Is Fang /ourguy/?

Is Fang /ourguy/?

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>Couldn't hit on Karin

Not /myguy/

>playing on PC

Literally kys-tier.

I need to see Fang and Nepnep being lazy together

No need to be upset, Timmy. Maybe your mom's boyfriend will let you play on his PC if you ask real nicely.

Are these good?

Fang wasn't that damn vulgar in Japanese, damn.

>implying Jerome has PC

Yes yes onso has you finished that game yet.

>Implying Fang gave a fuck about women in the first place
Its all about food for him, also he isnt clueless about them.

>playing on Hard
>shit's tough but feels balances, when I fuck up it's because I have bad placements or generally eat shit
>most bosses thus far have 2-3k HP
>get to the optional Fury where you are tasked to kill 2 NEO Giants
>15k hp each

>[Power Rangers intensifies]

Yes, it's literally anime: the game.

What I do is focus on breaking their guards and see how much have it left with Harley scan skill so as soon I break them spam special attacks to deal damage, also dont forget spells like paralyze and seal magic/skills works against bosses, Any status changed from the swords affect BOTH you and the enemy, meaning if there is more damage is for both of you and same for defense/use more SP.

Yeah I got 'em down eventually. They have a shit-ton of HP and defense but don't hurt too badly.

That being said my party is built very defensively.

It was just the sudden spike in sheer HP that caught me off-guard.

This is a very different game above "normal" difficulty.

I'm actually on that fight right now when I saw this thread. Weird coincidence.
If this is the fight you guys mean that is?

>Power Rangers
Get educated fag
The review the game's director had with some english site mentioned their toku inspiration, to the point they got a guy who wrote for Rider to write the plot(suprisingly he did a better job than his Rider series)

Why are all the furys in this game so fucking lewd?

wait, what? They got one of the KR writers?

>Toshiki Inoue

I wasn't interested in this game before, but this change things

Because the designers market their products to sad, lonely betafags.

How can you tell when you're doing "part damage" in this game? I know I'm a mongoloid and that this was probably explained in some tutorial I didn't catch, but does anyone know?

It would seems so since Neo enemies are only in those sub events as bosses.
I like all the Furys including male ones, the C rank flame one looks like an older Fang, but its all laughs and shit until you are a female Fairy and get a Harley "Inspection"
I think its a small yellow number that show ups under the HP

>I think its a small yellow number that show ups under the HP

Oh, is THAT what that is? I'm guessing that when the edge of the screen "shatters" red, it means I destroyed a part too?

Yes also is noticiable in most enemies since for example, some monsters lose their masks and parts of the body like horns.

>I'd rather be at home sleeping.

I literally just now noticed that everyone in this univers has only one nasal.

Except Fang. Who doesn't have any.

>My feet hurt
>This music is too loud

He really is our guy.

It's pretty good. Worth checking out if you want a nice light-hearted JRPG that never goes full-retard like KH did.

Why even compare the two?

people tend to compare Fang with Sora

Because they're bot incredibly light-hearted affairs. Where one remains so throughout the game, while the other gets too convoluted and involved in it's own philosophy "for there to be shadow there must be light" crap.

Is this game actually fun? I finished Berseria a while back and looking for a new jrpg to play

I expect rivers.

Eryn = Galdo > Tiara > Pippin > Harley > Ethel >the rich shitter i forgot

Yeah, I enjoyed it. What do you look for in a JRPG?

>Ethel that low
>Not even remembering Marianna's name and having her that low

I don't have very high standards to be honest, just want the characters to not be insufferable and the story to be at least mildly interesting. Classic turn based battles are always a plus but I don't mind different battle systems, not sure what this game's is like but I will look it up.


I meant Sherman, didn't even use Marianna

I'm playing this game and Fang seems like he belongs in a shoujo manga as the main character, like, he's totally that stereotype.

>just want the characters to not be insufferable and the story to be at least mildly interesting
Get this game, has both things, good characters and an interesting history, you will like it.

Awesome, I heard this version of the game is also a huge improvement over the original

*whips out dick*
He certainly is.

The characters in this game are the absolute crown jewl. Fang especially is very human, and goes through one of the best character arcs I've seen a JRPG character experience in years. The dialogue between the characters is also stupidly well done.

The story, which I won't spoil for you, has a few really neat twists and turns. Even though it does start of a little generic. It takes a little while to get going but when it does it's great fun.

It's turn-based, so you'll enjoy that, but it has a very fluent turn-based system that'll all about positioning and aiming templates juuust right for max effect. There is literally no rush though. Not a single aspect of this game requires timing in any sense so you can play at your own pace.

Sounds like a great fit for you.

It is. A lot more content to be had.

The original game was criticized heavily for being too easy. So if you're a veteran of the genre you should at LEAST put it on "Hard". That difficulty will beat your ass plenty.

"Hell" is for the masochistic.

All these difficulties and extra dungeons and character clothing and endings are all new content.

How is the new one compared to the older one? Looks pretty similar to the old one.

Well it's essentially the same game. The visual improvements are with the internal rendering and the UI now looks a lot better on higher resolutions.

Of course there's more content too but that's pretty much it.

The transition from the old game's "normal" difficulty is a big leap though.

I'm still sad that for all the positive reaction this game got, even in it's inferior PS3 version, CH never decided to put it on the same level as Nep, but I guess that was hard to do when both games were made with the same team so they couldn't keep developing both at once

>Toshiki Inoue
Thought he might have been a main writer for Blade, turns out he only did a few episodes with one of them being that whacky amnesia episode

It just doesn't feel right

It has the base game story with some small changes and 2 new routes, a few new areas and this one being my favorite. 6 party members in the field at the same time and enemies on Hard arent a joke even normal ones, you need use items/Status Spells and use more your skills and magic. Using normal attack on bosses wont mean shit for them unless you are aiming to break their guards.


>Craaaaawling in my skiiiiiin....

>Idea Factory
>Compile Heart
Absolute dogshit

Why don't they make new games with these girls like they do with neptunia?

Especially Eryn she is super hot

She's flat and has wings on her butt.

Honestly, I think part of the reason is that this wasn't suppose to be a "cute girls doing cute things" game, like Nep.

Fang is clearly the character the team put their focus on in FFF. It's pretty clear that they tried telling one of their tales from a male perspective instead.

That being said Nep has sold way more than FFF ever will so maybe they'll see the entire concept as a failed experiment.

Which is too bad, because I like the Nep games but I loved FFF.

They definetly didnt see it as a failure, but it seems they didnt want to drag FFF out, I guess its kinda like with Square Enix, FF is their main series but they still do other things, for CH the main is Nep but they also experiment with other ideas, like Seven Pirates, Mary Skelter, Omega Quintet etc

FFF was okay.

Neps a best.

Is CH considered a double-A game developer? Or is this a single-A thing? In terms of size and profitability I mean.

I love neps and Blanc is best nep but FFF had something nep never had, competent male characters, it was really refreshing to see a game in the same style and 80% same gameplay but with guys, Fang is great, Galdo was enjoyable, Apo was fucking fantastic for a "The sword is my soul" character and other guys were pretty good as well

I think CH is pretty much Gust-scale, but still below NIS-level as far as size and things like that go

He has good tastes at least

They're marginally improved Nep games with less shitty reference humor, for what that's worth.

Yeah it's tons of fun.