Pointless censorship

>Pointless censorship
>SJW pandering

Will we ever get rid of all that bullshit in vidya, or it`ll get worse over time

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What kind of fucking moron still watches CN for anime anymore? It's all online, free, and completely uncensored

>implying a lollipop ain't cool as fuck

The FE X Persona slut looks like shit, no matter what clothes you put on her.

>Will we ever get rid of all that bullshit in vidya, or it`ll get worse over time

Depends on the company. I have faith in a few like Atlus. Tho I believe it will get worse with companies like Nisa and Nintendo.

>What kind of fucking moron still watches CN for anime anymore?

The retarded kind that always claims dubs is better.

if there is a market for something, somebody will fill it user. your degenerate animu fapbait isn't going away.

No region locking means censorship is a thing of the past. Now we just have to convince Nintendo to put English subs in the Jap versions like Temco did.

The person who likes Rick and Morty

well you are all going to buy zelda and make nintendo succesfull again so who gives a fuck if they treat their consumer like shit

enjoy your treehouse tier translation ;)

>Avoiding encouraging children to smoke is pointless censorship

Your mother was probably smoking when pregnant with you OP.

Vote with your dollars, don't fund companies that do this shit and write them telling them why.
But, and here's the MOST important part... DO support companies that don't do it and write them telling them that you have their back. You may not kill blizzard... but "basedguyswholikegunsandtiddies studios" type devs need that ever single customer to scrape by. Otherwise they buckle under the market-weight of people like blizzard/bioware.

That's why I support Wayforward for instance.

Beating the crap out of everyone you see is fine though?

Why do you care about whether or not a cigarette is shown or whether or not a character is half naked?
You can smoke still smoke cigarettes
You can still see half naked women

"Beating the crap of other" its much more simplier to explain than subtle cigarretes. Trying to copy the aesthetics its a way more common than behavior WHEN IT COMES TO CARTOONS.

>le why do you le care?
Yeah, nobody is taking things from us because even though they took it from us we can do it somewhere else...theoretically! Police aren't taking your weed away because you can just go live in somalia!

we will get rid of it when we organize against it

It can stay for all I care. Nothing I care about gets removed.

someone tried to fill the SJW niche and no one bought their game. the devs then threw a shitfit about it.

shit nigger, i hope you're referring to sunset. that was a glorious trainwreck to behold.

>Not Soccer moms who think it offends Christ.

It's not being taken from you, I'm sure you can get a cigarette pretty much anywhere in America and the internet has no shortage of half to fully naked women.
So why do you care?

what the fuck are you saying

>A corporation is doing terible things in name of SOCIAL JUSTICE! Taking away content or hiding stuff so little timmy (who shouldnt have access to the stuff yet) wont see it.


am i fitting here now?.

Crap like you not only deprive the world of good stuff, but also halts the progress of humanity, the only fag that should die here is (you).

We were deprived of perfect games thanks to scum like you, and dont get me started on Dragonball STICKFIGHTS!

Are you going to Bring up Jack Thompson next?

Bottom right's outfit is cuter honestly.

because the game's story normally doesnt make much sense because of the censorship and most times their replacement is plain retarded

Allow me to reiterate:
"You can do whatever in the anarchy of somalia. why do you care about laws in your own country?"

Because, I can get those things abstractly in "some form" somewhere else, but not in the place I want them. Just like were I so inclined to consume weed I would have to "mod it in" (smuggle/buy it) myself or go somewhere else other than where I live and want the thing to be.
Further, these things DID EXIST where I wanted them and WERE REMOVED, eg: literally taken.

Overly fixating on the abstract and missing nuanced sub-points is a sign of, well, y'know...

Even if it's not what the original designers and developers intended, the bottom right is much cuter and full of personality than a random skimpy bikini.

soccer moms don't work in the industry

But it doesn't fit the original context of gravure modeling.

>Not learning Japanese and playing all your games and watching all anime in their original glorious Nihongo.


Because something IS taken from us you mouthbreather, we are treated to an inferior product in every aspect in comparison from the original work, only because some suits decided that little timmy could become a satanist or some shit.

We, the consumers are actually PAYING for the mistakes of others, mistakes mind you, that if parents were smarter with their sons, would NEVER happen!

THAT is what makes that cigarrette or that half naked woman more important than any other cigar or playboy magazine out tnere.

Oh noes, how will us Sup Forumsros protect this "art" from the mean es jay dubyas?

I can hardly believe this happened on NeoGaf.

Nintendo will be dead after the switch so who cares.


How does not seeing anime tits in *some* games halt the progress of humanity?
>"You can do whatever in the anarchy of somalia. why do you care about laws in your own country?"
That's not even close to being the same though, you have access to the internet at all times, you can't just go to Somalia whenever you want, looking up naked women is faster and easier than making a fucking sandwich so I don't know why you're so fixated on this Somalia thing. Not to mention you STILL have access to the anime tits you want so much, you literally posted a picture of them to start this thread.
So why do you care?
>we are treated to an inferior product in every aspect in comparison from the original work, only because some suits decided that little timmy could become a satanist or some shit.
Why does a lack of anime tits make it inferior?

It's easy in concept but hard to execute basically just stop buying censored games and let them know you didn't because of it. There's too many retards that will buy it either way though invalidating your efforts and rewarding the butchering.

Hi Nich

Maybe responding to this thread is a mistake but hell I'll give my two cents. I honestly don't care if they edit a character's outfit to be less revealing. I've watched so much porn at this point I'm desensitized to that and couldn't care either way. However once they edit shit that fucks with the story then it's unacceptable.

Come on dude, come on. Don't go ignorant just to win an argument.

Someone post that 4kids edit of Luffy and Crocodile

Nintendo of America demanded that Bandai Namco remove all swords from their latest T-rated game because they didn't want toddlers to stab each other with knives.

The kicker is, Bandai Namco still left in every single reference to swords. Characters will use attacks like, "Lightning Fast Sword Slash" and then stab and cut through enemies with a fucking twig.

Bandai Namco would then use this twink version of the game for all other localization jobs, meaning every region got fucking sticks instead of swords outside of Japan, all because of fucking TreeHouse demanding third parties unnecessarily censor their games before NoA will approve them for print.


Can you fucking imagine developing like, a fucking licensed IP like Naruto for the PlayStation 4 and Sony is like, "Whoa, we don't want four year olds stabbing each other with knives from the sight of kunai, replace them all with water balloons."?

Literally an autist, ok then. Can't argue through biological malfunction then.

Japanese are truly the only heroes left with artistic integrity.

How does a smoking chef make sense? He would fuck up all his taste

>targeting confirmation bias without any actual evidence to back you up

About what I expected from a thread that used a shot from the infamously-unloved 4kids dub to start things off.

Simple. Rate it M.

And to be fair it doesn't look bad.

Are you a fat ugly femanon or a nu male?

Censorship is good. It adds constraints so the designers have to be more creative, which leads to better art.

Truly, the sun has set on their dreams.


I will never understand Nintendo, Smash bros has fucking swords in it.


More of a man than you'll ever be cuck, keep masturbating your days away to anime girls.

Didnt you read the comment you just quoted from me?

And here i thought SJWs were smarter than that!

Wait, I thought that was the very basis of winning!

Nintoddlers VS Sonyggers
Weebfags VS Westfags
Horizon VS Zelda

Cuck, n.: A liberal winning an argument against a conservative.

You sound upset.

Strike a nerve there honey?

go to literally any restaurant and look outside in the back. Kitchen staff are constantly taking smoke breaks.

lol holy shit

>Sandwich not breaking apart

ITT: literally only Sup Forumstards who don't realize games have been censored since their invention, only now relating fucking everything to their shitty identity politics

>"Oh no somebody is beating me in an argument!"
>hasn't made a single counter-argument the entire thread
>repeats same argument over and over after it's been addressed and shot down
>By default that means you lose an argument in any honest forum of debate (other than the internet where nobody can come into your house and point and laugh at you or dock your debate club grade or whatever)
Sorry man, you've for all intents and purposes lost. It happens. Just putting up your dukes again and again with the same words pretending you haven't been beaten is fucking monty python black knight pathetic.

>Bwaah, a game theory parody account made fun of my poor understanding of censorship

I bet 'Pristine Condition' got banned for that.


All zelda games have swords, it's pretty retarded

>Will we ever get rid of all that bullshit in vidya
Not until you learn Japanese lad.

>not American parents

It didn't die with Jack Thompson

You've made no real argument this entire thread though, you just kept bringing up Somalia like you have a point.

>ps3 vs ps4

they even censore between console generations

>No region locking means censorship is a thing of the past
>this is what Nintoddlers actually think
Are you retarded? Why would a lack of region locking stop NoA from localizing games? It's not like it was previously illegal to import games; you could have bought a Japanese Wii, Wii U, or 3DS and not had to have dealt with any censorship. You still won't be able to fucking read any of the game text.

I'm not the one going on about Somalia and how a lack of tiddies will lead to the degradation of humanity.

But, y'know, keep thinking you've won or that you have a point to stand on I guess, I'll just sit here playing vidya and going on sadpanda like everyone else ITT with half a brain.

Disney, Nintendo and Bamco need to learn

Subtle jiggle > Jello tits desu

>smoker always has cigars
>censored to just have him be an agape mouthed retard

NeoGAF was an awful site back then as well, but it hadn't gone completely off the deep end just yet.

any1 have the german naruto censored pic?


>defeatism and rationalization of said defeat

Neato, Gonna go give up on life, too?

>Still crying
>Still no arguments
x5 argument hit combo. If you remove something from A it is removed from A. That it is in B is immaterial to A. Logic 101. Make counterarguments or I will just keep taunting you and puffing my well earned victorious chest out like the annoying french cock that I am.

the censorship and ridiculousness is what made anime great especially shows like yugioh. there's no reason to watch bland japanese cartoons without it.

These are Americans, user. If those tits aren't writing and performing their own stageplay, it's unacceptable to them.

>If I keep saying "you don't have an argument" maybe they'll start to believe it.

>If you remove something from A it is removed from A. That it is in B is immaterial to A
Obviously, but the fact that you have access to it in B means it hasn't been taken from you. How can something be taken from you if you have easy and quick access to it at any time?

Last I checked, those games still came out. So yes, nobody is actually taking our games away you alarmist faggot.

Gotta love Ameriburgers. They are so obsessed with bombing countries where women dress "too oppressively" while they make their women dress the same, that they forget about school shotouts and other stuff that does not involve nipples.

And then what?

Games are gonna be censored more and more, doujins are gonna be released less and less, they can be censored even more, due to the anime olympics initaitve.

But i guess thats well for you right? Screw new content, screw corps being transparently evil, im not gonna do anything because it doesnt concern to me, right?

I wnt to see you, on the end of days, crying, cuz sadpanda has its days counted, and sony and xvox are gonna follow nintendos path one way or another.

>"The only thing necessary for evil to win, is for good men to do nothing"

Right now, that quote couldnt be any more true...

To be fair, that's not so much a deliberate attempt at making Morrigan ugly as it is just shitty, cheap animation that constantly goes off-model.

>people are literallydefending censorship in this very thread

I dont even know anymore if its ~le ultra ironic humor~ or nu-Sup Forums is just completelly retarded

Yes they fucking are, its not the same product, and these changes due to the online nature of those games are gonna be worse!

Ill go with the second one...

This is one of a few reasons I won't even buy a Switch. Soon the censorship will bleed into the Jp versions like some of it already has, even.

It's both.

>If I keep putting up the same shit over and over and pretend that it hasn't been refuted then it isn't!
This is why the internet is terrible to discuss anything on. Without a moderator to take points away the loser can just in bad faith keep doing this.

Well, this is at least a point I can work on. I care that it is no longer I A because I want A. There used to be cheese in my macaroni but they decided that since other people got their feelings hurt now macaroni and cheese can never be paired... But yeah, cheeseburgers still have cheese right?

Simplified: If I want 100/100 A, why would I want 90/100 A? If complete A is what I want? Can you see how this might annoy some people?
Further, if A was always 90/90 then nobody would care there were only 90 things... but since they KNOW there were 100 and that 10 were taken away because of other people this triggers a very fundamental morality center in the higher simian brain.
If the game was only this or that then nobody would care, it is that it was A and people wanted THAT A but instead got a C.
This is why people care.

>Sup Forums still cannot into censorship laws

Cooking is super stressfull. Smoking is the only thing that calms their nerves.

There are no "laws" regarding censorship outside the fact that obscenity isn't a protected form of expression.


>assuming people who like to anonymously argue with others on the internet about video games they haven't played aren't completely fucking retarded

Well there's your problem