Nintendofans don't want you to see this
Nintendofans don't want you to see this
>photoshopping tweets
what is wrong with you
How shit is the bluetooth on this thing?
Fuck off
Oi, I usually go to sleep watching some Netflix on the Wii U gamepad but over the pass few weeks for some reason the signal has been weak and feels like something is always obstructing the gamepad even though I didn't change anything around and it was perfectly fine before.
If this is a thing already, it's going to get worse with the Switch.
It's IR
The Wii U pad is pretty bad.
>even though I didn't change anything around and it was perfectly fine before.
That's not how reality works, buddy.
Day 1 patch is already confirmed to fix the left joy-con issue.
It's both joycons, tard, watch the fucking video.
Also, the last time I used the tech that had such issues was IR remote from old TV.
But this is bluetooth, not IR, right?
>my dad works at nintendo
Shit dude. Are the controllers running on IR or some other LoS bullshit?
Seems like both joy cons can be effected.
either way its not a problem, since their is a day 1 patch coming to fix a few issues
seems like only AMERIFATS get btfo
You have 1000000000000000 seconds to come up with a source
>since their is a day 1 patch coming to fix a few issues
yeah, random twitter dude said so, must be true :^)))))
Nintendrones in charge of spelling
If the bluetooth transmit signal power is low enough, your hand can be enough to distrupt the signal
>day 1 patch will fix defective hardware
nintendrones pls
Breaking News: I heard from my friend Regie at Nintendo that BotW will be upscaled to 4k and run at 90fps as standard via a day one patch.
I wonder how a software patch is gonna fix an inherent hardware flaw i expect widespread issues and recalls. Nintendo loses again.
>issue that has only plagued a few american journalists (no one in EU and elsewhere)
>will be fixed with day 1 patch anyway
literally a non issue
I wouldn't think it would be possible to even maintain a stable connection with transmit power that low. They can't be using BT 4.2.
what d'you mean?
He said on UPF that he can reproduce it if he stands 13 feet away in his home and turns around. Facing the console is no problem.
>>will be fixed with day 1 patch anyway
Have they said this or are you just pulling it out of your ass?
They probably are using non-spec bt to conserve power
damn, such a strange coincidence that only journalists were affected!
oh wait, you're a retard
gif related was not the fault of 1,2,switch being buggy or anything, it was precisely because of the desync issue.
Later on nintendo employees actively made sure that people stood the perfect amount of distance away from the console to prevent the desync. Meaning that nintendo is fully aware of the issue and are hiding it.
Get ready for class action lawsuit, friends
Bing bing waho- *desyncs*
Just cancelled my preorder bros
I can deal with no exclusives until 2018 ... PS2 graphics... bad framerates ... 2 hour battery life ... 720p at best
but this is to far ....
>let's fix this hardware problem with a software update
>LoS bullshit
Lower oesophageal sphincter?
Line of Site
>Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda. You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle. Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons that appear at night is to chop off their head and punt it into a river, like a goalkeeper trying to make a clearance.
>That third video's preview image
Why would you make something like that? I understand having a face on the preview increases the chance of it being viewed but something that hideous?
*also on wii u
*also on cemu
Good thing it's not a hardware problem then :)
Probably the person's trademark. Markiplier does the same shit.
wow I guess OP was right
pick 1 nintendningger
>Good thing it's not a hardware problem then
>source: my ass
>it's a hardware issue that cannot be fixed through patches
>source: my ass
He says his dad works at nintendo though.
I know he makes some goofy faces on some of the previews but I don't think I've seen him distort it like that.
nintendo is like a cult.
>problem occurs by physically blocking the signal from the controller
Is it not safer to assume it's a hardware issue?
I'm not even claiming it is a hardware issue, you're the one claiming it isn't despite having zero proof. I don't know what kind of issue it is. If it isn't a hardware issue then that's fine, provided they can fix it. If it is then they're fucked.
I wouldn't know, I thought I saw it in a thumbnail once or twice. Never watched the actual videos.
Noooo, they wouldn't dare. It would be like putting 3,5 inch floppy drive instead of sd card slot
>people didn't respond to my thread so now I will post my dumb shit in other threads, PLS PAY ATTENTION TO ME
Why are there so many shills tonight? Maybe Microsoft and Sony are panicking.
>Buying Day One Hardware
>Any company
You're just asking for trouble.
Just buy the $70 Pro Controller.
What are you, poor?
nintendo! nintendo! nintendo, switch! nintendo, switch! nintendo! nintendo!
This probably, they had to make a tradeoff between battery life and of the joycons and the responsiveness.
I wonder if the latency issues become better when you use the joycon grip in TV mode.
the stuff in that message is literally happening in this thread
Maybe they could've just included the charging grip with the Switch instead of the useless grip and made the Joycons functional.
How much is nintendo paying you to damage control this blunder?
Maybe they could have bundled it with the pro controller and sold the defective joy cons separately?
Wait, there are two grips?
Why? When did that happen?
Nice to meet you, shill.
The Wii U doesn't have this problem.
>Only game worth buying on the Switch is also on the Wii U with no differences in graphics or framerate
3.0 actually. 4.1 is used for god knows what but only available in tv mode.
You can't be this stupid.
that's a lot of cucks
Since the beginning. The grip that comes with the Switch doesn't charge the Joycons while they're plugged into it. But it DOES have actual electronic guts inside it, it's not just a piece of plastic.
The CHARGING grip is exactly the same, except it also has a plug on top so you can plug it in and charge the Joycons.
I can understand the Pro Controller thing but the grip shit is just stupid. People covered it up by saying "W-WELL THE JOYCONS LAST 20 HOURS ANYWAY SO IT DOESN'T MATTER" but if this turns out to be an issue with the Bluetooth signal strength that requires it needing to be boosted that WILL shorten the battery life, no way around it.
Yet another "accessory" that will basically be required.
He means the one that comes with the console isn't the one that charges.
Yeah it's completely impossible.
It's only a problem if:
1. They can't adjust the strength of the signal through a firmware update. Most controllers allow for this and it would be odd if these didn't. The joycons seem to have the same capability as the Xbox One and PS4 controllers to be updated through a firmware update.
2. The Bluetooth chip is already running a maximum capacity. If this is the case then there isn't any way to improve the signal. This is also unlikely.
I fucked up cropping
>Online never existed on Xbox before Microsoft started charging for it
>People laughed at the idea and a few moved to Sony with the next generation
>Sony does it this generation
>People conplained and Nintenfags / PCfats laughed at sony
>Nintendo does it, PCfats laughed and Nintenfags complained
I don't see a difference in the reaction, all I see is the console market shooting itself in the foot
Bluetooth is fucking garbage.
Why do companies develop new consoles instead of just patching their old ones to upgrade the ram, cpu etc?
I'm waiting for a bundle without the grip, dock and unnecessary gimmicks then.
Handheld mode seems to be the only thing that works.
This is nothing but a Handheld after all.
has someone outside america reported the same problems?
Things don't change for no reason.
It's called marketing son. Creating demand for artificial needs.
Wow what a non story
And? So long as the problem is fixed who cares?
They have 20 hour battery life and charge off the Switch itself.
>They have 20 hour battery life
This will be shortened if the Joycon fix turns out to be what everyone thinks it will be.
And I know they charge off the Switch, but only when you're not using it. They don't charge while in handheld mode.
It just seems fucking lame that the grip doesn't do this right from the start. Lame way to make a quick buck.
They're not fixing the problem though
>playing Peggle 2 on my PS4
>every time you hit a peg the controller lights up in a different color
>Nintendos will never know this feeling
>their controller doesnt even work
Oh no, now they will only last 17 hours or something.
This will severely impact my "playing for 17+ hours at a time without a break or stop gaming sessions where I also don't get to charge them, the switch or use a pro controller"
You're right, fuck me for wanting something other consoles have been doing for the past decade.
No one.
This never happened in any press event either.
It's just an issue with whatever firmware update they did to the review units.
this, they probably botched the values of the signal strength of the joycons, especially the left one.
will be fixed np
You mean the feeling of seeing the reflection of the shitty led on the screen?
Thank god.
It happened here though
Third youtube link in the OP is at a press event