

buttmad cuck detected

I think I just told you that all e-celeb garbage needs to be deleted.
There is nothing hyprocritic there.
And I said that pointing the finger at others isn't helping anyone either.

You have a functioning thread without shitposting on /jp/. Use that one.

This guy is right and you know it. Kizuna is not video games.

He's just trying to help you get the discussion you seem to want.

AI is the future, m8. Just let it happen.

>normalfags discover their 1st waifu and proceed to spam her everywhere
How about you go back to your 3DPD? You've already ruined her channel commment section and these threads with your memes

Ai-chan really makes me feel like we're living in the future
like some Psycho-Pass or Ghost in the Shell episodes, where they go online and there are people following and worshiping made up idols, who are basically just 3D models with fake personalities
this is some cyberpunk shit

>I still see pewds threads


She will never be my wife and that makes me want to shoot myself.

I never used to like him but Punished Pewd is quite good.

bumping for based ai-chan

She already has a boyfriend that she fucks every night while rolling on money she has made from you pathetic fucks.

doujins when?

You are aware that the more you force it, the more normies will get to know her?
More contrarians will flood these threads telling you to fuck off?

You can avoid all of this by just using the proper board designed for this sort of thread.

welp, tell that to mods or go cry and suck jap moot cock in /vip/

>This is cancer

please, stop shitpost with my touhous

It's normalfags, not normies. Only normalfags themselves say nornies and they've already invaded these threads and her channel. Whole comment sections are filled with cringy meme shit

Weeb scum

You are aware that the more you respond the more he will force it?

>your touhous
If I would do it for the (you)'s I would approach a complete different attack

All I want for you guys is to get the thread you want.
And you won't find it here. It's on another board.

Thanks to OP and his continous threads.

>10+ continous threads in a row
End me.

It triggers me that this is called an A.I

Since its just an animated model synchronised by a human

This literally has nothing to do with Artifical intelligence

>opera-length sleeves
>not gloves

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to repeatedly make threads about this dumb bitch role-playing as an AI on the internet. If your goal is to be one of the big shitposting spammers you're doing a great job.


>shitposters actually try to trick people into thinking they're helpful and not shitposters
This is pretty insulting desu


where do you think you are?



So this tech can be use with MMD models? Touhous went?


The meaning changed

You were born just in time to see the rise of the cyber era. This is only the beginning. 30 years from now shits going to be insane

dumb weeb. stop rationilizing it bumb

Normalweebs were a mistake.
Hipsterweebs were a mistake.
Sup Forumseebs were a mistake.

post AI pics

Weeaboo lost it's blow like Wapanese did. we need a new word.


Normalfags manage to ruin everything

The ammount of people who actually are dumb enough to believe its a real AI is surprisingly huge if you read the youtube comments.


Her channel is run by a company, the script is made and given to a voice actress and the motion capture is done by some dude, it's all made up you stupid weebs!

fuck dude I had no idea


Shit I thought she was real people.

So which one of the videos are these screens from?


I refuse to believe my waifu is voiced by another person and has scripted dialogue.

Shut the fuck off you ignorant weebs, how can you like something that's is not real, that's is all made up by some suits?

So, this is a male or girl with motioncap playing games?

Anime is real.
Trump made it real.

it doesn't make her any less cute and I'm not giving them any money
why the fuck should I care
I guess I should stop watching anime too because it's all fake

She is a girl (software)

>The look of total despair when she learns she can't jump
I cried.

Anime isn't real user, it's all fake!


That's my wife you are talking about bud, I suggest you back off before anyone gets hurt

How do we get rid of ironic weebs?


The one getting hurt is you!

*Teleports behind you
*"My your soul find peace in the afterlife"
*Stabs you with hidden poisonned blade

We dont know how (s)he does it.

I do imagine (s)he uses MMD, theres mocap tools available, tho its just basic animation thru a simple kinect rig.

How she talks live? Thats the actual mystery.

It's a combination of technologies really.

Also stop implying she is male, because she is not, she is fabricated to think, sound and act like a girl, so she is in fact a girl

It feels like a really good mocap program. Sorta like them Neptune avatars chat thing

If it werent made by suits, the i would believe theres a real person there.

Now the question is, why the fuck are we wathcing commercially made content by suits?

Cause it's something different and, this is the biggest factor, cute.

Yeah, what he said. She's a girl (male) because we say so.

Throws leather jacket to the side

"Well well I really didn't want to do this hut you leave me no choice."

takes out 2 double sided katanas with diamond encrusted blades and leaps in a single motion behind you and whispers

"You really thought you had a chance against me... I have power that is beyond this realm silly human"