Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pull the trigger

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pull the trigger.
>b-bloodborne machine!
Nioh, Persona 5, Gravity Rush series, DQXI, etc.

I want to get a Switch, but $400 for a console and BotW is just too much.

Ps4 is good if you want weebtrash

Dude just buy the console of you want.

Stop trying to make console war shitposting threads.

Buy a gun and kill yourself

This so much OP. Kys

Nioh, Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0 and Bloodborne are literally ALL it has.

Nothing coming up in the future that looks good and is exclusive either.

I love my PS4 bruh

Cause you can get bloodborne the compete edition for 20 on the psn store.

Bought a ps4 pro recently myself. Lots of fun, great list of games. Looking forward to KH3 and the FF7 remake.

>Implying Bloodborne 2 isn't getting announced this year at E3

>unironically looking forward to modern Squeenix raping your childhood by giving it the FFXV treatment

Some people like different things user. I respect your diversity and your right to it.

>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pull the trigger.

Because the Pro exists. If you're gonna get a ps4 now, you might as well get a Pro. Shit is getting Boost mode firmware soon and that bumps a lot of game's frame rate past 30.

> ps3 edition of odin sphere
> not getting ps4 version


>samefagging to agree to your own posts
kys cuck

>PS3 version of Odin Sphere
>while you're already getting a PS4

Costs half as much and is identical to the PS4 version.

>and that bumps a lot of game's frame rate past 30.
Actually wrong. A lot of games have a hard 30FPS lock and only a handful of games are getting patched to support further (FFXV)
Unless you have counter-proof?
Actually, I think PS3 only supports 720p for Odin Sphere and/or has more framedrops. Plus, no screenshot feature.
>Why the fuck would I want to take screenshots?
It's a fucking Vanillaware game

>I think PS3 only supports 720p for Odin Sphere and/or has more framedrops
Do you have a source on this?

I find it hard to believe that Odin Sphere would run at 720p when Dragon's Crown ran at 1080p.

Oh wait nevermind, PS3 is 1080p.
So I guess the only difference is framerate stability

Because fuck the Slim, get the Pro. Go big or go home motherfucker.

Odin sphere deserves the ps4 version

There's literally no reason to buy a Switch this year, I wouldn't buy any of the current consoles at these price points but I'm just a pcfag.
