What are some good space games Sup Forums?
What are some good space games Sup Forums?
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Elite Dangerous
Star citizen
He said games not tech demos
Mass effect Andromeda
Oh god, so many baits.
Rebel Galaxy is definitely my favourite.
Elite is good on paper, but everything is such a damn chore and the flight model is garbage.
Great soundtrack too
Blues and fucking spaceships.
>early access
It's getting better though and community is getting larger.
It's great, haven't played it since June though.
Nice galaxy n3ds man.
I like it's sort of space frontier setting.
Fractured Space
X:rebirth 4.0
Rebel Galaxy
What's your favourite out of those?
Rebel Galaxy
X3's good though slow
Sins of a Solar Empire
Space Engine
If Star Citizen actually completes with most if not just about all of the content they claim it will have then it should be good
Also, I love themes that blend space and water together
If you want a goofy space opera game, Sword of the Stars is actually really good. Two is master of orion three level trash though, avoid at all costs.
Oh man. They are different enough to be separate genres so they are all my favorites. I'll elaborate
Fractured Space: Fight 5v5 in an online pvp or pve setting using unique ships that fill a distinct niche. The game is balanced around one tier, with only sidegrades and never upgrades so that only two things matter: teamwork and personal skill. I love the designs and abilities of each capital ship and how everything has a counter. The perfect space moba-esque game.
X:rebirth 4.0: This is for the elite dangerous and freelancer fans. You explore a vast world starting out with nothing but a ship with modest weaponry. You can creates fleets of destroyers to terrorize the galaxy or become an ultra jew that builds a trade empire. I loved it, and consider it an affordable star citizen
Rebel Galaxy: Surprisingly good indie game. You are limited on a 2d plane so it's more akin to naval combat than space combat, but it fits well with the game's design, not to mention the absolutely kickass soundtrack. See you space cowboy
None of you guys are going to mention void destroyer?
Rts mixed in with the X series combat? Semi-realistic physics with the conservation of momentum? I think it's the best space game I played
No Mans Sky
Ratchet and Clank, dead space, no man's sky take your pick buddy. They're all breddy gud
Oh shit, speaking of RTS you reminded me of Homeworld. Now that's a good game, though not exactly space like the other games.
I've played Rebel Galaxy and I really enjoyed it, fun combat albeit a little repetitive topped off with a great world, trade system and soundtrack.
I haven't played the other two though, I'll have to look into them
Homeworld was good. Sins of a solar empire just barley beats it
How about my game? Or if you want hard science, get Children of a Dead Earth.
Needs more content, and not just more shallow jobs that are always the same and give you money that's useless for anything but upgrading your ship to do more jobs. The ability to disembark from your ship and do stuff on space stations or planetside stations would go a long way toward making the game feel real and immersive. I think they were planning to implement that at some point.
I want to fly around in a gas giant's atmosphere.
Oh you made it? It looks really nice man! I had it on my wishlist from launch and was planning to get it once testing ends
Oh shit dawg, on top of being reminded of Homeworld now I'm being reminded of Star Sector
Saw that ages ago, played the alpha versions, liked the idea, but I forgot the name, and every time I saw you post about it here you never say the fucking name.
Also, since hard sci-fi was mentioned: Rogue System
Testing will never be completely done, but it's in a really good state right now if you would like to try it: zillo7.itch.io
No one told me about star sector until I posted webms a while ago. It looks like that's the closest thing I have to a competitor.
I usually post the link instead of the name because I didn't pick a good name for searching.
Nah. It's still just too unfamiliar as of now.
Isn't that what makes it interesting though?
Evochron Legacy
Space Engine
>going at 1000x c
>barely feels like you're moving
I would say eve but everyone here hates the game
Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Star Control 2
star conflict at steam
not even kidding i putted 100 hours into that shit and wouldnt have done so if it was bad. Also star trek online / SWTOR might be decent already. Prey 2 is also coming out soon and Andromeda has ugly faces but its still a space game
If you are looking for a chill game, ED is allright. Just throw some tunes on smoke a bowl and chill to space delivery simulator.
Apparently MassEffect 3
Parkan 2
Space Rangers2
Nexus Conflict
Space Wolves
Dead Space(yes it is space game)
well, ME
StarTrek Elite Force 1-2
>culmination of everything you did
red pill or blue pill neo