Why do you still use Windows?
What're your bullshit excuses besides for your gaymes?
Why do you still use Windows?
What're your bullshit excuses besides for your gaymes?
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I like games...
my gaymes
I like being worried about security issues. Keeps me on my toes.
muh gaymes are the only reason desu
I'm not a pretentious faggot.
This is the video games board retard.
If it works on my porn games and vidya, then it's all good
>muh games
Why is that a bullshit excuse? I have a Linux partition on my laptop though.
I'm not a nerd whose identity is tied to my operating system
As a certified UNIX administrator, which earns 30k a year working with Redhat Linux systems,
I can guarantee you that Windows is 100℅ on the same level of security as Linux for professional use.
Your grandma getting Facebook virus is not important.
Linux is fragile as fuck, you cant even remove a secondary desktop environment you arent using after you install it without breaking some vital function.
you are instead a nerd whose identity is tied to frog reaction images. good job
because it fucking works
I like playing games.
I don't know how to use a computer so Linux distros are out of the question, and I like the Windows interface more than Mac OS X.
What other excuse do I need? Games and shitposting are all I need this thing for, so an OS that can only do one of these things is of limited use to me.
Because im not a faggot
Linux is shit for being a daily driver.
Pretty much just for games. I keep debian linux on a bootable usb for fucking around with and for saving computers when windows cant.
>friend somehow managed to fuck up his master boot record on windows trying to set up a dual boot
>windows repair cd couldnt/wouldnt fix it
>bootable linux usb, find file on the internet, move file to where his MBR should be
>10 minutes of work, works great
Linux really is the superior operating system, but the jews pay top dollar to have everything developed for windows so they can charge you money for an objectively inferior OS because everything runs better/is more compatible with said OS.
Why do you still use Linux?
What're your bullshit excuses besides for "muh customization"?
Because its 2017 and windows is more secure than loonix while being easier to use and more convenient.
because its the best
I work in IT-Security (developer) and this is actually a thing.
It's mindboggling how many people using Linux/Mac think they are safe just because they use this OS. No firewall. No antivirus. Never scan for malware. Auto download embedded images in mail client. Click whatever shortened URL. Don't disable flash. I could go on...
Fucking braindead brand plebeians.
Linux is for snowflakes who have no interesting components to their personality.
>linux sucks because im too retarded to use it properly
Windows is perfect for people like you friend. Dont bother trying to learn a new OS.
linuxfags will never experience this much aesthetics
>I cant properly dispute a fact so ill call him dumb
Nice response, autismo.
...But there aren't many common viruses for Linux. Keyword being many.
>besides for your gaymes
I´m so hoping Vulkan will catch on and start the golden age of linux gaymen . Untill then I´m stuck on windows
*tips fedora and complains about normal people using macs along with you while snorting, laughing and sipping on cherry coca cola in a wine glass*
Yeah, listen to the snake oil vendor. He's an expert after all.
i don't own enough flannel shirts and skinny jeans to qualify owning a mac
too lazy to configure linux to the level that it does the same shit that windows does anyway, just to look cool for using linux
Video games.
I installed Linux Mint on my new Thinkpad yesterday, though. It's my first time getting my feet wet with Linux. I wish I could use Linux for everything but video games are the only thing keeping me away from that.
Being a dumbass with no security means Yong Ping in china wont need a virus to fuck your macbook/linux server
I'm a .NET developer. Also the alternatives are utter shit unless you're a rabid Linux fanboy.
Linux sucks because by todays standards as opposed to 1995 Windows is more secure, easier to use and more compatible.
Welcome to the present, time traveller from the past.
Because I end up spending 95% of my time in a VM. If my proprietary CADshit/work stuff and game library worked natively in linux I'd switch.
Every once in awhile I try out a different distro on my partition, but it never becomes more than a pleasant-looking interface for document writing and email.
It is nice for toaster server use though. Lightweight and free.
>implying a windows user is a Linux user
Get your memes straight fatty
No shit dumbass. OH WAIT, my router has a firewall. And I don't have the DMZ on my router turned on.
God you just wanna be a contrarian little shit, don't you?
>having an antivirus
Like, just don't go to shady sites/download shady shit. I haven't had an antivirus in 7 years and I still don't have any viruses.
If you're using windows 10, your doing better than most people in the western world. Most people are using apple computers.
I want a non-insane sound stack, photoshop (which I use for work, GIMP is a pile of shit), good video editing software, and games.
Linux has nothing to offer besides "totally elite tech cred"
More games / application compatibility, ease of access and the operating system doesn't treat me like a downie blocking me from certain things.
Games. Also, not every program has Linux support or Linux equivalent. And Windows is easier to use.
Paint Tool Sai and Photoshop.
I'm getting ass kicked by open source programs's interfaces.
You literally need an fucking list of shortcuts to do whatever shit you need to do to the point mouse becomes meaningless.
Also having to use comand prompt-like shit for everything just sucks.
Because only 20% of my game library has a linux version. I'll keep using 7 until they all get a linux version
Linux is shit if you only use your computer for games
You're the fedora fatty in this meme fight friendorino.
They got a thread for GNU/Linux games.
Just use GIMP or get a VM. Sheesh.
>30k a year
what are the advantages of using linux over the other operating systems?
>Still getting spied on
I ran a hackintosh for a while and it ran perfectly 99% of the time but sometimes id go to boot and i'd have to deal with some bullshit to get it to actually go into OS X. So I switched back to Win 10 but tablet support for my Intuos 4 was completel grabage on it and photoshop ran like crap for some reason so I dropped down to 7 and that's been causing me a host of other problems. Should have just stuck with the Hackintosh honestly but 3d modelling software is way way easier to run natively in Windows instead of having to use a Parallels vm to run 90% of your stuff
You wont waste your time on videogames
>I've done nothing illegal
Stop breaking the law user
Mac is for trendy neo-nerd hipsters, and Apple is a cancerous company who I can't support.
No version of Linux is stable and does everything I want it to do.
Looks like pirated Windows is my only option.
GIMP is shit and not even close to comparable. Photoshop is the industry standard, and I have to use it for work anyway.
No decent developer makes games with linux as the lead platform, because it has shit marketshare for desktop PCs.
Oh wow, just emulate windows inside linux! What a solution! Why not just run windows, then?
>being this jelly of normies
It's a nice sum outside of USA if you are under 30
>what's your bullshit excuse besides the best excuse
Gee I wonder
Apple is garbage, and I'm too lazy for Linux
What's your excuse for not using the least popular, most fragmented and terrible OS, linux users?
Please tell me about all the benefits.
Even outside of the US you should be getting that if you work for a legit company.
Shit man, I manage a petrol station and I make 50k
Muh Linux fags are fucking obnoxious. I had to deal with a lot of them during college.
Windows is still better.
i cant pirate anything.
So, I see you're using GNOME
>posts on the videogame board
>"besides gaymes xD"
Sup Forums is the other way
What OS should I use then, HMMMM?
Steam OS
This used to be true, and was part of why I switched back when I was in school. Now there's thousands of games on Linux and my backlog has more games in it than I could ever hope to play.
Maybe I should switch to Haiku.
go back to Sup Forums gnufag. or as ive taken to calling it lately gnu+fag
Sup Forums get out
Anybody else looking forward to Dirt Rally for Linux this week?
I haven't even finished playing the last batch of games released for GNU/Linux. I honestly never thought I'd have a backlog just with Linux games.
It's way easier to use than linux, especially for playing games or plugging in hardware.
I'm still waiting on ReactOS though, not particularly a windows fan, I'm just a retard with computers.
Photoshop. Gimp is shit and Kryta works really slow in linux compared to windows.
MS office is also way better than openoffice.
Litterally only video games. There are Linux alternatives for every common windows application. Only the games keep me with the botnet
I'm more of a KDE guy myself
>It's way easier to use than linux,
How so? Having used both extensively I've awlays found Linux in general, or at least the user friently Linux distributions to be easier.
>especially for playing games
This seems like its exactly the same, about the only thing Windows 10 has over Linux at this point is that the legacy Windows compatibility layer is a little bit more mature where D3D11 is concerned and a little more seamless.
>or plugging in hardware.
That one really doesn't make sense to me, do you have any examples?
My most recent experiences have been:
On Windows -> system comes up in minimal graphics mode, doesn't detect native resolution properly, have to install AMD's drivers (terrible shit), system works but with graphics problems
On Linux -> system comes up in proper resolution, everything detected properly, Linux has built in support for AMD graphics cards
USB sound card
On Windows -> 'new hardware detected', install drivers for this hardware, have to find the driver files for it on the internets
On Linux -> It just works
Adobe creative suite. You are aware most of us aren't kids and have full time jobs and more important uses for our computers then videogames, right?
Windows is open source, user friendly and People dev for it.
Hardly anyone wants or needs to dev for linux, Why should I gimp myself and limit my options when theres little to no user support?
Like, literally the 3 things that matter
I dont necessarily HAVE to use something else yet, and all the better things require more than just installing that shit.
>What're your bullshit excuses besides for your gaymes?
I'm not going to bother using Wine for MS Office and games.
Why should I change? Is not like I paid for W7.
It has a different workflow but its entirely possible to use Blender, Krita, DarkTable, or the Gimp for most artistic work.
It can even help your employability if you can use more than one program to get your shit done, and bringing you on doesn't require an expensive recurring payment to a shitty company.
Because im not a kissless virgin
Used both as well, you always have to open your console in linux to do some simple shit like making a game or a new mouse work, no idea what you're on about. Still on windows 7 but that probably doesn't change much in that it's easier to press an exe than to use wine, go trough a console or whatever other bullshit you have to do to make a game work in linux.
While you have points, thats not how it works in a pipeline job. You need to use the same programs as the company. Being a rebel and using another program is going to fuck everyone else up.
>come to the VIDEO-GAMES board
Debian sysadmin for 15 years here.
I'd never ever think about using any distribution on a desktop.
This. Too much effort. Windows 10 installed quickly the first time and Ive had no problems.
>you always have to open your console in linux to do some simple shit like making a game or a new mouse work
Not sure what you're on about there, mice should just work when you plug them in. Gaming mice you might have to install some extra stuff for but if you don't like the command line you can do that through the GUI on most distros. As for getting games working, you can make things executable or install them through the GUI as well.
The reason why you'll most commonly find instructions online giving you the way to do it in the command line is that its way simpler to say
type this one command, than click this, click that, do you see this, check that, click apply, etc. Part of why Microsoft after years of trying to develop their own powerful command line interface finally just adopted Bash themselves.
If you're working for a company that uses Adobe's shit they should be providing you with a work machine and a license for it.
Lots of companies (especially though that have been reamed by the BSA) have dropped Adobe and started using alternatives that have easier licensing or that are free.
Why do you use a screen resolution greater than 1336x768?
What's your bullshit excuses besides for your gaymes?