Just sold all my consoles and got this bad boy

Just sold all my consoles and got this bad boy

What are some PC exclusive games I can play with it?

hope my list helped you OP


>PC exclusive
>playing PC for exclusive

shitpost harder

commander keen

PC exclusive lul


>Games will never come with 500 pages manuals, maps and whatnot anymore


Gonna just ask here, do you actually have a computer for that chip or just the chip?

>b-buy ps4 REEEEEEE

I love my PS4

>games are just a cheap-ass optical disc in a plastic box with a paper cover now
>sometimes not even physical media, just a fucking steam key
>still $60

My first PC was an AMD 386

Not OP, but I kept the mobo from my first PC as it wasn't worth selling. AMD 386 SX-40, 2MB RAM on 30-pin SIMMs... suspect I binned the i/o card and ISA VGA a while back. Also I don't think I have a keyboard that would fit into a 5-pin DIN connector anymore.

There's also an old SGI Indigo in the loft, old as fuck but I can't bear to part with.

why do you keep posting this image? do you think you'll get alot of replies? christ.

>SGI Indigo
Weren't those things ludicrously expensive back in the day?

where do i press X to win


>sonygers still buying plastic boxes filled with unplayable pre-alpha trash

Aye, they were. Four figures in ukĀ£ for something that would be outperformed by nmy rasbpi.

>what is inflation
Games are cheaper than ever now.

Dont you mean devaluation of fiat currency?

Games are the same price.

Id love to build an old 386 or 486 PCs one of these days.

>Not one title that looks interesting
How do console players cope with such a limited library?

$60 was a lot more in terms of opportunity cost back in the day.


Doom at 160x100 low detail.

Children these days believe, things get cheaper by devaluation of fiat currency.
This is American education (Common Core).
They get literally fucked over by Wallstreet and they believe it's good for them.
>$60 was a lot more in terms of opportunity cost back in the day.
And? If you kept $60 around instead of buying a game, you won't get more games for it today. That is the proper meaning of "cheaper".

Indigo WS guy here. Why?

I build 386 and 486 PCs back in the day and it was horrible. Cases were shit, horrible sharp-edged mild steel chassis that would guaranteed cut fuck out of your hands as soon as you looked at them.

Then there was the joy of setting IRQs manually via jumpers or DIP switches. Christ, when the pentiums came out it was brilliant because all of a sudden you had i/o on the mainboard, rather than a separate card. Anyone remember the clusterfuck that was VLB?

The machines were also horribly inefficient in terms of power use versus processing capability. Disc access was painful on 40-pin IDE.

If I wanted a low power box I'd go for a pi or an ALI based system (have one of each in front of me at the moment in fact) and if I hankered for one of the older OSs I'd use virtualisation.

But I am interested to hear why you'd want to do such a thing; hey, I'd probably have a few spare parts I'd be happy to donate.

>Doom at 160x100 low detail.
user remembers.
OP's pic was inside his first PC in 1993.
Yet it still BTFOd all that Intel 286 and 386SX garbage a poorfag could afford instead.

>it was horrible
Only the chink clone garbage, because it was cheap and everyone got that trash from his corner PC store. It literally fell apart after a year or so, but nobody cared, because it was obsolete by then anyway.
IBM still made proper PCs (as did other American companies), but poorfags couldn't afford them.
There were no chink SGI clones, which is the reason why they had better build quality.

if you're lucky you might get two whole frames per second in quake

quake needs an fpu to run, so unless he has an 387 co processors its not happening

>Only the chink clone garbage, because it was cheap and everyone got that trash from his corner PC store. It literally fell apart after a year or so, but nobody cared, because it was obsolete by then anyway.
>IBM still made proper PCs (as did other American companies), but poorfags couldn't afford them.
>There were no chink SGI clones, which is the reason why they had better build quality.

Agree with some of this - but it's also quite location based. Where I live there wasn't any real computer shops within a 30-mile radius. Ordering stuff off the internet was about a decade in the future. Therefore getting hold of any tech was pretty difficult.

Corner PC store? Not round this corner of the world.

It's a DX, IIRC these had the coprocessors built-in.

RE4 is god-tier user.
Probably not so much on ps4 though.

Actually, I'm wrong. DX was used to indicate the FP co-pro on the 486, but on the 386 it referred to whether the data bus was 16 or 32 bit.

In my first world country PC stores were popping up left and right since 1990. Larger cities had even malls dedicated to them, where you could visit a dozen stores at once and compare prices.
But they all sold literal electronic waste made by chinks, because that made them money.
Nobody imported expensive PC brands to get their 5-10 % from it.

Also first world country, but where I live was a predominately industrial area and was fairly depressed during the 1980s and early half of the 1990s - therefore there wasn't really the economy to support that sort of outlet.

Hell, in the town I live in now, we have about three small shops that sell anything PC related, though these days I suspect it's because anyone wanting to buy anything substantial will go online.

>tfw too used to handholding in modern games
>tfw older games just confuse me

Play Lemmings, dude.
It's the most viable MS-DOS era game

>It's the most viable MS-DOS era game
That's an Amiga game with an IBM PC port however.


>tfw too used to handholding in modern games
Haha, I feel you
>play modern games with BatVision/WitcherSenses/SurvivalInstincts[tm]
>replay 2000s era game
>can't find shit anymore, because it doesn't light up like a Christmas tree.