It's time to discuss the most medicore RPG ever
It's time to discuss the most medicore RPG ever
Nice bait faggot.
I haven't played any of the DLC. Should I pirate that shit? Is it good?
Quite literally, it's nothing special at all I hate the hype Sup Forums gives it.
hasn't it already been discussed enough?
>4 not last
>3 is the best
Objectively the right answer:
NV > 2 > 1/3 > 4
>2 above 1
Thanks for reminding me to uninstall it.
Like 40gb freed.
It was ok, but the gameplay is shit.
2 is literally meme mod for 1
We get it, you didn't play the original games
Didn't we just have a Morrowind thread last night?
I have played them though :^)
Then I'm sorry to break it to you user, you're retarded
I get it, you didn't play the Bethesda games
Luck build > rest
I can understand thinking 3 is the best, but seriously thinking that 4 isn't the worst game is just plain wrong
Good to see someone being honest for once.
The DLC is really good, but Lonesome Road (the last one) isn't as good. You can pirate the DLC and still get the achievements off of Steam too lol. If you enjoyed the base game, you should definitely go for it.
4 IS the worst fallout, but nv is just a bad joke
But that's not Morrowind.
>there will come a day when Sup Forums in it's entirety hates NV and praises 4 just to spite NV fans
You guys are underaged
Don't worry, when Fallout 5 comes out, Fallout 5 will be the worst thing ever, Fallout 4 will be an underappreciated rough diamond, and New Vegas will be the greatest game ever made.
As shit as 4 is, I'm okay with this future because it'll be justice for obsidiots.