I know Sup Forums hates minecraft but comfy alpha thread?

i know Sup Forums hates minecraft but comfy alpha thread?

>"Minecraft Beta" in the top left

i just mean when the grass was brighter and the game wasn't (as) shitty

Loved Alpha, Beta was fine, too. Then autism happened.

That's not what alpha means

When did it go so wrong? It was beta 1.8, right? The hunger update.

indev had the best worldgen. FLAOT is my waifu.

beta was fine until 1.8

How do you even play that without constantly falling to your death?

Remember when infinite water was supposed to be temporary?

besides hunger what has possibly gone wrong with current minecraft that makes it worse?

More content = Better surely?

green grass>shit colored grass
old gen>biomes

The worldgen is super fucking boring.

The community That appeared around the time that hunger appeared makes multiplayer unplayable. Most of the popular servers now are just for mini-games.

Remember when notch left us for Reddit?


>playing minecraft public servers

too many biomes, hunger, too many mobs, too much everything. alpha was great because it felt big without feeling overstuffed

>very first time playing survival
>spawn on a roughly 8 x 8 island surrounded on all sides by an ocean thousands of blocks long
>no trees or mobs, just some flowers

Don't miss this shit/

How would I go about playing indev? I started out on alpha but I always wanted to try FLOAT

The community grew so big that constructions became bigger and bigger, out of reach of average players. Back then even small adventure maps and little redstone systems could become popular, now it looks like every map is made by a team of 50 people with command blocks everywhere. Sure its impressive but it feels like its a bunch of people making all the community.

>ywn post in comfy minecraft threads from 2010 again

Remember InvEdit? When you had to exit your world if you wanted to cheat items for yourself? Those were the days

Why don't you niggers just play the Aether mod or something? Just because the terrain is floating doesn't mean it has any more interesting shit than the normal terrain.

Oceans. Fucking oceans. Every time I get burnt out and return a few months later I get discouraged because in every new world I create I end up traveling for 30 uninterrupted minutes across a gigantic featureless body of water.

>Aether mod

I'm not implying it is, I'm just saying you can play that and realize that floating island terrain gets just as boring and repetitive as normal overworld terrain.

How about we go back to Indev?


It's probably where the Herobrine started, someone must've seen one of these shitty screenshots with the eyes and took it off from there. They were added to some screenshots as tribute to Bloodsuckers in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, as that was pretty popular around the time Indev was taking off.

I wouldn't mind oceans if they were mildly interesting. Maybe a few tropical islands, risk of sharks or some hostile mob, interesting underwater biomes, that sort of thing.

Fuck, what I really want is just some big ass ship that can be commanded by multiple people.

>big ass ship that can be commanded by multiple people
As Star Citizen will point out, unless you get absolute optimal circumstances, this will never work out. Also see Pulsar: Lost Colony.

It amazes me that after all these years, oceans are still nothing more than useless fucking terrain that is annoying to trek through. Could have been another biome with it own gatherable resources and mobs (Not just squids).

Fans had to create their own mods, but nope Notch was too lazy.