Why you don't have your Nioh/Bloodborne machine yet Sup Forums?
movie games no games shitty games weebshit bad grafix paid online 15fps 400p etc etc etc
>15fps 400p
op wasnt talking about xbone silly
fog blur low resolution no gameplay only cutscenes no games japshit
not interested in a soulshit box
>Complain about graphics
>90% of personal library is 8bit indie parodies
pc better games rts yes bread simulator good games good graphics mods steam million games no games ps4 consoles shit trash movies etc etc
Getting that switch.
this sums up Sup Forums during the last 2 weeks.
There are some months of the year that Sup Forums is simply worst than neogaf and /r combined.
It has no games, man. I wish it had more.
I already own one. Just finished Gravity Rush 2 on it and now I'll wait and lurk until Steam finishes the Shadow Tactics download.
Pc+Ps4 really is the peak of current gaming.
I'll wait for Bloodborne Remastered on PS4 Ultimate.
>I'll wait for Bloodborne Remastered on PS5.
i ordered a slim for $200
should arrive on monday
>PS5 announced for 2020
>3 more years of Sony winning
I have more games than this for my 3DS. PS4 has no games
go back to neogaf and reddit then
Is there a bundle that doesn't include Druckman's shitty fanfic on it for around that price?
Is it worth it for a PRO if I don't have a 4k tv? Doesn't it increase fps and graphics in games? I might get a 4k in the future but may be a year or 2. I want to play BB so bad.
Yeah. Nioh you get 1080p 60fps whereas regular you get 720p 60fps (with drops)
Anyone else played uncharted 4 and felt..."empty" after finishing it? I just did and it was whatever to me kinda unfortunate that I'll never play another drake game.
Any other games I'll enjoy if uncharted 4 was fun for me, would bloodborne be a satisfying game to finish?
Actually buying one today.
What should I get aside from Bloodborne? Not Nioh, waiting for the eventual Complete edition.
400€ is a lot for two games
Yakuza 0
Why is XCOM2 on that? Unless you are telling me you can get Long War 2 on consoles now.
I don't like Yakuza.
Because I'm smart and got a PC instead
Shovel Knight
Already got it on 3DS
Yakuza 0, Nier:Automata, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4, Ni-oh, Gundam Breaker 3
Persona 5 in a few months, NieR: Automata, and if you like that the Transformers Platinum game.
For now, simply because:
>expensive paid online
>multiplats are always better on PC
>no first-party or exclusive games that I care about
Once the PS4 gets RDR2, 13 Sentinels, and at least one other truly worthwhile game, I'll probably replace my PS3 with one. Until then I feel like the Switch better complements my PC.
>Ratchet and Clank
Is R&C up to par with the older games in the series?
I'd say its a p solid remake
>after the alpha changes
jojo reference?
Can someone give me the quick rundown?