It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oblivion thread then.

Are there any other RPGs that do this?

Here is your (you), try harder next time

Oblivion is better than Gothic 2 in every conceivable way.

Explain how faggot

Any RPG ever?


You made the claim it's the best RPG ever, burden of proof is on you.

Scavengers, that's what we call the big birds, should be attacked one after another.
It's easy to lure single scavengers from the pack. If you come too close they'll become agitated, after a while they will storm towards your direction, and you should be waiting for them, with a raised weapon. If you strike the beast before it hits you, you have to keep fighting to be able to defeat the creature. If it hits you first, well just don't let them.

Deus ex: HR

smart kid


We haven't had a thread in a while

>world full of content that isn't empty as fuck like Bethesda games
>city actually feels alive unlike in Oblivion where the Imperial City has 10 NPCs
>NPCs don't look like potatos
>Great voice acting
>Inventory system that isn't consolized list
>harder and more challenging
>more comfy
>better music
>extremely rewarding exploration unlike in Oblivion
>no level scaling
>better art design
>more and better quality quests

so one "RPG" that's barely even RPG?


Nice, a bunch of non-arguments. Try again kiddo.

how about you name a few things that Oblivion does better than Gothic, instead of technology since Gothic 2 came out in 2002 and Oblivion in 2006

Real life.

i remember i found a route through the hills to the orc area and was feeling myself what a legend i am that i broke the game, then group of orcs broke me the next second



Gothic 2 was the most fun I had with combat in an RPG. Why no one designs it like that anymore?

This is the definition of autism.

But that's not Spellforce.

Are you talking about TES lore?

>non arguments
Jezus at least try hiding that you're 13

>Best RPG
>Graphics makes me puke
nice b8 m8 i r8 u 8/8

*blocks your path*

It's rather time for you to fucking off yourself, you sperg

Thanks for ruining all Gothic and Morrowind discussion this year, faggot, congratulations.

What was the point of forcing this meme? Is this falseflagging because you hate Gothic?

>Full of content
What content?
>city actually feels alive unlike in Oblivion where the Imperial City has 10 NPCs
You mean 192? Nearly all of which with unique dialogue rather than generic one-liners? Also the Imperial City isn't the only settlement in the game. Gothic fags have to resort to "muh Khorinis".
>NPCs don't look like potatos
>Great voice acting
You mean forced, immersion breaking voice acting?
>Inventory system that isn't consolized list
Play it on PC
>harder and more challenging
No it isn't.
>more comfy
Confirmed for never having played Oblivion
>better music
Gothic 2 literally doesn't have a single memorable track
>extremely rewarding exploration unlike in Oblivion
So Oblivion doesn't give you the best weapons immediately, terrible
>no level scaling
Level scaling keeps a game from becoming a cakewalk
>better art design
It's as generic as you can get, nothing sets it apart
>more and better quality quests
Oblivion has the best quests ever created for an RPG.

we already have an oblivion thread

>opinions: the post

>Gothic 2 literally doesn't have a single memorable track
This is how you now this kid never played any Gothic game maybe Arcania. Kai Rosenkranz writes godlike tier music.

>So Oblivion doesn't give you the best weapons immediately, terrible
No, it throws so much junk at you that you don't give a shit about 99% of the things you find. Gothic has more cotrol over it's economy so almost anything you find is useful

On a scale from nothing wrong to absolutely nothing wrong.

Where do you rate this Fereldan hero?

>Gothic 2 literally doesn't have a single memorable track

That is true. Gothic and Witcher are the only two series where the in-game currency is actually extremely useful.

It makes my OCD about looting and selling compulsively pay off. And I like that.

I give it a Snape out of Did absolutely nothing wrong.

Coming from a retard who has never progressed beyond Lobart's farm I'd totally believe it.

>mouse buttons
>not playing it entirely with keyboard

It uses like six keys, I just use a gamepad.

Too streamlined for me.

Oblivion has literally one of the best sound tracks in a video game ever. Not even Gothic can beat it.

Risen had a similar system. They even had the dashback+block move. Not surprising coming from a spiritual sequel but still.

Neo-Sup Forums.

>these obvious neo-Sup Forums Bethesdrones shitting up a Gothic thread

Nuke this board already.

Oblivion had a very memorable soundtrack, but so did Gothic 2. You'd have to have played both games and beaten them to tell for certain.

>fereldan hero

This Gothic Fag that keeps spamming every thread with his shit is actually making me consider buying Gothic?
Should i?

Having played the entirety of the first Gothic with the keyboard I welcomed the addition of mouse support in Gothic 2 wholeheartedly.

>spam the same shitty threads literally every single day while shitting on other games from the same genre
>"why are people shitting on Gothic
You made your bed nigger, now lie in it

This barely qualifies as a Gothic thread, it's just one sperg spamming the same stuff every day. I don't see why people don't just try and start a Gothic general on /vg/ or something.

Vanilla > NotR

>Bioware writing

I don't honestly know what you expected.

So did a bunch of shit wrong apparently


The mechanics and controls are modernized in a bad way. I mean sure, you can just control the whole game with one hand, but then what the hell does the other hand do? It's so awkward.

If you want a mechanically weird and unsatisfying aRPG with a damn good setting then Gothic 1 is totally worth getting. If you want the above with improved controls but an incredibly generic and boring setting then Gothic 2 is there as well I guess.

Either don't go in expecting the sloppy seconds of Christ or anything.

Pirate it if you're so fucking uncertain. The developer doesn't get the money anyway since the proceeds probably goes to whatever holding company that lent money to Jowood.

Up to you, it's a good series but the vast majority of the stuff this faggot OP says are blatant lies.
If you choose to buy it get the GoG version, the Steam one is a mess, install the community patches too.
>Implying a game without Greg is worth playing
Fucking landlubbers

>54 posts
>30 Unique posters

OP's the same, the "discussion", or whatever you want to call it, is actually genuine.

Most of the unique posters are complaining about OP. Again there's barely any Gothic discussion, this is basically the dedicated shitposting thread.

>start a new game with NotR
>find out NotR buffed all the wildlife


>Oblivion has literally one of the best sound tracks in a video game ever.
>generic Jeremy Soule music is the pinnacle of OSTs according to neo-Sup Forums retards

I wouldn't say most. I count exactly 5 posts in this thread and it's probably all you. Even the faggot saying Oblivion is better is contributing to a discussion since it's comparing the game in question to one of its contemporaries.

I came to shitpost and bring up the unique ID count.

the witcher 3

>make a thread about Gothic
>Bethesdrones go on full meltdown, praising Oblivion as the best video game ever made and basically behave like Nickelback fans on Sup Forums

Morrowind thread then?

>bumping the thread and inciting discussion

You tsundere.

Hold the fucking phone

Sup Forums has nickelback fans?

It was an analogy.

I think they're just shitposting.

But then again, I've seen people on Sup Forums who claim to like SIMPLE PLAN

I wouldn't know what should be "discussed" here anyways. This thread exists 100 times a day. I don't like to always compare the game to other RPGs that exist, we already did that a hundred times as I said above. If we could actually start the topic with recommending some mods which could be discussed (What's hard because most of the mods are not translated fully to english), it would be much better. But not only the L'Hiver mod.

No, it was just to show how laughably naive and retarded these people are, "like going on Sup Forums and praising Nickelback".

Just the DX11 mod should suffice. I know most the the discussion is recycled but it's always good to fill someone in who isn't familiar with the franchise. I personally liked the games and I want more people to play them and enjoy them like I did.

I was hoping that maybe we werent the worst board after all

Serves me right kek


no, daggerfall thread

Better to make another thread about Oblivion, Halo, Skyrim, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Horizon, Overwatch, WoW or console war shitpost general.

You know I tried playing Daggerfall.

The world was too big for my taste.


it's gonna be great if the Unity port gets done any time soon and people start modding it, filling the world with actual content

But what if we talk about actually good games?

>ywn venture into the woods at night for the first time again and get raped by a shadowbeast

So which one do I play Oblivion or Gothic 2?

>Gothic 2 literally doesn't have a single memorable track

Gothic 2 if you like immersible hand-crafted world full of content and life, with rewarding exploration and great atmosphere

Oblivion if you like big open world of nothingness with 0 life and boring generic NPCs, level scaling and shit world design

but it's Gothic 2 vs Morrowind not Gothic 2 vs Oblivion

Oblivion isn;t even in the same league, it's a piece of shit

I like Gothic 2 but I can't take the voice acting seriously sometimes

Maybe it's just the English voice overs

Surely it's not an official port. So it's a fan project right


How many reposts does it make?

wew lad


>Health bar

>try to shit on Gothic
>bring up Oblivion, one of the worst RPGs ever made

That's like shooting yourself in the foot, if anything you TESfags should mention Morrowind since it's the only game in the series that can be argued for being somewhat bearable. It also came at the same time G1 did.

