What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?

What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?

>playing video games

I use these when I want to dominate.


>earphones for gaming

Why do people do this.

The comfiest.

I have these, ordered black ones, got white ones, they are so damn tiny, I bet the white ones are made for women and small children

Shure 840

>tfw i go through 4-5 earphones year
>recently one of them started malfunctioning
>bought one preemptively last sunday
>lost it on a bus yesterday

my life is a mess

These looks so much cleaner than the red/black version.

The actual comfiest.

>not speakers

>not headphones

i dont use headphones anymore.It's lame, my laptop have built-in speakers that have good quality.Also you can hurt your ears and damage your hearing by using headphones too much.

xiaomi piston iron dual

>my laptop have built-in speakers that have good quality

Sennheiser something or other. I think I actually spent more on my headphones than I did on the Chromebook I keep them plugged in to when I'm watching anime.

The cheapest gaymen headset on Amazon

Closed or open, Sup Forums?
>mfw openkeks have to listen to their loud gpu fans when playing vidya
>mfw hiroyuki doesn't allow multiple images with one post


Enjoy not being able to hear where you enemies are.

50$ pair of pioneer cans.
wasting money on headphones is retarded.

They have more than enough soundstage for video games.

Sony MDR-7506

They have a pretty flat sound so aren't really great for vidya, kind of uncomfortable too

>wasting money on something you wear 10+ hours a day is retarded
Don't tell me you are a casual.

>10+ hours

Get speakers if you want audio quality.
I'm not saying you should get shit headphones but investing 500$ onto headphones and a stack makes no sense when you can get ten times the quality if you go with speakers.

I don't give a shit even if its made out of virgin's pussy skin, 2" speaker driver is a fucking 2" speaker driver at the end of the day and it can physically do only so much. And I'm not even an audiophile.

I can't fucking stand speakers.

my gf bought expensive ones which have more bass, I have my philips and they are fine

I've thought about getting these for years, are they really worth it?

>mfw closedkeks don't hear me teleport behind them

>mfw openkek thinks he is still alive after teleporting into one of the many traps I've set up in the perimeter

Sounds like you need to invest in some quality stands then.

>mfw closedkeks lose their hearing because they have no audible reference point for background noise


you cannot lose hearing
your ear canals instinctively contract when there is an unnaturally loud volume coming in, resulting in loss of mid and high freqs. hence why the louder you turn the headphones, the more bass you get - type of effect.

>you cannot lose hearing
contender for dumbest and least-informed comment i've read on Sup Forums all day

there's a reason most phones have a volume limiter these days

Comfy af.

>volume limiter

It's a retard-friendly solution to extension of battery life since most phones are designed to have shitty impedance so that dumb faggots like you wouldn't fry their earbuds/headphones.

This is literally 5th grade physics.


You don't need a reference point, just set it at the lowest you can hear music.

I have my android volume slider on 2 and windows on 8 with my earbuds and 16 on earphones

>you cannot lose hearing
ex-drummer with tinitus here, fuck you, that is all.

They're meme headphones but I love them

Already in the first 5 posts.
250 ohm all the way.

>cannot lose hearin from loud noices
What are you some special kind of retard?

Drummers, the dumbest of musicians. The point I was trying to make was that you cannot lose fucking hearing by self-administered loudness level with headphones. You literally cannot.


So, shit drummer?

How old are you?

Soundmagic somethings. I use them for music of course but sometimes use them for my 3DS.

Just ordered a $30 pair of generic MS headphones with a built-in mic

Make me regret it, audiofools. Just try

>you cannot lose fucking hearing by self-administered loudness level with headphones
unless you don't have a reference point outside of the headphone soundstage, causing you to use higher volume than necessary to outpace ear canal compression from the noise in the first place

it's not about battery life you retard, people give themselves hearing damage by maxing volume on their shitty earbuds

>Talks about headphones
>Posts earbuds

I have these, mic is shit and they feel uncomfortable after a while, gonna replace em soon

Just shut up allready, you only sound more retarded every time you post. It's a well documented fact that bass players are the dumbest, that's why there so many jokes about them.

>I need to hear a quiet volume in order to recognize loud volume

are you fucking retarded

My nigga. Listening to pic related with the E10s. The drums on every track sound great.
>he doesn't want to listen to Mongolian throat singing FLAC rips with $9999 headphones


Not him but you might be.

Best purchase I made my entire life, easily.

you should probably do a hearing test

HD 201 but im considering to switchi to wireless bluetooth headset within 2 months


Sony MDR-7506s

Use them for everything, not just gaming. Only real downside is the fuck-long cable and the pads can allegedly wear out easily, but both are cheap and easy to replace.

>mfw I ordered a V6 and it's arriving on Tuesday
I can't fucking wait.

They are light, comfortable, and non-fatiguing.

For music, I use X2s. Not quite as comfy, but they seal better and sound nicer in every way, especially in the bass.

These are way too bright for me to use for long periods of time. I think they're primarily designed for vocal tracking, like in your pic. Still excellent headphones, but they don't fit my tastes.

I just joined the drop for some K7XX's. Anyone here have a pair?

Yeah, that's understandable.

I can't deal with high volume, so they're good for me because I can still hear EVERYTHING, but as soon as you hit something where they've cut corners on sound quality you can pick out every single flaw

I have SHP9500s as well but I don't really like them. I actually prefer my Portapros over them. I like the clarity and highs of the SHPs but they just seem so lifeless, probably due to the lack of bass.

That's true, they're very revealing.

The bass definitely is lacking, but personally I don't mind that too much when gaming.

Oh yeah I should have specified I was talking about music. They are definitely nice for gaming due to their comfiness.

I hope to get X2s for music once I get a job.

Im still salty about iphone7 not having Jack
those A1 chip wireless headphone better be good

>he bought an iphone 7

I got

You want open or closed?

These are about $80~, I think.
More importantly, what music do you like?

>I hope to get X2s for music once I get a job.

I fully recommend them. I'm a bit of a basshead when it comes to music, and these are very satisfying despite being open. And all of the good parts from the SHP9500 are still there, but even clearer.

Not a great headset

Open, as long as they don't leak like a motherfucker

I listen to a wide variety of music. I'd also be using this for my PS4 too, so I guess... vidya music?

muh soundtstage

>vidya music
Nerd. Open's are gonna leak anyway but SPH9500 is still good for everything more or less.
>borrow friend's X2
>listen to 36 Chambers, those fucking drums
RZA is my favourite producer.
Mio is gay.

How are they meme headphones?

I don't listen to vidya music on my free time but if I'm also using the headphones for games then generally I'll be hearing vidya music

I've used my steelseries Siberia V2 for a long time now. I'm not an audiophile or anything. It's comfy and serves me well.

>tfw head too big for headpones and they always break within a year

I was just fucking with you but ambient noise in vidya is also good with nice headphones. I played Halo 3 Multiplayer with good headphones and hearing the wind blowing and stepping in water before everyone starting killing each other was cool.

I first had a pair of wireless corsair rgb headset. Even though they were wireless and under 100 dollars, I returned them to best buy. They just got down to 50 dollars but luckily I got my 90 dollars back.

I got pic related for 75 and spent 15 on a headset stand. Apparently the arctis 5 had better sound quality, but these I don't mind. They are comfy and they work, and the mic is retractable into the headset so I could use these as a pair in public.

Alright. I guess I'll order the SPH9000

also dat captcha

Aren't those M50X? Just got them and boy, what an upgrade

shouldn't you be able to just look at the spectrogram and play the music in your head?

>mfw setting the volume to 1 on my phone with my Shure©®™ SE215s and its still a little loud depending on the environment, a busy commute goes up to round 2 to 3 notches
>mfw setting my volume on the computer to like 6

What do you set your volume to, Sup Forums?

Depends. I fell for the Logitech meme and the volume control is ass. Some games will literally bore my eardrums out


Whats your average volume look like?
Interesting. I'm scared of my ears dying out on me before their time, so I try to keep them alright. I get bothered when people play music on their earphones louder than the train.
Does it ever not bother them to have it that loud?

Only for chat though, I use the TV speakers for actual gaming and considering a soundbar.
They're playing on a portable and wants something easier to carry around than a massive over-the-head thing?

this information is useless unless you share the exact same setup with someone.

>you can hurt your ears and damage your hearing by using headphones too much.
Only if you're a retard that puts it on so loud everybody on the bus can hear.

I got rip offs by huawei which look like OP pick related, fucking horrible, the sound blast at my earlobe and I can't hear shit but they work fine if I hold them so they blast in my ear

I get your fear but I do it because loud treble rape isn't funny but louder volumes usually get you better bass.

This, it's earbuds that can do damage if you keep them in all the time.

I use to use AD700. They broke and I've been too lazy to fix it, so I'm using M50. They work, but are not as comfy nor does it sound as good in games compared to the AD700.

who skullcandy hesh 2 here?

hd 668b