Is it good?

Is it good?

Not on Xbox 360

The "amazing fighting system" is a huge meme.
Treat is as Diablo clone, but with TPP camera and it's fun as such.


I bet BotW will be most simmilar to dragons dogma.
the world feels the same, just huge fields with enemies to fight, and a few town hubs as possible.

One of my favorite games. Flawed as hell. Has a special atmosphere.

Fun magic system.

Its really shit. Sup Forums just likes it because its not popular

It's an amazing fucking game my dude. I recommend you to go through the whole game as the Warrior and just generally to not bother with the other vocations. You're gonna have a lot more fun this way.

loved it so much that i wrote a walkthrough for it in excel

it's definitely a flawed game, but it doesn't make the game any less enjoyable until after playing it for a long ass time.

Yes, but far from perfect.
The game would have been a 10/10 if it were more focused on dungeons, instead of having to slog through a boring, empty world for a good portion of it.

Its the Devil May Cry 4 devs attempt at making a fantasy RPG.

So basically: The game's strengths and weaknesses are pretty self-explanatory.

I will never finish it

Wrong faggot. The game is solid gold.

Sup Forums likes it because it's a loli dressup sim.

It's a fun game with big flaws but a bigger heart.

Wolves may or may not hunt in packs depending.

Its very flawed but i enjoyed it. honest tip is go with strider or assassin, and when you reach endgame ditch all companions and go assassin solo, pawns you use are somewhat okay most of the game but once the difficulty picks up late game in the expansion and post game after last boss they are SO UNBEARABLY BAD, they die fast and are useless 90% of the time, and you barely have control over them.

and? is that a bad thing?

You will either accept that this is a flawed gem or will hate it for it's flaws.

This. The combat and dungeon crawling is fun for a couple of hours, but it soon grows old.

I hear the DLC is worth exploring tho. Is it worth slugging through the main game to get to?

I liked it because you can fuck this.

It's great fun, but it has quite a number of flaws. Still one of my favorite 7th gen titles.

>tfw you will never get the Dragons Dogma Itsuno envisioned

I never said it was a bad thing.

>Not going with based magic archer
>Not going Magic knight with dope enchanted weapons
>Not going sorcerer with FUCK YOU spells

Do you even magic brah?

yes. on pc it is

Actual Dragon's Dogma sequel when? I want the Alchemist class in a good Dragon's Dogma game.

probably never, DDO seems to be what Capcom wants in a "sequel"

If you didn't do it the first time you will never make it.

whoops meant

the japanese will not bend their knee to western demands

Grindy and way too easy on all difficulties.

>the japanese will not bend their knee to western demands

ps4 port when?

It's fucking great on PC, but it has it's flaws.

It's a solid 8/10.

never, PC version is amazing

this, flawed as fuck but god it is so good

Flawed Masterrpiece