What are some games where people mistake broken mechanics for difficulty?
What are some games where people mistake broken mechanics for difficulty?
I don't know OP, why don't you tell us, since you know so fucking much???
What makes you say that?
Not Bloodborne. But I would day dark souls. The parry and backstab seem dodgy as fuck
Is this the fighting game thread?
Just input 50 buttons in perfect sequence or you aren't
playing the game
Oh you didn't memorize the matchup for all infinity characters? you lose.
No it's perfectly fair that my character beats the shit out of your character 9 times out of 10. Just adapt.
Which boss made you its bitch OP? Go one and tell us we won't judge.
This game isn't even hard, I just killed Logarius on my first attempt and I'm only level 170.
>Notably hard at all
The Orphan is a fucking asshole in phase 2 because he goes CRAAAZZZEH and breaks lock on randomly but nah. Rest of the game is pretty easy if you level accordingly and have a +10 weapon end game with even mediocre gems.
I just got to the undead giant and holy shit he's so fucking difficult. How the fuck are you supposed to beat this guy. I feel like invincibility frames don't work against him 90% of the time.
I know you're memeing but
>a input you can literally do but doing forward and then a qcf to get in pretty much every game you can cheese the real input away. Or hold forward and do a qcf during a combo to make sure it comes out. Also i don't see how beating someone 9-1 is unfair when if that is happening its largely because they suck ass in comparison to you or just period.
Booodborne is neither broken nor particularly hard.
It's almost as if you have to put some effort into getting good at some things.
Which area was this boss in? I am bad with names. But if you do the strat of staying on the butt, you'll win 90% of bosses with relative ease.
I beat my first playthrough at lvl 70 with 50 Skill.
Game is slightly harder than your typical interactive movie "game."
>i-it's broken
>a-artifica difucklyty1!11!!!!
Welcome to nu-Sup Forums, mentlgen.
>Just put in effort for a hundred hours then you might be able to play the game as it was designed to be played
It's shit design that no one wants to deal with, not difficulty
As far as I recall the sides are usually much safer in Bloodborne, since a lot of bosses have xboxhueg attacks if you go behind them, but at their sides you only have to worry about swipes which are relatively easy to iframe through.
>this game is difficult!
Who cares.
>this game sin't difficult!
Who cares.
Literally the first Chalice Dungeon. I headed straight for it as soon as I killed the blood letting beast.
See, I've tried that but he has two aoe attacks that hit behind him, one of which is easy enough to dodge, but the other hits for like 60% of my health, has virtually no startup lag, and hits faster than you can dodge. It doesn't help that I'm totally out of blood vials.
When the barrier to "fun" is a minimum of 20 hours learning an esoteric control scheme combined with a level of mechanical arbitration completely beyond reason, what you really have on your hands is a shit game.
Plenty of titles have learning curves that don't involve being absolutely useless at the game until you've sunk 30 hours into it.
Good bait OP. In reality though, where the rest of us live, it's most turn-based RPGs.
Or you could not be a shitter and be decent on day one because you have good fundamentals and hand-eye coordination.
Just play earlier fighting games for hundreds of hours so you can be better in a new fighting game!
Good proof that it doesn't take time investment. You nailed it.
Oh! The chalice dungeons are actually quite difficult if you aren't built sufficiently for them (I'm on a depth 3-4 chalice at the moment and getting anally ravaged at lvl 96). For this guy, I would dodge backwards and blunderbuss often. Also, if you have lightning paper, you will always get an extra second for more attack spam.
I dunno, I would always aim to be behind them. But thinking on it, I didn't end up there often.
One of the bosses I had a lot of trouble with was in the frontier. But I ended up cheesing him by getting him to jump onto a side and he got clipped into a the cliff and unable to move.
Undead giant I think it's called?
I severely underestimated him.
Or you could have a brain and not spam, focusing on spacing and defense, in the meantime developing muscle memory.
>Just spend dozens of hours learning the game so you can play it properly
That's exactly the shit that makes it awful you dumbass.
Bloodborne is easy as shit though.
This goes for almost any PvP game, otherwise the game wouldn't have any players in x hours if scrubs can come in mashing buttons and keys to win. If you can't be bothered to learn to play, don't play. (Or you could beat up the CPU).
Only Ludwig, Orphan of Kos and Chalice bosses are hard. Maybe Logarius until you figure out that you can just shoot his dagger as soon as he plunges it. You just have to learn to be aggressive, use rallying, shoot shit and not to stand too long near the boss.
I beat him the other night. Apparently I popped something on his leg for almost a third of his health right off the bat but otherwise I just took the patient route. Watched his patterns long enough to find out when his longest attack string was and punished whenever he did it while dodging everything else. Wasn't fast but it worked. Ended up doing something similar with the good ol' watchdog you're gonna fight in a little bit.
So is it 20 or 30? Make up your mind retard.
League: Millions of players, can jump right in
Dota 2: Millions of players, can jump right in
Counterstrike: Millions of players, can jump right in
Call of Duty: Millions of players, can jump right in
Rocket League: Millions of players, can jump right in
Smash bros: Millions of players, can jump right in
Fighting games: Dozens of players, cannot jump right in
>we want the million-strong shitter demographic
Really Makes (You) Think
really makes you think
>pc statistics
Something that makes the game much easier is to just pump Vit out of the gate. Damage stats have horrendously bad returns until you're like halfway through the game anyway, so there's really no reason to level anything in the beginning except for Vit. Being able to take an extra hit or two is a complete game-changer against early bosses like blood-starved or that giant and it's also why even souped up versions of them seem pathetic later on.
And every single build needs to hit softcaps on vit anyway. Even in pvp, since you need enough health to not instantly blow up after a single parry.
>Game journalists
You should stop playing video games, at least with other people. It's really obvious you're not a good person and being around others will just make their lives worse
that's why this retard is posting on Sup Forums
>Shit my position is based on made up fantasy and I've been called out with hard numbers
>I'll try to change the topic
>Spending time to learn a skill is awful
So... that is what a casual looks like. I can tell you're a big winner in life with many values, haha!
This is proof that even a game as shit as SFV can keep the retarded casuals far away from anything even remotely related to skill.
>High level competitive rocket league, cs go, dota 2, league is easy!
>It's so easy I don't even try even though there are prizes and contracts worth millions of dollars
>quoting a dictionnary
>Trying to shut down discussion because your position was destroyed
I accept your acknowledgement that fighting games suck.
>Having a competitive scene must mean it's hard
Get a load of this fucking Redditor.
Every game genre requires time investment to be good at.
You think people get good at FPS games in one day.
My dad is good at RTS Tactics and War Simulation games but he cant figure out how to play a Mario game.
That's the whole fucking point
Good games have a learning curve that let's you play the game meaningfully at any level of skill. Then you can get better and better and better, where beating the best players is so hard it's worth money.
Then you have fighting games, where you aren't doing anything until you are dozens of hours into the game. Almost nobody likes this, and it is empirically provable with player countrs, player retention, and sales numbers.
sales numbers
>le player count meme
So I guess mobile gaming is the pinnacle of achievement in this industry, then?
>Everyone loves the fighting game way of doing things!
>That's why the sales are so high and the game is so popular!
>Wait why are there only 30 players online in prime time on guilty gear
Same, just beat ROM first attempt and I'm only level 327. And the cap is like 700+ or some shit, how much grinding do I actually have to do in this game? I got it last week and I'm already 106 hours in and barely half way to level cap what the fuck. Do people typically just grind chalice dungeons?
>Everyone should pander to the lowest common denominator! Or they're bad!
If they made it F2P you can bet it would have just as many players. Unfortunately, there's no money to be made in a F2P fighting game model, and they can't simply give it away.
>If fighting games went F2P they'd get tons of players!
Rising Thunder was doing well,it didn't die off, it was straight off killed by their jew creators so they could move to greener pastures.
>Their game was doing well
>It was doing so well they killed the whole project in exchange for jobs at riot
>Smash Bros
>Millions of players
>Rocket league
>Millions of players
holy fuck you are deluded, let's not even mention that you used fucking SFV as an example for "cannot jump right in," despite it actually being a fighting game catering towards casuals.
They left it because they were impatient cucks, the game itself was doing fine for a new and upcoming project that was still in Alpha, they could have made good money out of it if they had actually completed the thing and started charging for it.
Bloodborne is literally the easiest souls game, which is why it's popular among girls.
Gascoigne however is the hardest first boss (vanguard doesn't count)
If Gascoigne is what made you cry and make this thread get back in there and beat him.