I'm still blown away that Sega were based enough to make this game happen

I'm still blown away that Sega were based enough to make this game happen

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Post yfw this appeared on screen during the trailer.

To be honest they could have just shown the list of devs and I'd have shat my pants in excitement. I love PagodaWest's mobile offerings (for well over a year I was top of the leaderboard on more than one of their games), Taxman has proven himself incredibly capable and I was pretty good e-friends with Stealth back in the days when he was first working on Sonic Project Mettrix. The dev roster on this game is like my personal Avengers-style crossover of worthy 2D Sonic devs

Sega ain't making it. they are just letting someone who actually gives a shit the ability to make it under their name.

Hence why I said "make this game happen", not "make this game". It's still them funding it, it's still their brand, they still get final say on everything that goes into the game.

Pretty sure that's what OP meant, without Sega giving the okay and the budget Mania would not be happening.

Let's hope they let those guys do another game with all-original Zones next.

They were also based enough to restrict the developers' creativity so they could shoehorn in rehash stages no one asked for, which actually outnumber the new ones.


Can you retards not imediatly jump to conclusions for once? First of all we still don't know what the ratio of old and new is going to be, since for all we know it could be 8 old levels and 7 new ones. Plus we don't know what more old levels impiles exactly, because if you recall, Taxman and Stealth wanted to include the Sonic 3 multiplayer levels as full 2 act stages for their proposed Sonic 3 Remaster, so they might be doing that for Mania.

And that's not even mentioning the fact that we don't know just how drastic the other classic levels will be remixed, since Green Hill's the most tame in the game. And I'm sure that the other ones are going to be quite different since Taxman said in an interview that there's a story reason why Sonic's going back to these old stages, and that they're being treated as real places that changed a lot over the year.

tl;dr stop going full retard before we get to see more than one act of two zones

>inb4 muh damage control muh shilling

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fangame devs being unable to more than double their workload from what they're doing right now.

repostan because relevant

Sonic Mania will have 6 new zones, 7 old zones, and 1 final single act end-zone like Death Egg (S2) or Doomsday (S3K), for a total of 13 full zones and 1 boss zone

Pic related is how many zones fit in the level select if you space them out the way they're spaced out in the demo. 6 new zones is an acceptable number because Sonic 1 and Sonic 3 had 6 full zones, but Iizuka said there are more old zones than new so a 6:7 ratio works quite nicely. Plus, Taxman has both said that it's longer than Generations (9 zones) and that it's "a really big game" (heavily implying that they're trying to dethrone S3K in terms of zone count). The 7 old zones will be divided between the classics like so
>2 Sonic 1 stages for maximum nostalgia
>2 Sonic 2 stages for maximum nostalgia
>1 stage from Sonic 3 and 1 stage from Sonic & Knuckles because people didn't like how Generations didn't get a zone from the Sonic 3 half
>However the Sonic 3 zone won't be Marble Garden, Carnival Night, Ice Cap or Launch Base due to legal issues surrounding the music - it'll have to either be Angel Island, Hydrocity, or one of the 2P zones
>Sonic CD only gets one zone because it deserves representation and Taxman jerks off over SCD but it just wasn't really a "main" entry into the Genesis saga

Some of you will say this is too many stages but there are factors you have to take into account: They've been working on it for at least a year, they already have the engine, and they already have all of the assets from S1, 2 and CD (from the Taxman remakes) meaning the development time for the rehash zones, even with all of their multitude of changes, is significantly less than you'd expect. Plus even the new zones re-use a lot of content (some Sonic Crackers tiles in Studiopolis, Mirage Saloon uses scrapped content from Desert Dazzle, many of the stage gimmicks and enemies in both stages are actually just clever reskins of old gimmicks, etc).

So how do you guys think they'll handle the CD stage? Will it have time travel as it's own exclusive level gimmick, if not which time period will it take place in? Also which soundtrack do you think it'll remix? Ideally both for each act.

>However the Sonic 3 zone won't be Marble Garden, Carnival Night, Ice Cap or Launch Base due to legal issues surrounding the music
Couldn't they just remix the PC soundtrack? Or would that trigger the hardcore autists?

I'm sure they could but I'm betting they don't want to, hence why we never got a remake of 3 & Knuckles like we did with CD, 1 and 2.

I hope they get Hydrocity in. One of the best water stages of all time.

I'm willing to bet money that the old stages are the only reason Sonic Mania was allowed to be made in the first place. Taxman and friends went to the Sega execs and presented their genius idea: "we want to make this brilliant compilation of old Sonic levels for the 25th anniversary but with loads of tweaks and new features".

The "oh and we're going to add 5 or 6 of our own brand-new levels" was probably tucked away in the small print. Sega is full of idiots, Iizuka is a hardcore nostalgiafag and Japs hate being outdone by filthy gaijins, ESPECIALLY filthy gaijins who are relative nobodies in the gaming/business world. If the team went and presented their idea as "a brand-new 2D Sonic following on from the Genesis classics" they would probably have just been told to fuck off.

Taxman, Tee Lopes and most of the Mania team are hardcore CD purists. I don't know how the time travel will work but I fully expect them to remix the Japanese versions of the music.

Sure they could remix the PC soundtrack but I doubt they'd want to. Besides, Hydrocity is the best water zone in the history of Sonic so I'm almost certain that we're getting Hydrocity as the Sonic 3 stage anyway.

Based Tee Lopes:


This and Studiopolis sound really good but I hope the new tracks don't all have the same similar style.

>We need a cashgrab, but this time we can't make literally trash anymore
>We don't want to work either though
>Let's just hire some diehard fans that will gladly accept and at this point know more about Sonic than we do

It wasn't that hard of a decision really.

We've heard that Lopes is more than capable of original compositions that don't sound too familiar - after all this isn't the first game he's worked on and we've heard the Main Theme/Invincibility theme as well as the boss theme.

I think the similarities between Studiopolis and Mirage Saloon's zone themes is nothing more than a case of bad timing - the first two new zones they revealed just happened to have similar tempo and style. I really don't think it'll be the case with the whole game.

You mean desperate. Which is fine because it's got a better chance of being a good to great game

Yeah those are called "devs". There isn't an entity known as "Sega" making the games. I get the why behind your post but it was still incredibly stupid.

More like guaranteed to be fantastic.


There are no guarantees in gaming, only hope and likelihood


When are we gonna get some new info i'm starving!

March 16th for both Mania and Project 2017.

It's has been 25 years and there hasn't been a design yet to match the Sonic CD intro.

Is it that great

Based on?

In Sonic Heroes, there's a way to look up both Amy and Creams dresses at the same time. Firstly, play any challenge or story with Team Rose, go into Power Fomration and then group the team together. Then turn the camerta up and left and right and then you can see up Amy and Creams dresses as long as you want. I just hope something like that will be in the game haha.

Literally who?

Official Sonic SXSW Panel

>and that they're being treated as real places that changed a lot over the year.
Now you have me imagining a broken down, decrepit Metropolis Zone or Casino Night Zone, and I'm going to be upset when that doesn't happen.


Small time, imagine a wrecked and sunken Death Egg Zone.

>Sunken Death Egg Zone, with a gimmick of draining areas of water or flooding them.
I'd be down with that.


i wish nintendo made a beautiful mario pixel game like this. super mario world 2

There's only one 2D pixel Mario Platformer that I would describe as beautiful, and that game got like 2 bad sequels and only 2 ok sequels.

This is one of the more popular zone ideas for Mania, I'm pretty sure the idea originally comes from the fangame Sonic XG

I'd definitely be down for it

Any chance they'll remake Casino Night? That was my favorite stage

The odds are good, if only because Casino Night Zone is arguably the most iconic Sonic 2 zone, along with Chemical Plant Zone.

I really hope the Taxman versions of the games are the ones used in future compilations and digital stores.

I reckon Casino Night is on the cards, yeah. Casino Night and Chemical Plant are the two "iconic" zones of Sonic 2, but Mania is made by Sonic fans so I'm sure they're just as sick of Chemical Plant as we are. Green Hill Zone was probably a mandatory inclusion but where possible I think the devs will try to avoid treading on the toes of the console version of Generations. That means no Chemical Plant and no Sky Sanctuary.

They already did for Generations so I hope not.

People actually played the 3DS version of Generations?

Even Generations HD had Casino Night as a pinball mini game, sure that's not a full on stage, but still.

...Yoshi's Island?

Sky Sanctuary is my favorite S3&K stage, but I'm fine with that because I didn't even expect it in Generations and that game did a great job with it.

how many times a day are you going to shill this same thread?


Uh... once? Not sure what ur talking about

>People are excited about something that I don't like? Must be the work of an enemy shill.

>Ctrl+f Jun Senoue
>Phrase not found
>Ctrl+f Johnny Gioeli
>Phrase not found

game confirmed trash

I'm hearing that opening in my head again.



>Crush 40 in a 2D Sonic game
are you feeling okay?

Everyone has imagined that at this point. I think we all want it.

>Falling for bait this obvious
Sup Forums is pathetic

>haha i was only pretending!
fuck off

>Implying that means you didn't fall for it
You're still retarded

Am I the only one that likes the idea that we'll be getting some older zones with new level design and graphical polish? Just look at that underground Green Hill. Shit is sexy as fuck.


They dont have a choice given how much money they lost making garbage no one wanted

Yeah but how do they keep making enough money to continually pump out more garbage? Where the fuck does it all come from?

Sonic Boom > You Can Do Anything, those awkward hip hop/rap lyrics have not aged well, and You Can Do Anything takes longer to get good.
Bonus points to You Can Do Anything for being a remix of an older song, though.

The word you're looking for is "desperate"

Their parent company owns pachinko parlors.

Kid, a business can lose as much money as it likes
just so long as the creditors think you can still pay them.

>Falling for obvious counter bait
This guy, though.

>Sega do the thing that fans have been begging for for eons
They were late to the party, anyway. Megaman 9 was the moment to be surprised by a retro throwback.

Shit,you're right I'm sorry. You're shit post fu is stronger than mine

But Sonic games normally top at least 2 million in sales even at the franchises lowest points. The only exception to my knowledge in recent history is Sonic Lost World and Boom, but that's more to do with the fact that Sega were stupid enough to make them Wii U exclusive.

Sonic is no money drain. It rakes in the cash for Sega regardless of the quality.


>>However the Sonic 3 zone won't be Marble Garden, Carnival Night, Ice Cap or Launch Base due to legal issues surrounding the music
Don't care for marble garden or carnival night, the former I just find boring and the latter is just filled with memories of stinking up the game when I was a kid thanks to that barrel.

IMO the only one that really sucks to lose is icecap zone.

It could get hydrocity zone which is one of my favorite zones in any sonic game, so I'll be content if it gets that.
If it gets flying battery on top of that, my other favorite stage, then I have no complaints.

Retro throwback isn't what's surprising.

It's handing off the development to a bunch of fans.

>ONLY just realized that the music at the beginning of the Mania trailer is a remix of the Sonic 3D Blast credits music
I feel ashamed. I can no longer call myself a true fan.

>tfw Mania includes both Hydrocity and Flying Battery
I'm going to be so disappointed if that's not the case.

You mean the folk who had been doing all the ports for them lately?

I'd prefer Lava Reef personally

That shit is still surprising bigger

They went from doing enhanced ports stuck on mobile to a new game on all major consoles

Yeah I recognized it the instant I heard it. Such a good song. Jesus Christ, this is one of the best credit themes in series.

As long as they split up S3&K, I'll be happy.

I fucking hated that Generations treated it like one game.

Yeah, I know it's supposed to be one game, but fuck off.

>they went from doing enhanced ports to doing romhacks

Taxman has already confirmed there will be a stage from each.

But will Crush 40 still be doing the soundtrack? That's what's really important

>This guy again
What's your angle, why do you keep showing up in these threads and dropping this shitpost

Well, I mean

Even if they treated it as one game, there's really nothing stopping them from picking one zone from each half for maximum nostalgia

Kinda like said

i mean, they are practically on their deathbed, so what the hell..

Okay, okay, but where is Crush 40?

Not, me, senpai.


>there are people in this website who don't want this back


Indies are doing all the legwork. All SEGA does is give them some chump change and reap the fan pocket money.

S3&K has so many stages, and so many good ones, that picking only one of them is criminal anyway.


Sonic 1 and 2 as pre-order incentives FUCKING WHERE

Crush 40 are 99% confirmed to have been working on one or more songs in Project 2017 (in fact I'm pretty sure they were the ones who inadvertently revealed the game's existence in the first place). You know just as well as I do that they have no place in classic Sonic and I don't know where this meme of asking for Crush 40 in Mania has come from.

>Crush 40 in a Classic game