I wasn't able to preorder the switch and I'm not going to get scalped...

I wasn't able to preorder the switch and I'm not going to get scalped. How long before do you think I'll have a chance to buy one? It seems to be another wii situation, does Nintendo have another hit on their hands?

Just don't buy off scalpers.
Soon, everyone will buy a copy at the store and the scalpers will have 200 switches that they can't move.

They deserve this kick in the nuts.

I'll pre-order a special edition, when it comes out next year.

It was the same way with the Wii U.

>How long before do you think I'll have a chance to buy one?
After finishing Zelda some people will return theirs, so in the best case you'll be able to buy a used Switch 3 days after launch for a decent price. Worst case one week.


nice meme density, really checking all the boxes here

ya, fuck scalpers. I would rather wait 2 years. Just like the wii...

HE kinda has a point, I'm only getting my switch for breath of the wild then I'll keep it for about 2 months and if Nintendo don't announce anymore cool looking games (sorry but I was never a fan of splats on 2) I'm gonna sell it

Just go to a store that doesn't take preorders on hardware, you dip.

Target and Toys R' Us don't, IIRC.

Why are people shilling so hard?

How is it shilling? BOTW just got game of the decade, people wanna play the best version.

This, people will quickly realize they wasted money, if not, the controller desyncing issue will.

I'm not going to stand in line 4 days early. I'm okay with just waiting. It's not like there is much other than Zelda I want to play.

Most retailer say there will be a restock by the 13th of March

So you don't play much videogames, huh kiddo?

>sonyggers mad horizon is 85 metacritic tops

It seems to be another Wii U situation

hold on are you trying to merge two memes?

Who cares about score? Any idiot can see botw is timeless, classic, organic, inventive, dynamic, and warm-fuzzy. Hzd is stiff and flashy with no depth and a sjw/race-war agenda. There's only one choice for people who actually like video games.

I do actually. Next?

I've heard Toys-R-Us and Target didn't take preorders so if you can get to one of those early enough, you'll get one. Some Walmart stores will supposedly have separate stock from their preorders. Maybe you could call and check.

Give me your email. I'm willing to give away my switch pre-order at regular price

isn't that dangerous?