You get to pick one pokemon to have IRL as your pet for the rest of your life

You get to pick one pokemon to have IRL as your pet for the rest of your life.
Which one do you pick?

Rules: You must pick starting evolution, pokemon will evolve as you grow a bond with them

No legendaries

Psychic pokemon are highly intelligent and will carry the risk of straight up fucking off because it thinks you;re a retard.

Its real life, so if you use your pokemon to do seedy shit or crime, your pokemon could be put down.

Other urls found in this thread:

>as your pet
Are they animals in the eyes of the law? Would there be legal repercussions if someone were to do things not entirely appropriate to do to animals? This is important, I'm asking for a friend.

Ralts because by the time it evolves to Gardevoir it wouldn't leave anyways

>Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the dimensions and create a small black hole. This Pokémon will try to protect its Trainer even at the risk of its own life.

Beldum. Not that exciting in its starting form, but eventually it will end up becoming a living supercomputer.

How much of a retard can I be before a psychic pokemon wants to leave me, are we talking about not being a math god levels of retarded or are we talking about wanting to jerk off to anime waifu levels of retarded?

Ditto is the ONLY correct answer

I'd guess that it's the latter, it's not like everyone having a psychic Pokemon is some sort of genius in Pokemon games or series.

What about Pokemon that need evolution stones?

Anyway, Snorunt.


> with ditto your waifu can be real


> It's a Sup Forums wants to fuck gardevoir even though its against the rules of the thread episode

What a surprise.


Its not against the rules you idiot.
Anyway i choose zorua. Cute pet and illusions are always useful


>Psychic pokemon are highly intelligent and will carry the risk of straight up fucking off because it thinks you;re a retard.
I'm pretty sure Gardevoir's have higher standards than a random Sup Forumsirgin.

What if she wants to fuck you?

Petilil, it'll evolve into qt flower daughteru


Nigga it'll lay down its own life to protect its trainer

That just makes it better

>Its not against the rules you idiot
you'd have to pick ralts for it not to be against the rules of the thread

Anybody willing to deal with the shitmon that is Ralts is worthy, same deal as raising a Gyarados.

Rapidash would be pretty sick

>Show up everywhere riding a flaming unicorn

Scraggy, since Scrafty is my favourite Pokemon.

>choose pick related
>everyone makes fun of you for having a useless fish
>it evolves
>you are now king of the sea

>be called a literall flaming faggot by everyone

all of you cucks thinking with your dicks and not your brain.

why settle for some weeaboo shit furfucker when you can have this plump motherfucker right here impersonate anyone you want.

step it up faggots

You'd get arrested for arson pretty quick


The fact that the weakest pokemon becomes (in the first season lore) one of the strongest always resonated with me as a kid. Plus it's fucking badass and I love the water. Gyarados will always be my favorite pokemon, followed by Electrode.

inb4 4x weakness to electricity

>Implying that's an issue

>literally fucking jelly

Gyarados is still pretty strong in the current games.

Looks bretty gud to me senpai

Ralts, having a psychic type that is extremely loyal to its trainer by its nature is the best idea.
>teleports everywhere
>telepathy for easier communication
>telekinesis and other psychic bullshit shenanigans
Abra line might be stronger, but Alakazam would probably fuck off and leave me.

Post the entire picture user

but user if you wanted to do that you should have got a Seaking

Fuck that, I'm taking Salamence
I always wanted a personal jet, but I guess it'll take a while to evolve

Doesn't ditto have to see something to transform into it? Could it transform into real animals?

Duskull forever.

>Sup Forums wants to raise an animal as a father figure and then fuck it.

What made you like this?

Ditto always keeps ditto's face, remember?
You aren't impersonating shit

Just show it a picture or video.

Watch this Can become anything. Items, People ect.

It's funny because its canon

i don't need to see my waifu's face in order to have sex with her you idiot.


1:1 Oak clone. Ditto is the ultimate choice.

>Emma Watson with Ditto's face

Rotom or a porygon.

Waifu husbandry is an intricate art user

I mean its a fire breathing dog and easily the simplest solution for pokemon as a pet

What's the most profitable pokemon, besides whoring out gardevior?
Electrical pokemon could be hooked up to the national grid

Nidoran (M) Little pink poison bunny that turns into a slightly bigger poison bunny death machine. I always wanted a piggy back ride from a Niodoking -_-

Arcanines are also fluffy as hell and big enough to ride

>you will never fall asleep on a arcanine


Not even for lewd reasons. I like psychic types and the Ralts-line is the most adorable.

Alternatively a Skitty or an alolan Vulpix.

Pawniard. Bisharp would make the perfect bodyguard/bro. Although trading him would be a nihtmare with all the edgy appendages.

That was just one episode where the owner of that Ditto explains that it always keeps its face, no matter how much it tries.
At the end of the episode it gets resolved because Team Rocket basically scares it straight and then the Ditto is back to normal.

Hippno if you became a criminal, also doubles as an able assistant rapist

Training, not trading

Either Trapinch because I legitimately want a goddamned goggles wearing dragon that I can bro it up with on adventures around the countryside, or a Mawille, because goddamned it's the cutest fucking thing.

You got a loud chuckle out of me. Well done.

XDDD +1 desu senpai

Wrong board, this isn't /vp/ friendo and by the way you made the post, this definitely isn't about videogames. Anyways, Riolu.

That 1:1 oak transformation proves Ditto can impersonate though.

+Photosynthesizes, no need to feed
+Free bananas
-Needs trimming

Gardevoir is a legit bad ass. I remember owning the playground with mine

That SP. Attack god damn


A pokemon that knows payday.
I believe pikachu can learn it.
So you can both whore it out by using payday, and then become a national star with the pikachu itself, and have free electricity forever.

So yeah, im choosing Abra.

comic fag with no pokemon knowledge here

are there any pokemon that can reality warp? if so i'd choose them

I literally realized like a year or two ago that that pink thing is not a fucking nose.

It was cuter like that

What does a Magnemite eat?

poliwag cause hes my nigga

Can I use Aegislash as an actual sword&shield?

But, we all know I'm taking Salazzle. For reasons.

Or Abra.

Shinx line. X-Ray vision and a badass cat all in one package. I

Not vidya


Bagon,as it will evolve to best dragon

Literally the only correct choice

Use Abra's mind reading capabilities, and future sight, to earn you easy, rich, and perfect future.

Or use Ralts for the same thing. And you get waifu gradevoir as a bonus.

No need to whore her out.

Then when it evolves, not only do you get a fucking sonic-fast ninja wasp, you also get a freaky impervious floating husk.
Two for the price of one?

Pokemon is vidya you dip

Gardevoir didn't ask for this

Pokemon culture isn't vidya

I'd pick Pichu, then, since I want a Raichu.

nigga what?

>Ghost types
>Don't need to feed them
>Don't need to clean up after them
>Don't have to worry about them being to big because, "LOL, intangible body"

Ghost type Pokemon are objectively the best choice for having in real life.

That being said I'd still go with Croagunk because it's a total bro and I love them.


Ghastly, clearly.
Ghost buddy goes everywhere with you, psychic like powers, spooks people and learns hypnosis among other cool shit.
Perfect for the easy life.

I wasn't disagreeing with you though.

Eevee, then vaporeon. I live right on Lake Erie. I could get to Canada undetected in minutes


would it be wrong if ditto became food and you ate it?


>Has to have an evolution

Why? That's idiotic. Absol is my favorite Pokemon. Have you seen Absol in Pokemon Amie? It basically screams "pet dog", can fend off home invaders with 130 base Attack, and its Mega form looks so "high school scene kid" it's like a guilty pleasure.

Fuck you, OP, I pick Absol.
If I have to pick starting evolution, though, I'll take Petilil, or maybe Zubat

Fuck off we have enough refugees burdening the system

But if you happened to glance at your Shedinja while its back is turned, you'd be fucked. It's more of a con than a pro.

>Pokemon will evolve no choice on the matter
None of the one I want will be feasible in their later stage.

Typhlosian would be too big to feed on a teachers budget


OP here, I didn't mean you have to pick a pokemon that evolves, I mean you can't just pick a charizard, you gotta pick a charmander and take care of it till it grows into a charizard

That's goddamn right you didn't.

Here's another candidate. I can get a Slowbro bro to help me look smarter, or a Slowking bro to help me with my research.