Who else is trading their PS4 into gamestop? It's finally time to come home, bros

Who else is trading their PS4 into gamestop? It's finally time to come home, bros.

Never had a ps4 to begin with. It has no games. The switch is also lacking in games but Zelda looks amazing, holy shit. I am probably gonna wait a few months before getting a switch though. Hopefully some price drops. I have plenty games to play on PC in the meantime

I love my PS4

>games that are worse than botw

So according to Sup Forums's experts, why would I trade a console with almost no games to a console that has no games?

>2 games worth buying

No, I'll just buy a Switch and keep my PS4.

To future proof yourself. The switch is current top of the line tech, likely to be for years to come. At least, until the switch XL comes out.

I'm not poor. Improve your financial situation OP. Get a job.

>Not getting both

I'm sure that Wii U game will be good, might play it on my hacked Wii U

That's 2 more games than the Switch will ever have

>trading in anything to gamestop
>getting pennies back when you could just do slightly more work and get at least 75% of the value by selling somewhere else


What the fuck, people buy that instead of pirating it? Thats why the industry is getting worse by the day, i bet you preorder games

>selling ps4 for neetendo

Enjoy playing 2d games

Not gonna lie, former Sonygger here, I'm trading in my PS4 Pro for a Nintendo Switch. We can't let Hirai get a hold of the nuclear codes.

ik that, but what is a great console without any games shitty rems, ports don't count?

I'll wait for the second year of switch, maybe then there will be good games for it

the devs are still developing free DLC for it, so I would feel really bad for pirating

I play PC mostly so that comment means nothing to me. For me, consoles are basically just choosing between which machine has a better handful of games. And in this case, nintendo's handful of games are more interesting

there you go now we are even in the first month of switch launch

>I play on PC

So why would you ever consider a Nintendo console when they're always the first to be emulated?

PS4 + PC is objectively the best combination

PC for Multiplats/Emulation

PS4 for Sony and console exclusives

Nice try tho Nintendrone, keep latching of PCucks coat tails to justify owning garbage

Sorry poor fag Idort masterrace here I will add the Switch to my PC PS4 and 3ds.
Although to be fair I will probably give the 3ds away once there's monhun for Switch

>Not just getting both
Are you fucking for real? Do you like looking at man ass too?

I'll wait till it gets upgraded

>people actually believe this

Kek I'm buying it because it's portable and comes with 2 controllers. That ps4 combination isn't "objectively the best". The ps4 has no interesting games. Even bloodborne just looks meh to me. I already played dark souls


nice collection lad

After P5 I don't think I have any more use for it. I bought it for some JRPGs but so far, it's they're all trash and we're like 3 years in with nothing good else announced.

>controller that don't work
>no third party developers

Enjoy your Nintendo brand dust collector

I fucked up and pre ordered a gray. So I'm going to go to a couple of stores and see if they have a neon for sale, if they have one I'm going to pick it up and return the grey. You guys think I'll find a neon?

IDK man, this is likely going to be the fastest selling console, if not the best selling, of all time. It seems really unlikely you'll find anything else. As good as nintendo consoles are, they aren't great at producing the numbers they need.

>Trading in consoles and games

Why do people do this? Are they really that poor, or are the games just that shit? The only old console I have that I would consider not worth owning anymore is the N64, and that's just because the control sticks are all completely fucking broken.

I am a bit concerned about the controller but I'll just play third party on my PC. I really just want good nintendo exclusives like the new Zelda

>Who else is trading their PS4 into gamestop?
I'm not that stupid. I can get 185 € on the Internet.

>i'm buying it because it's portable

Sure thing Nintendrone, screencap your speccy with thread in background, let's see this """"""rig"""""""

Fuck. Well I live in the incest part of the United States so I'm still going to try. What color did you get?

>2 multiplats

>IDK man, this is likely going to be the fastest selling console, if not the best selling, of all time. It seems really unlikely you'll find anything else. As good as nintendo consoles are, they aren't great at producing the numbers they need.
someone screenshot this and repost it when it flops

reminds me of the fucking retards claiming witcher 3 was better than CRPGs like torment


pls delete this

I gave up my guaranteed preorder at Walmart because I got a 500$ best buy gift card as a birthday gift, now I have to go to a midnight release if I want to get it on time.

Never lined up for a console though. Think I'm gonna arrive maybe 2 hours early. Living in a major city, I'm guessing there's gonna be quite a few people.

most gamestops are getting extra switches

The witcher 3 is better, though.

I would go 4 or 5, bring a chair or something.

>trade a ps4 for a zelda only machine
>buying a switch this soon
Man not even a good bait

I have more.

I can only hope...

>being so poor you have to trade your consoles in

Nobody is still playing Witcher 3 in 2017, BotW will have endless replayability like Skyrim.

>retards play game for babies

BotW will be great but you're retarded if you think Skyrim is more replayable than The Witcher 3

>Implying Witcher 3 is not so casualized it's for unborn fetuses

I'm sure thousands more people still playing Skyrim over Witcher 3 is just coincidence.

Poorfag student idort here, sold my Wii U and its games to bag one of these babies and zelda. Could not be more excited if i tried, the only shitty part is I ordered red/blue and now I want the grey one. Hoping someone in the store wants to trade theirs as I let the store know I wanted to and they said they'd ask customers.

yeah and I guess CoD and Madden are the best games of all time since they're the most popular?

>>Implying Witcher 3 is not so casualized it's for unborn fetuses
And you think Skyrim isnt?

>he's a soulsdrone
opinion discarded

>I'm sure thousands more people still playing Skyrim over Witcher 3 is just coincidence.
That is not true.

Are there really people so poor that they do this?

Why would you get rid of your Wii U? You can play literally every Nintendo system except for the 3DS on it. Not to mention games like The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade X and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze definitely aren't getting ported to Switch


I was poor too, once.

Joy-Con R is awful. They'll probably release a better one in the future.

Selling PS4 and buying Scorpio I could understand, but buying a Switch?!
That's insane and stupid.

delete this sony is fucking PERFECT YOU LITTLE NINTENSHIT!


Who /ps4 + switch/ here? The one true masterrace

nice joke

I traded in my wii u and all the games because I'm poor but at least I paid off the switch, Zelda, Mario kart, a pro controller, and I got the last guardian

I'll miss w101 and bayonetta 2 though

>People think Nintendo wont be unveiling a new handheld at E3

>tfw tax return just came in
>have enough cash to buy a switch and a pro controller and a ps4 and a bunch of games if I wanted
>know that my vet benefits run out in like 6 months and I'll have to pay for the rest of my degree out of pocket, so I should really save the money

Do I have the ability to make a smart decision? Survey says.... probably not.

Just get a PS4
The Switch is useless cause it has defective joycons

Well you seem to be retarded so I'm at least glad you went into the military instead of prison.