How would PC gamers react if Horizon was ported to StemPowered?
As a pc fag i wouldn't care. The only ones who do want to shit on ps4 graphics. Nobody wants to play this lifeless sjw meme game. Nobody who likes games anyway.
>another exclusive platform game I wanna try :(
>All games should be available on PC
kek, fuck off Qassim
Dumb question, Guerilla is effectively a 2nd party developer and are not going to make non-PS4 games. It's like wondering if the next Uncharted game will come out on PC.
whats stempowered
I'm a pc fag as well, but i also have a ps4, the game is locked 30, it's a fast paced action game that should be at 60 (AT LEAST)
I'd still have no interest in playing it.
>Guerilla is effectively a 2nd party developer
They're a first party studio and wholly owned by Sony.
Maybe PS4, Xbone, and Switch users should start bombarding Firaxsis until they port Civ6 to consoles.
They would react by heading to their favourite torrent site and download it for free, that's what it's worth.
No one on consoles even cares about Civ
Friendly reminder in due time Horizon will be available for PC.
>wanting to play anti-white anti-male propaganda with lackluster gameplay, shit voice acting and shit animations
For what purpose?
Truth to be told no one cares for Sid Meier's Civilization® since IV.
The only PC players who want Horizon are self hating neo gaffers. I wouldn't play the 'game' if you paid me.
after playing the equivalent "mih grafix" game at the start of the gen being killzone, and because this is the same company i have no interest in playing it because i know it'll be shit.
But neo gaffers are nintendo and pc users too,even then someone here used some neogaf source to defend the switch.
60% of Sup Forums are nintendrones who were banned from neogaf.
I'd be happy because I'd actually get to play it.
Absolute indifference.
This isn't like when a bunch of us got (I was not one) upset about Bloodborne. This is a game that is mediocre in nearly every sense of the word.
There is more than enough footage proving that.
Also I have a huge backlog I need to clear out.
>338.6 Hours on Civ V
I care. I care so much.
still wouldnt buy it mr shill
So you played one game of civ V. I'm happy for you.
I wouldn't care because Horizon looks like complete garbage
We have enough shit Ubisoft games on PC already
Pc and ps4 owner here, I wouldnt care much since the game looks pretty boring. I would prefer if they ported the remastered version of the last of us or the next kingdom hearts game.
Why do people wants to play an Ubisoft game made by another studio?
They could just buy PS4s it's not like they're expensive or anything. Unless... PCfags are actually poor and that's why they're always begging for games?
And I'm not a PC Elitist myself but an average PC Player, but saying that these wouldn't be the main reactions would be lying. Feels disgusting desu.
When all I really knew was the setting and robot animals/dinosaurs to fight it seemed interesting, now I've seen the stream and all it is definitely an easy pass. I'd rather get Vanquish ported.
I already own Far Cry Primal.