Eurogamer has given Botw a 10/10

Eurogamer has given Botw a 10/10

This is a neogaf users response.

The salt is real.

Other urls found in this thread:

i thought eurogamer doesn't give scores.

Go back to fucking NeoGaf with your screenshot, cancerous cross-siting faggot. Who gives a damn?

God I hate that site.

>I'm too old to learn a new game mechanic


they and you can go fuck yourself.

Neofag bantz are awful. They must be the lamest online community out there.

Thank you, I go to Sup Forums just to see someone on another site's opinion.

they don't

the just give avoid (super bad), don't say anything (i.e. it's okay, and they don't put anything with the article), recommended (good), essential (really good)


Nintengogaf is just as pathetic. Also OP is a misleading cuck

>This is a neogaf users response
>only one user

So is there anybody outside of neogaf who doesn't think they're a bunch of whiny pussies and losers?

Its sad that so many devs use neogaf. Why can't they use Sup Forums instead? Whats wrong with us?

yeah le epic crying wojak with hats is so much funnier

Sup Forums

No really. Sup Forums is a toxic brand that no one wants anything to do with.

Eurogamer doesn't even have a review of Breath of the Wild.

>Its sad that so many devs use neogaf.

Name some who have used Neogaf in the past year

>Whats wrong with us?

Half the posts in any thread here look like they were copy pasted from a youtube comment section

Hello nu/v/

Reminder that gamergate won everything and are continuing to win while you guys are autistically shrieking.

Mad we don't conform to your cuck fetish janny hotpocket?

This shit is even cancerous here. If you think that's it, then just fucking go back to whereever you crawled from.


Numale influx on Sup Forums perpetually btfo


Because we don't like shills trying to shill their games.

Stop trying to turn everything into GG faggot

>Now frame rate matters

I hate console fags

>gamergate won

Yeah video game journalism sure is good
oh wait

Gamergate never went away. It just evolved, got younger people involved in politics.

And got Trump elected.

Many probably do, but you'd never know because they're anonymous like everyone else is.

That's kind of the whole point.

>Nu prefix

Gamergate is long dead, nigga. Whatever the fuck it is right now as nothing to do with what it was 3 years ago.

>Pewdiepie makes a bad joke
>Washington Post publishes a hit job article that uses editing to make it look far worse than it is
>Calling him a literal Nazi
>Somehow pointing that out is bad

>A bunch of neets led to someone getting elected
Sup Forums this is your mindset

Didn't YouTube do something to Pewdiepie though? I just don't think it mattered because he swims in subscribers.

It wasn't about making shitty gaming sites good, it was about making them irrelevant

Did this comment hurt so much that you had to go to your freinds at Sup Forums for support?

They do lurk Sup Forums at the very least.

It was WSJ not WP, stop spreading fake news.

Switch Heil

Just go back

This was inevitable due to youtubers. Gen Z only cares about them.

Still cancer though.

Which they aren't. Congrats lad ~~~

I don´t care about this "Nintendo vs Sony" bullshit, but is always good to see neogaf suffering.

>from "gaming journalism is garbage" to "fake news"

a lot more similar than you think

Hes right but Im sorry it hurt your feelings.

Considering their shitty memes got all over the news, they deserve a little bit of credit.
I wish they'd go back home though. Things haven't been the same since GG.

>bloodborne leak

they do. its just anonymous and likes to shitpost just like us.

And then someone makes a potshot at Horizon only to get banned in 5 seconds flat

>video game
choose one and only one

>Its sad that so many devs use neogaf

That hasn´t been the case for years.

Why can't they use Sup Forums instead?

How would you know? we are an anonimous image board, that user you called a fag yesterday could be any person in world, literally anyone.

A lot of the boards I browse like Sup Forums are still Sup Forums-free, Sup Forums on the other hand is pretty overrun with them. Sup Forums is still relatively Sup Forums-free unless you count the occasional thread making fun of Brianna Wu to be Sup Forums

it's funny because if they had made this same comment about a game released on a sony console, you would see "banned" under their username

You clearly have no interest in strategy games.
Civ and AoE are done here unless you mask the OP. Overwatchfags are starting to get a little taste of Sup Forums's shitposting now.

Too honest.

>Sup Forums is still relatively Sup Forums-free unless
Come on, you know that's a load of shit. Just look at any Horizon thread or the African kid in Overwatch

>polfags actually believe this

Imagine you're a rich game dev with a stable income and nice house and such, what purpose would it serve you to spend your time browsing an anonymous Bangladeshi pottery imageboard where you can't stroke your penis, there are many better ways to spend your time. However going on a forum, with your name as the username and a nice fat rep you can stroke your e-dick and btfo dumb dumbs with a 100% hitrate due to your game dev following. I know which one i'd be doing.

Fuck off nu-user

if you know that that site is basically a SONY news outlet why you keep visiting it?

>Why can't they use Sup Forums instead?

The few times a big time game dev showed up on Sup Forums they got shitposted into oblivion, confused by the format, had to jump through several hoops just to prove they were who they said they were, and then just get a bunch of memeing faggots clogging up threads.

Sup Forums is objectively shit for discussing something popular.

i've never visited it and only know what i know from shitposts on Sup Forums about it

>libertarian left movement getting an authoritarian right faggot elected as president
Gamergate died years ago mate.

>horizon is a shitty propaganda game
>OH LOOK Sup Forums

it's like SONY wants Kojima to fail, isn't it?

>Authoritarian right
>First GOP pres to support LBGT community
>First pres ever to support LBGT from the get go

Really activates muh almonds.

No game is a 10/10, so anyone criticizing this Nintendo shilling is 100% in the right. There can only be 9/10 games, the extra point is subjective to the player to make it a perfect game for THEM.

Wasn't fucking Skyward Sword a 9? Lol. You'd have to be an idiot to take any review of a mainline Nintendo game seriously.

>10/10s are impossible because of "muh subjective"
>9/10s are okay though

So 9/10s are objective?

Literally free brownie points. Call me when he does something actually ''lefty''. He did scrap the TTP for now though.

>libertarian left

that shit does not exist


I thought they said this guys name was "vee" at first I laughed.

As is one of the few boards that has managed to police their board culture well enough to retain it.

Anarcho communists. Not libertarian in the least.

>Call me when he does something actually ''lefty''.

He did so before he was even elected

Unless you're asking for policy, in which case

upholding particularly-recent "lefty" policy (gay marriage was only federally decided June 2015) is fairly important considering how much other shit Trump is trying to revoke

Gamergate won because all these people opposed to it act like hysterical fucktards, and most people don't support shit like that.

>there are only extremes

All this support

See, I'd imagine the opposite.

Imagine you are famous and are constantly hounded by fans and have your dick sucked by the media. Wouldn't you want a place where you could interact with other people on a more or less equal level?

