Best heist game of all time. GTA V thread.
Best heist game of all time. GTA V thread
I found it quite boring
Your life must be boring then
>GTA V is a near masterpiece.
>GTA Online is a microcosm of what is wrong with the gaming industry, add in Rockstar 'Support' and you have an actual tumour.
I'm divided.
>"GTAV has lots of heists! Heists are a central gameplay mechanic! Look at all these crew members you can level up on your many heists!
>Only 6 heists
>One doesn't even let you bring any crew members and one doesn't let you choose anything at all
As much as I enjoyed V's missions I wish it had more side shit to do like the 3D era did (aka firefighter, vigilante, off-road missions, etc)
In Online's defense, at least it does get some updates that are Free and don't require a shit ton of in-game money to be fun (sometimes).
Cunning Stunts is great.
>not Payday
Even Payday 2 is a better heisting game than GTA V.
weakest story in the entire series. the effort went into the online mode.
shortest game in the series. the effort went into the incredibly detailed world for some reason.
I went full on "wait, that's the end?" at the end. it only took me 19 hours or something similar.
GTA V is acceptable and fun in its own right but it might be the worst GTA in the series. it definitely is for me.
the online mode is alright though, aside from the severe fps problems. I just wish the effort was more balanced
Just cause they focus their dlc on online now doesn't mean the campaign is half-assed. It's longer than GTA IV:
GTAV is damn near perfect, the online is phenomenal, can't praise it enough, if only microtransactiosn weren't so shit.
>weakest story in the entire series, effort went into online
I'm not gonna argue for or against the story here since this complaint is a bit vague, but if the story is the issue, how could Online, which is incredibly story light, have eaten up their story-related work? Unless you mean specifically mission design or number of heists.
>shortest game in the series
This is factually wrong. Go play Vice City or III again and tell me V is shorter than them. It isn't. In fact, specifically checking How Long To Beat, the only game longer than V for either Main Story or Main Story + Extras is San Andreas.
I disliked the engine in this game, nothing 'felt' real
GTA V is basically the video game for this movie
I live IV heist mission.
I enjoyed IV more than V.
Especially since online left a bad taste in my mouth.
GTA V is amazing for how many stupid fucking vague as fuck complaints I've ever seen about a game.
Like what the fuck are you actually on about?
>all my friends stopped playing GTA Online before I got into it
>no one wants to just get on and do the heists from the beginning
Fucking hell
>doing stunt races against russian and chinese kids every day at 4 in the morning
Why do people say that online is bad? It lets me fuck around with my friends on private sessions, so it seems pretty cool to me. I''m new to this game so I don't really know much about online features though.
You're playing the wrong game.
Also, you should be boycotting R* till Manhunt 3 is announced.
propably the shortest and most boring gta despite having 3 playable characters
good job rockstar
after heists theres nothing to do other than fuck around and grind also check prices for fucking money like 80 euros for 8kk
It wasn't released with the game, but a little while later. At release it was missing some core content like heists that didn't come until much later. There's a million menus to get through to do anything - they did address this with later updates by adding more in-lobby events and the like, but it's still a thing.
But the biggest issue is how microtransactions focused it is. The updates may be free but they're pretty ridiculous about hiding some of the good shit behind ridiculous in-game costs that just aren't easy to get for most players without a lot of grinding or buying shark cards.
I think it's okay, it does the job, I've played it a ton and enjoyed myself, but I do think it's significantly flawed (while single player I think is pretty much fucking perfect).
True that
IV had more relalistic shooting physics, like when you'd shoot someone and don't kill them, they would limp away. In V one or two bullets just down a person. V has tighter car controls. Each game has their strongsuits.
the city doesn't feel like a city, driving doesn't feel like driving, gunplay has no weight, etc..
Three Leaf Clover > all the GTAV shit
inb4 that autist posts his shitty video again.
It does sound bad now that I've read about it, but i'm probably going to enjoy the next couple of hours in it with my friends anyway.
As long as I can waste my time and have some fun I dont really care t bh.
this desu. I was hoping DLC will fix the game, but no. Jewstar opted out of it in favor of microtransactions and irrelevant mmo shit
>Only 6 heists
You mean four. Jewellery store, port super weapon, bank job rampage, final mission. The FIB, and chemical weapons factory raids were closer to classic GTA crazy missions like stealing the jetpack in GTA SA.
More and more people complain about stuff they don't even understand. They also mistaken subjective stuff, they think they're preferences should be in every genres because they don't have a knowledge about gaming history.
That last point is important, critiscizme is given by people who have no clue about gaming, but still buy and help the industry evolving.
In short, casuals who have a biaised view of themselves, and no respect for oldschool gaming at his core, they only use it for the trend.
Fucking >pic related was better heist game than Grand Microtransaction Auto V
>the city doesn't feel like a city
That's still vague as fucking shit. It also has nothing to do with the engine. It's also fucking wrong because it's probably the closest thing to a realistic city the series has ever had in terms of design - each area is distinct but naturally flows into each other with no blatant border areas, and none of them are too small for them to feel like token areas either.
It is by far the city in GTA history to feel most "like a city".
>driving doesn't feel like driving
Again, stop saying vague shit. What the fuck am I meant to take from this? The driving is great. What'd you dislike about it? That it had unrealistic elements like being able to turn over your car if it got flipped?
>gunplay has no weight
This I can agree with to a degree, but it's also never been GTAs calling. Guns have always been "weak feeling" because they're meant to be just one aspect of the game that you flow between.
Honestly I'm trying to not be vague, I'm not good enough at English.
I'm leaving now, bye
Feels like I'm shooting nothing at all, nothing at all
Also you can kill civilians by just shooting them in the leg couple times, there's no limping or locational damage
V feels like cars were imported from an arcade game, they feel nothing like cars
>tfw GTA VI will be completely online with custom characters and story missions in between
To me the car mechanics just feel tighter in V, but the weight thing is true.
But IV is better for shooting physics. They went for an overall modern-arcade feeling with V, but it still has detail.
you're shit at arguing
also you should die for not being a native english-speaker
>"story" missions are about growing a criminal empire
>you unlock them by "investing" your in-game money like in Vice City
>later missions cost billions of dollars but reward $100,000
>$1,000,000,000 shark card costs $100
>Thinking they'll ever make a manhunt 3
Even if they did it would probably be shitty like manhunt 2
Try making an argument in Cantonese or some shit you fucking retard. I doubt you'll do well
>Guns have always been "weak feeling" because they're meant to be just one aspect of the game that you flow between.
Not true at all. Gunplay is important in GTA, it always has been. For a 2013 game, GTA V's gunplay is a letdown. I'm not asking for FPS-tier gun mechanics because that'd be overboard, but at least IV had solid shooting physics.
>don't require a shit ton of in-game money to be fun
>mentions cunning stunts
>stunt cars literally cost millions
Payday 1 disagrees
It was nice to see Packie and Michelle again.
Johnny, though. Christ.
Maybe not the worst but one of the weakest sp in the series. Online is staring at loading screens 50% of the time if you want to do something other than get blown up by hackers in freemode with things made worse thanks to the whole thing crapping out regularly for no reason. I can appreciate the scope of the project and the variety of things to do must have been difficult to implement but when they barely got the thing working properly it don't mean shit when I've paid my money in good faith. Also the cost of some of the content is outrageous and to think I'm expected to grind the same boring missions for days or weeks, or worse still spend $40 of real money just for a car or warehouse or whatever is so fucking offensive it puts me off buying another Rockstar product ever again.
>plaay game for racing
>spend all my time earning cash to buy a car to race with
>next "free" update comes
>my car is obsolete in racing
this is the opposite of pay to win it is buy shark cards to have fun or grind for eternity playing catch up, because it is damn not fun having to grind the same heist mission over and over for weeks just to get a car I don't want to drive to be able to compete
>Best heist game of all time
There's only like 3 actually good heists though
>there are millions of retards who buy shark cards
>if those retards didn't exist we'd get singleplayer dlc
I'm fine with online content but you gotta have both, just like RDR. And no fucking microtransactions.
Can't you pick from pre-set cars, or is that another mode?
Free dlc? You cannot be this retarded.
You still have to buy these new cars, weapons, clothes, properties, and businesses/office deals.
If that's free, then were halo 3's map packs justified at their price? I mean you already get the maps for paying, so you don't have to work for them.
And do not say "grind missions," because Rockstar knows what missions give most money without effort and lowers the payout as such. They want you to buy cards, they want you to spend 100 dollars for a fucking rocket car and the garage to store it in.
>Maybe not the worst but one of the weakest sp in the series
I'd rank the sp as third best of the main line games. SA>VC>V>IV>III>2>1
It has like three heist at best.
Payday shits all over GTAV.
V is great and all but IV is always gonna be better to me, the story, not arguing about online. V is this cliche soap opera of the houser bros mid life crisis fantasy (Michael) while Franklin watches with a lazy eye and underbite the entire time. You play a retired old thief, a young thief, and another old thief. That is literally the story to gtav.
It's different and new unlike any other, sure, because you play all three characters at once, and that you get to choose for the first time if you want to kill off a main character, which is pretty intense.
But IV changed it up with the lack of light and color, the daily New York grind. You play an immigrant, a biker club leader, and a nightclub bodyguard. There's an overall arc with diamonds that pass between each story of revenge. Each revenge is resolved, but each character is left bitter and without diamonds.
Tlad is the best example, with its snow channel grain filter, because despite Johnnys shitty ending, best friends dead, girlfriend a whore and junkie, mc club burned down, he still has to persevere. And outside of him and his bullshit is the overall arc with the diamonds, that end how it begins, with the admired diamond in passing strangers hands.
How different would V be if killing Trevor was never going to be option? That would probably sound crazy looking back on it, wouldn't it? Well that's how IV was with Johnny, cause you wished him dead then.
Why the fuck does my games keep storing save game data under the main documents folder and not the default "my games" folder?
>played GTAV for a week or so
>check my documents for budget update
>see a few game folders just lying there
>move them all over to my games folder
>open GTAV
>lol save game deleted
Multiplayer wasn't touched because of cloud saving but why can't singleplayer have that too?
Can't muster to play through the entire thing again to catch up.
You don't have to kill any MC in V right? I didn't beat it yet. Also how does that work, you can only control 2 ccharacters?
>V feels like cars were imported from an arcade game
t. someone who doesn't play arcade games
Man if the cars in GTA V played like an Arcade game it'd be an amazing thing.
In the final mission you play as franklin and ordered to kill either michael or trevor.
Must have been thought to be a big showdown but only fucks with singleplayer gameplay afterwards.
Wtf so you have to. That sucks.
Pretty impressive list and output with a new game every other year or so.
But RDR2 is coming now and GTAV doesn't really need a replacement anytime soon.
They said RDR2 wouldn't replace GTA V, and that they'd co-exist or someshit.
>GTA6 DK announced
>do you know what DK stands for?
>donkey kong?
>no silly, denmark
>they mapped the entire fucking country
>of course much more compact and with more liberties at city sizes and architecture
Thinking about it denmark would be incredible dull for a GTA setting.