ITT:Show Factories, Setups, Tips & Tricks,and general autism from this game.
/FG/ Factorio General
wrong board faggot.
>having recurring generals for every shit game under the sun is fine
>but oh no, one factorio thread is too much, call the mods
back to the ps4 or wherever you came from
I build a wall around my factories and expand so it winds up like a tiered city.
each part of the wall is protected by turrets fed by bullets on a conveyor belt that travel in a huge circle
go back to drinking monster and playing For Honor you fucking pleb. gtfo out of this thread
>shilling your shit game this hard
reddit is the other way
Hey OP here,
do you have some screenshots? This sounds interesting. I'm fairly new to factorio my self to be honest
>all the new in this thread
Fuck off faggots, post your factories
so sonnygers are allowed to have multiple BB threads everyday of the week but i cant make one factorio theread? by using your logic why dont you fags ask BB players to make their own fucking general?
>>having recurring generals for every shit game under the sun is fine
stop implying shit no one said and fuck off to plebbit or tumblr you colossal faggot.
I love the way mine looks but it's pretty unexpandable
Now that I have robots researched and produced I'm probably going to tear it down and make a design with more production
reddit is still the other way
I made a medium factory
If a house is infested with rats, do you let more in? Retard.
i tried something similar but laser turrets are just way better, i changed the belt feeding bullets for a 5 bullets turrets formation covered by walls and feeded by a central chest until i reach laser turret technology.
The trains are sometimes kind of dumb.
>talking about video games on a video games board is akin to rats in a house
>R-reddit I-is that way F-f-faggot !
Shut up you underaged Egg
>/FG/ Factorio General
the faggot club is a few boards down
Unironically kys
>thick wall, few guns
Comrade, if you shoot the biters quickly enough, they won't get close enough to touch the wall!
go to reddit if you want to discuss your shitty minecraft ripoffs
I don't hate the upcoming ores.
Stay mad faggot
>pick related: its you
Go away
I got better at that with time. I know that pic is a mess
That's an excellent point. I have enough drones to repair any damage though
You still have to spend the same amount of bullets to destroy the biters. Might as well dish it out as fast as you can.
Fucking plebs, lasers are superior
And they don't run on finite resources
>those loops
>that bad signaling
jezus christ man....
Let me give you a tip, on ANY intersection where you dont want a train waiting and cutting off half of your network while waiting, you place ALL chain signals, then replace chain signals on exist out of the intersection with normal signals.
Is there a mod that lets me have waste runoff from factories?
Is that some fucking uranium I see?
Bullets have way more dakka than lasers.
Lasers are only superior if you don't want to deal with bullet logistics.
The resources are effectively infinite, just keep expanding. Bullet consumption is such a tiny part of a factory's output that it won't bankrupt you if you expand at all.
Yeah, it's a horrible area. But the main point is the train that pathed in a loop through itself (!)
yeah, I was thinking about the potential devastation if they ever had time to get through and had a ton of stone sitting in chests so I went a little crazy
Whats the green ore?
got no pictures but just imagine a bowl of spaghetti, then imagine someone gluing all the individual spaghetti strings together from their ends to make one big string. then throw the pasta in to the bin. that's about as far as I get in this game
>tier 3 modules need 2000 fucking copper each
Jesus christ
Yep, uranium. Nuclear hype!
brb setting up a server
keep bumping while i'm working
/vg/ is its own board, dood.
At least put in effort pretending it's not a general like everyone else does.
generals are not forbidden on Sup Forums. repeating generals are.
>pathed in a loop through itself
I know this will surprise you, but trains are actually NOT sentient AI, they just follow your shitty signaling.
Fix your signaling and they will not get stuck again, its simple as that.
>changes to the way boilers work
So any tips for someone that is just beginning? i just bought the game. please help ?
>that guy who automated everything into grey goo
How fast is your fastest rocket? I did it in about 48 minutes remaining.
Build one piece at a time. Don't get stuck with grandiose plans that you don't yet have a way of implementing.
Other than that, remember to have fun.
This is large, unless you're turbo-autist that makes megabuses and plays with marathon and angel's. But those are extra-large
automate science as quickly as possible
researching new stuff is half the fun
electric furnaces are the shit
Google factorio bus and learn the concept. You don't have to learn exact measurement, but you need to know the basics. Build the factory around it or it will fuck you up later on when you will be forced to redesign everything from scratch.
Meh, 1-14-10 is stale
>Start playing Bobs and Angels mods with fellow autists
Yeah, install marathon, all of the angel's and bob's mods and yuuki. Those are essential for new players and can help you learn the game with their handy tip guides.
Make a "main bus", meaning you make a transport belt for each base resource (e.g. copper, iron, and electronic circuits) and just make em go straight in one direction. Then you use a splitter to get resources you need off from it, afterwards you might put the resulting component back on its own belt if it's something you'll need a lot, e.g. plastics, advanced circuits.
Isn't it great? Imagine if drone range could be increased for scouting purposes, so that it could identify long-range threats and place defenses accordingly. Or place priority on certain resource points and put more resources into development of that area.
It could also easily calculate expected demand and increase/decrease priority of resources based on that, not to mention increasing production capacities.
It will get easier 10 hours in
Then you hit petrochem and if you haven't broken the computer by that time you will.
This guy is legit. Do not set him on fire.
When I tried the achievement for the first time I launched it in just over 5 hours, but I've played through the game many times since version ~0.08.
Good luck on the 20mill basic circuits user, its pure suffering.
All other achievements took me maybe ~20h total, but that one I've invested 50 hours into alone, its crazy the scale you need.
I've had my factory chugging at 16-20.000 circuits per minute, and just alt tab back inside occasionally to connect more mining outposts as they were draining fast.
Hope they add more achievements to the game, and cant wait for 0.15 for vanilla nuclear power, advanced science packs and new steam mechanics, shame they are cutting down on cooling towers. Messing with some mods while waiting.
i just cant play this game quickly
Vanilla server
pass: cake
bumping for interest
Factorio RTS mode when?! ;_;
I just want to sit in the command center, build my base RTS style, produce infantry/tanks/artillery etc... and fight bitters with them.
It would make bitters so much enjoyable, now they are pure annoyance.
Can you imagine mass producing robots for war, transporting them via trains, and assembling them before battle?
Also base building would feel better then running around all the time.
(I dont want to to replace the main game, it can be just a game-mode like they have god mode already in, we just need better UI and rts robot combat)
That would be very cool but I can't see them spending dev time on something like this. Perhaps a modder somewhere is working on it.
There are some mods that allow you to build units and harvesters
>This almost exactly what we plan to have in the RTS direction, we wanted to call it the throne room :)
Multiplayer would be amazing with this, two or more factories fighting over resources and teching up like fucking Rise of Nations while making unstable truces to fend off bitters.
It would just devolve into autistic MUH BUILD ORDER shit like most RTS games
Here's mine from when I last played
I wanted to expand a lot at this point but kinda lost interest
If that's from 2013 they probably have scrapped the idea as it's not happened.
you can sort of do that with the robot army mod, aircraft mod, and aai mods
Build wide, meaning have plenty of space to expand your every type of resource output. Worst thing you can do is to try build "compact" and realize later you need to increase the number of something like copper smelters, but you don't have any space left nearby and have to build them somewhere complete else.
>can only build on a 2D plane
so this is just an inferior Dwarf Fortress without goblins and such?
yes but it's fun
It's nothing like DF
>so this is just an inferior Dwarf Fortress without goblins and such?
It's nothing like Dwarf Fortress. It's very much it's own thing, if it has some serious inspirations from other games, it would be the Transport Tycoon games, where they borrowed a lot of inspiration for handling the railroads and train scheduling.
Otherwise, it's neither a building or management game. It's a game about optimization, cybernetics and logistics.
Literally nothing like DF
Thanks. I was merely pretending
I like both. Factorio is more focused on logistics hell, constant factory optimization and shit like turning raw materials into new components for other type of sub-components that are part of even higher tier components for the eventual ends products whereas Dorf Fort has more content and customization but you can easily survive with pretty sub-optimal logistics builds (since hauling is so easy) and there's no real reason to mass produce shit unless for player goal megaprojects.
No thanks
Get shielded power armor and a flamethrower, pussy
>It will get easier 10 hours in
That is true for Bob. But Angelo is just pure nightmare. The sheer amount of side-fucking-products that are gathering somewhere, the sheer amount of shit that needs to all run at the same time otherwise the whole production gets clogged, and the dependence on filter inserters (which require electronic circuits, Bob makes pretty difficult to produce) is just out of this world.
I got into Bob pretty easily. But Angelo and Bob together are really too much for me. Just the spacial requirements for ore sorting alone are making me sick.
Plus I suspect Angelo is oddly balanced. Having to build filters to produce mineral sludge so that allows you to get rid of crushed stone and the sorting by-products seems to actually cost more minerals, than you get out of the whole business.
God I love the new flamethrower, so fucking brokenly powerful
You have to be autistic to fully enjoy the game
It's not angelo's, it's Angel's. The dude's nickname is angel666 or something cringy like that. While Angel's has a lot of byproducts, they are more on the low priority list of managing. You can just stash them the fuck away till you need them, the main hurdle with the mod comes at first hours when you have no fucking idea how you need to design this shit. Once you design the proper smelting/crushing/whatever areas, along with trashing or stashing useless junk it gets easier, because you only need to focus on task at hand instead of managing a dozen problem you have no idea how to fix. Easier until you hit petrochem, because petrochem is another completely asinine mod that will make you do the same thing of managing dozens of gases, oils and its derivatives with no end in sight. It will take you another 5-10 hours of managing petrochem just to understand how it works.
OK, thanks for correcting me.
The real problem, however, is with sorting, and getting rid of the by-products from the machines. Just about every step of the ore processing results in two or more different products gathering in the machines, which you need to separate. That alone produces massive logistic challenges, especially if - once again - you combine it with Bob which gates off filter inserters behind complex circuit production. Even at the first step of the game, when you produce basic crushed ore, you already have a major issue separating crushed ore from crushed stone.
And all of it must constantly flow, otherwise your whole production will shut down. That is the real problem that I have with that mod.
Sorting is a big issue, indeed, but it has an easy fix of using another mod called "loaders". Go look up current Arumba's playthrough of Factorio, he made some very good basic sorting areas using them. I remember the hurdles I had to get through using smart inserters just to sort stuff out, but with loaders it really makes everything easier. They are pretty much essential for starting with this mod, unless you want to redesign your factory after each science tier.
I have Arumba's compilation mod installed right now. I have to say I have not experimented with loaders yet, I don't know what exactly do they do...
Which youtuber should I watch for some grade A Factorio turbo-autism?
They load stuff into chests from the belts themselves and have filters built-in. Using them along with warehouses (angel's ones or the other mod) is essential for sorting.
OK, that seems like a major game changer. I'll look into it.
Zisteau, he goes full autist on everything he does.
They may seem overpowered, but inserters are still an essential part of the game. I would say they are overpowered in vanilla, but they work really nice along with Angel's, unless you're a fan of headaches.
Dunno about YouTube but AntiElitz on Twitch does speed runs and I think holds the current random seed record.
In angelo, considering the sorting headaches, it does not seem overpowered at all. In vanilla, sure, but I generally prefer to play vanilla, well, vanilla. If I want mods, I do like my headache bullshit that completely turns the game around.
Thanks for the tips.
Arumba is currently doing a series of Rocket per Patron, where he should launch a rocket per patron, obviously. He is at 70ish video right now and so far launched 0. I would argue he still needs twice as much to launch the first rocket.
The twist? He plays with Angel's and Bob's, which is almost the most autistic modlist you can get, only losing to combo.
>Bobs mods with friends
>allright lads let's find the tungsten ore
>4 hours later - the save file is now 40mb large due to the fucking large area we had to uncover before discovering the tungsten deposit ten billion miles away from our starting location
>we have to painstakingly clear a way through dozens and dozens of alien bases while placing down thousands of pieces of tracks and power lines
>one full cargo wagons worth of ore is more than we will ever need
Thanks lads