Why did you buy a NormieStation 4 instead of the Wii U?

Why did you buy a NormieStation 4 instead of the Wii U?

Because something about Wii U being shit has no games or whatever, uhh PS4 has better exclusives nd shit and uh #fortheplayers

Wii U is the worst Nintendo console aside from the Virtual Boy

The Playstation 4 has Bloodborne and my main platform is a gaming PC so the WiiU has nothing to offer.

Every Wii U game will be emulated reliably at the end of the year anyways.

Has nothing to offer? I apart from quite a few of its games near perfect. Fit for your resolution

What compels people towards the PlayStation brand? It literally has no games. Why not buy Nintendo instead? At least they been on the side of gamers.

Every Wii U game worth playing is getting ported to 3DS and Switch, and anything that isn't will be emulated soon.
Sup Forums shilled the fuck out of the Wii U and its generally a good idea to do the opposite of what Sup Forums says

>I apart from quite a few of its games near perfect.
yes, so perfect.

Sup Forums is constantly shilling the PS4.

so...it's shit?

I already owned 2 7th gen consoles and didn't want another one

Yes, nothing to offer.
I never liked Nintendo games (besides the 2D Mario games) so when I was a kid I jumped from the SNES to both PC and Playstation 1 without looking back.

The Playstation consoles have actual variety on games thanks to third party support.
Nintendo consoles only have Mario, Zelda and Smash.

What about Splatoon? XCX? Bayonetta? W101??

Literally a chldren's game.

>XCX, Bayonetta, W101
Those games sound interesting but they don't justify buying a dead console for them. Yeah, I'm aware of the hypocrisy given how I bought a PS4 for just one game, but after playing three Souls games on PC I knew I was going to enjoy BB. Meanwhile I have no idea if I'm going to enjoy Bayo or W101.
Add to that how the PS4 may get interesting exclusives in the future. In fact, I'm playing Nioh right now and SRWV will arrive to my hands in a month.

you sound like a boring cunt desu

Nintendo has variety. Compare at Splatoon 2 with the six Uncharted games. Sony has no originality, they rather make interactive movies than real games, and the only reason the Wii U didn't dominate eight gen is because of Nintendo's poor marketing.

Got em both. The Wii U had an absolutely terrible 2016 but overall it was worth it. If its netflix app didn't occasionally crash, my PS4 would have been literally untouched for like a year and a half.

I'm not exactly ecstatic over Gravity Rush 2 abandoning the Vita and making that platform even more dead, or the fact that Persona 5 is my most hyped upcoming release and I don't even need the fucker to play it, but I expect the PS4 to be justified by 2018. I should have just waited a way longer time to buy one.

I think you're just a jaded prejudice twat tbqh.

>Yeah, I'm aware of the hypocrisy
Sup Forums - The Vidya

W101 is a meme game
I bet half of you praising haven't even played it

>Buying a Wii U for that
>Not just waiting for Cem U to become better at emulation

Pssssh. Nothing personal, Nintendork.

>the only reason the Wii U didn't dominate eight gen is because of Nintendo's poor marketing.
The first party games are worse than the ones on SNES, N64, GC and Wii

Kinda like Metroid 'fans.' They swear they want another Metroid game yet no one buys them.

Bayonettas great

I actually bought it I just never got around to buying the Wii U because nothing else interested me kek

i bought a wii u, i should've bought a ps4 instead.

atleast i played bayonetta i guess

nintendo has good exclusives and barely any multiplats
microsoft has multiplats and barely any exclusives
sony has both multiplats and good exclusives

>Super Mario 3D World
>News Super Mario Bros U/New Luigi U
>Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
>Bayonetta 2
>Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
>Windwaker HD/Twilight Princess HD
>Star Fox Zero
>Pikmin 3
>Mario Party 10
>Super Smash Bros.
>Mario Kart 8
>Wonderful 101

There's more but that's off the top of my head. What does Sony have to offer besides Bloodborne?

Niggas help me out, I'm trying to get the last bits of the library I don't have yet before it becomes a """"rare collectible"""" and games get jacked up to 100s for a disc alone like with the Dreamcast and Saturn.

Right now I'm looking at
>Kirby and the Canvas Curse
>Tokyo Weeb Sessions
>Lego City Undercover
>Hyrule Warriors, but I'm not sure if I should just get it on the N3DS instead to save loads on DLC
>Rodea and the Sky Soldier, but apparently only the Wii version is worth a shit, and the Wii version ONLY fucking came in first run copies for the WiiU, but I kind of doubt it sold well enough for extra production, so I'm not sure if I'm safe or not just buying a copy off of Amazon.
Which one do you think I should buy next?

Also is it just me or are the captchas getting more obnoxious by the day?

Did you even read my post? I was comparing to old nintendo consoles
3D World is the worst 3D Mario game.
Star Fox Zero and Mario Party 10 are just utter trash. and WWHD and TPHD are remakes.


i bought a wiiu for splatoon only for a few months later to be told that the console i just bought was receiving dwindling support. If the switch can snatch up great jrpg support, I'll pick it up as a companion to my pc, otherwise, nintendo is dead to me.

Clay Kirby is great if you liked canvas curse on DS, the main game is easy as always but the collectibles are actually pretty challenging to get.
I didn't really like Hyrule Warriors because I found it repetitive and shallow but I guess if you like musou it's worth buying. Don't know how the 3DS version is, never played it.
Rodea is really fun and some of the stages have an old-school sonic feel, but yeah the Wii U version is trash so make sure you get one that's bundled with the Wii game

Bloodborne is a meme game too

Do you have any idea how I can make sure my copy is bundled with the Wii version?

If you can see a picture of the actual game it should say on the case that it has the Wii version inside

>not having both and a gaming PC

Fucking poorfags

I can't tell on Amazon. I'll try Ebay and futilely try the game stores in this redneck hell I live in.

Thanks much user

In six days Sony dies and Nintendo will dominate with Switch like they did with the Wii.

>listing ports

Well, the PS4 has a fuck load of games if we're doing that you dumb faggot

Im a big nintendofag, I mean I bought and loved the WiiU but thats some fucking delusion.
>The Switch looks promising
>Only Zelda at launch, not even exclusive
>Have to wait until APRIL for Mario Kart WiiU again
>The Wii was something more than a flash in the pants with a beyond shit attachment rates for games
>Implying game sales aren't the majority of a consoles profits
You're delusional son


>The Wii was something more than a flash in the pants with a beyond shit attachment rates for games

Why do people keep repeating these lies?

The only one I've played of those is Rainbow Curse, but it's great if you like Kirby games and especially if you liked the DS game (which is on the eshop too). I'd say the only flaw is that the amazing art style is wasted because you have to look at the gamepad the whole time.

>Posting a pic where its leagues below its competitors at the time

>1.5 games less than PS3
>leagues below

Now remove Wii Sports and Wii Fit from the equation

>a flash in the pants

Eh, Mario Kart 8 and Smash U did sell tons.

All the Wii's business was frontloaded during the Wii craze

It sold WiiU numbers the rest of its lifespan because people realized it was barely a console compared to the other two


Isn't Nintendo the normie brand?

>special pleading

The phrase you're looking for is "flash in the pan" my friend.

A flash in the pants is someone who cums very fast though

The PS4's only game is Bloodborne. Bloodborne would have been better off as a PC game, because of the slow loading times.

Wii U has a nice handful of good games. It has Splatoon, the definitive version of Smash, and Mario Maker. Those 3 games alone are worth hundreds of hours of gameplay.

Put the puzzle pieces together. $460 for one game is a ripoff, and sending the signal that people are desperate and will pay that much for one game fucks us all over. So if you bought the PS4 for Bloodborne, thanks for lowering the bar for everyone. You showed them that people will buy a console for an inferior version of one game, and Microsoft is even experimenting with "can we get people to buy a console for 0 games?"

Wii U costs more than a PS4 here.
I can pick up a brand new PS4 slim bundle for $250, meanwhile Wii U+Mario Kart 8 is still $300+

I did buy it, mostly just for W101 and Bayonetta 2

It was worth it tee bee ache. I'll probably dust it off to play Zelda too.

I bought a hacked PS3 instead which is way better than a Wii U. I can play PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP games all on one platform including countless emulators.

>So if you bought the PS4 for Bloodborne, thanks for lowering the bar for everyone. You showed them that people will buy a console for an inferior version of one game
lmao what is this nigga saying

i bought both on the PS4 launch day

2 years later i sold my PS4

I'm honestly confused as to why they released Rodea the way they did. I mean its the same game just with different controls right? Would've made more sense to just add an option for Wii remote controls to the Wii U version instead of making the one with shitty graphics the better one.

I bought both and gave away my Wii U after playing through Star Fox 0. The only good games on it were Wonderful 101, Bayonetta and Dong Freeze. Splatoon was fucking awful.

>Maybe Nintendo won't totally fall to shit without him
>Instantly falls to shit without him
Why did fate take him from us? There are hundreds in the industry genuinely deserving of death. And one of its best people gets a slow, agonizing form of cancer.

I still get sad everytime I think about it

thats all it has the first 2 years of its life

I bought both because I have a job. I'll also be buying the Switch.

I bought both at launch. I got plenty of use out of both at them, the Wii U morseo during the first two years before releases dropped off. PS4 definitely gets played more often thanks to third party stuff but the Wii U has better exclusives (for now). I'll be retiring my Wii U once I get a Switch.

>Splatoon was fucking awful.

yeah, get taste