Hey Sup Forums, can we have a genuine Switch opinion thread? No shitposting, just share your own opinion on the console...

Hey Sup Forums, can we have a genuine Switch opinion thread? No shitposting, just share your own opinion on the console, positive or negative.

Not everyone lives under the same circumstances, so it's entirely possible certain features that excite some do nothing but detract from the experience for others. I'm curious as to what everyone's individual use case is and how it affects their opinion on the Switch

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lol Nintendo is for babies

>No shitposting
>console thread

where do you think you are?


What makes you think this one isn't going to be shitposted in too?

I think it will be a great console with good games, and that is all that matters in the end. I don't see it breaking 30m units lifetime though.

Ps4 does what nintendon't

I'm getting one, Zedlda looks amazing, but I want Nintendo to address the low joycon range we've seen in the review units.

Basically to put it simply, the handheld mode is far superior to the dock mode.

That's when you realize: 2.5 hour battery life.

I think the Switch looks neat and I almost certainly will pick one up at some point because I'm not a graphics/horse-power shitposter and I live in the UK (in Europe there have been absolutely no reports of the left Joycon problem)

Not a day one purchase though. Potentially not even a year one purchase. Sonic Mania on-the-go has me giddy, but I'm sure Nintendo spent the last year or two restructuring their internal dev teams so they could put out a consistent stream of Nintendo content for this thing and yet I still see massive holes in the line-up. I'm waiting for E3 (assuming Nintendo even does E3 this year) and the inevitable Pokemon game announcement before I commit to the thing.

As long as I get zelda and smt I can look past its shortcomings, the only other console I have is my ps3 that I'm saving for persona 5.

I don't get what your asking

Great concept, think it will do great but worried about the joycon issue.

>That's when you realize: 2.5 hour battery life.
Seriously, why the FUCK did Nintendo go with a Maxwell GPU? If they went with a Pascal based GPU that had the same processing power, it'd consume a lot less power.

The system is too expensive for me to justify it. I understand why it's as expensive as it is, but I have no interest in using it as a portable console so half of the functionality of the system is lost but I'm still paying for the option to use it that way despite no intention of doing so. Sure, I might end up deciding to use it in handheld mode once or twice or even for whole games (depending on the game) but at the moment that's a maybe and buying a system on a maybe is a stupid thing to do. I'd much rather wait until the system goes down in price or a new model comes out (like the New 3DS).

And it would be more expensive

I'll wait until the New Nintendo Switch XL before I even consider getting one

I can understand why they're trying to capitalize on the tablet/mobile market, but I wish they went with a genuine home console instead as this seems like somewhere in the middle and it doesn't get either tight.
My big issue though is with the joycons, they're possibly the worst 1st party controllers that a company has ever shipped with their console in the past 25 or so years. What the fuck were they thinking?

I will wait for the inevitable Switch redesign with better battery economy

So much for the "no shitposting"

Well it is a Nintendo related thread.

No games.

I'd gladly pay for a Dockless Switch at the same price if they spend the $90 on a better battery.

4 hour Tegra handheld 3x more powerful than a Wii U is fucking amazing.

No shit posting


I currently have a ps4 and think its a great console. I currently have the Switch preordered and am really excited for the zelda game, looks like one of the best installments in years.

I think the concept of the switch is great and will help it sell well. I already have plans of taking my switch to work and using it during the downtime.

>they're possibly the worst 1st party controllers that a company has ever shipped with their console in the past 25 or so years.
They're not the DS3.

Really disagree with your opinion on not getting either right. You can definetly argue that the console experience is lacking but the mobile side of things is absolutely delivering. This thing is everything the PS vita was supposed to be and that coming from someone that likes sony and has owned all their consoles.

>(in Europe there have been absolutely no reports of the left Joycon problem)
There never was a "left joycon problem". It's just a joycon problem. The reviewers noticed it on the left unit because the left analog stick is used for movement, and you notice it immediately when it kicks out. The problem is signal range, the joycons lose connection at about 10 feet from the unit plus physical obstruction. The review units do anyway. This is a really low range, I expect Nintendo to address this one way or another.

I like most of what I've seen so far (aside from paid online) but I'm worried they're trying to recapture the Wii days and are going to start using a lot of motion controls again.

forget about tablets and mobiles for a sec. it's a home console you can play outside

it's going to be the best handheld ever made
im excited for that

I'm genuinely upset about the screen being capacitive rather than resistive, and the system not coming with a stylus.

But I get it. Developers are hardly ever using these on the 3DS and Wii U as is, and consumers don't understand why the touch screens don't respond to mere touch.

It's just... ugh.

Nothing the Switch has really does anything for me. I'm not much of a handheld gamer so I would just leave that thing in the dock almost 24/7. Default controller has no d-pad so I'd have to get the extra one, also all the stuff using the overengineered joycon seems kinda gimmicky similar to the original Wii.

So no reason to get the console for the hardware itself. I will be getting it later on if it has a worthwhile library of exclusives. I remain curious if it will basically do well like the 3DS or just be another Wii U with next to no 3rd party support.

and i hope they do because those days were fun as fuck

The Switch is reasonably priced for what it can do and for the quality of it. The potential of reviving local multiplayer is there too. The fact that most commonly used game engines are compatible with the Switch means that it's easy for developers to port games over, which means we will get far more third party support than the Wii U gave us.

The only problem I have with the Switch is the prices for accessories and what not. Third party companies are making good cases and screen protector stuff for a good price, but other stuff that is only made by Nintendo (e.g. Joycons, wireless pro controller, etc) seems to be very pricey. £75 for a pair of JoyCons and £5 for one strap is quite an asking price. As long as it doesn't have proprietary memory cards like the Switch, I'd say the Switch is pretty good.

True, but that's only by virtue of being the only handheld left on the market, and therefore being the only handheld to use modern processing technology. Everyone else has abandoned this market space in favor of mobile phones.

Nintendo did sell 65 million 3DS consoles at the height of the mobile gaming era though, so I guess there's hope for the right product.

I thought it was blatantly obvious, that's exactly what nintendo is doing.

Nintendo knows that even with a standard system 10x more powerful than PS4, they will never grab the wii sales.

Well, whatever. The point is none of the European units seem to be suffering from this problem

Not going to buy until price drop or until they remove paid online, homebrew would also be a bonus

A hybrid is the best thing they could have done, the market is ready for this kind of product. I expect anything from 60 million sales to 150 million.

The Switch has flaws and I wish they'd spent a bit longer really perfecting it, but most of the issues people have with it honestly don't affect me

>Over priced peripherals, none of which I see the need to buy
>A battery life that won't really affect me, since the only time I'll play it on the go is during my hour lunch at work
>I'm not very concerned with visual fidelity; I still think most Wii U games look gorgeous

Really, my only -big- issue with the Switch is the lack of a proper d-pad. Especially on a console that's going to have Sonic Mania, Shovel Knight, and Bomberman

>removing payed online

Not going to happen, but it's $20 a year. It's not AS jewish.

Those days sucked. I recently replayed galaxy 2 and I realized that 3D World is so much better just because I didn't have to use shitty motion controls.

that's because ur a faget

>no games

I'll get one soon, just no cash, preorder, or time to invest. Also is good to wait until the bugs have all been worked out. Did same for my PS3 and 4. No intention of using on the go, although might go handheld in room or couch or such. Same way I use my 3ds, really.

I just certainly hope their is some quality improvement compared to what we have seen with the Wii / Wii U's online.

Its probably going to be $30

Ayy lets do this.

I've been sold on the switch since I first saw it. The draw of a hybrid device is super strong for me and even though I don't like a few choices here, the positives outweighs the negatives.

I want to be able to pick up my games and take them anywhere with me.
I love the concept of the joy cons.
And I want Zelda the best way it can be played (inb4 CEMU)

There are a lot of other things I like but I do want to list off what I don't like

1-2 switch not being a pack in game is madness

No Wiiu compatibility makes sense, but why cant the old controllers pair! Fucking every controller worked on the wii u

Fucking sort the virtual console out m8

Seriously seems like a retarded design flaw that you cant charge in tabletop mode

Still hyped. Cant wait til march 3rd

Just asking random people this is what some guys found

I'm glad the tech is here for Nintendo to deliver a feature instead of a new gimmick. Nintendo were always going to keep graphics low to stop budgets from exploding, and portability is a good trade off.

Plus, it's an honest feature that Sony can't steal without making the same sacrifices and competing on an even playing field.

I was fairly excited for this up until they announced the need for a paid online subscription. It's a practice I refuse to support and something thats driven me away from consoles entirely.

How is the switch for a weeb does it gone cratch me like the vita

what did he mean by this?

I think Wii U had a nice visual style for 1st party games. Simple but well defined graphics, good lighting, 60 fps almost all around. Makes them really nice to look at compared to having lots and lots of detail but a low resolution and framerate which always kinda makes me feel like my eyes are going bad.

The style on the Wii was kinda similar but Wii didn't really have the capabilities to pull of decent lighting or textures and was also SD resolution.

They mentioned they would eventually allow some old controllers to pair with the console.
Also VC should be coming during March, just not on launch day. In Japan it's been confirmed the Switch will get Neo Geo games during March.

Yeah I feel the same way. People are worried about the joycon connection thing but that's from 10+ feet away, and I don't even have my consoles a foot away.

I don't think I'll be buying accessories outside of maybe a carrying case.

I'm pretty hype for the Switch, I really don't think Nintendo could fuck it up that bad. The Wii U wasn't bad either, just no one bought it. My dad (who hasn't played games in over 10 years) was interested by it, which probably says something.

I hope that 3rd party devs sell games that I want to play in portable mode, the issue with Nintendo consoles is people buy them JUST for Nintendo games. That will insure their success.

it has some weeb games
what does cratch mean

I'm getting one at launch. They've already shown enough upcoming games that I am interested in to justify the purchase, and I want to play Zelda day 1. The joycon issue sucks and will hopefully get fixed, although I'm getting a Pro controller so it's not too big a deal for me personally. The lineup is going to be very sparse at first though. I definitely would not recommend it for anyone as their sole gaming platform. I already have a PS4, Vita, and gaming PC (plus a bunch of older consoles) so the limited amount of software isn't too important for me. I know enough games are coming down the line to warrant getting a Switch.

might get more weeb stuff if it takes off well, japan is definitely going to be all over it with the portability aspect of it and splatoon 2

The most important thing is having games, which a new console never has. Zelda looks pretty nice but one game is just one game in the end and Xenoblade 2 probably won't come in 2017 so I really don't see a reason to buy it this year.

vita devs are moving to switch

It'll probably end up getting the same kind of weeb games the Vita did.

I don't like it and I won't be buying it.

Paid online, underpowered, no games that interest me, quality looks like shit, no ethernet port, no normal controller, 2.5 hour battery life, 720p screen, has a fucking fan.

I am interested in Zelda but I won't be getting it either as it is localized by Treehouse.

I am disappointed.

all depends on game library, as always

Nothing wrong with the DS3.

Don't care for it.

I feel like a lot of the people latching on to the handheld aspect of it won't even be using it as a handheld and they're simply using this point to justify how much of a weak and shitty console it actually is.

Throw in the Joy Cons being confirmed defective and yea, it's a mess.

they should have gone with something that doesnt take as much power and doesnt generate as much heat to require a fucking cooling system which has impact on battery life as well as taking additional space inside the console which again could have been used for a bigger battery. Nobody needs skyrim-tier games on the go
Nobody needs an underpowered device as their homeconsole, especially when everyone and their dog already has a PS4/PC

I might however get the NEW Switch that will come next year if it has enough NOT CENSORED games.

im looking forward to a new zelda
im looking forward to playing it in bed
im looking forward to playing fast rmx on the commute :)

b-but sony

all 0 of them. Sounds of craps

>latching on to the handheld aspect of it
yeah because handhelds aren't popular right? why is it so hard for you to understand that people like portable gaming? this is a system that does both right out the box

You mean Sixaxis? DS3 is fine. Actually so was the Sixaxis outside of the weight and lack of rumble. The worst first party controller is probably the US Saturn one or the NES one. I'm tempted to say the Dreamcast's too soley because of the power cord coming from the bottom. Such a stupid idea.

The joycons look okay to me but until I get to hold one I'll reserve judgment.

I'm incredibly excited for the Switch and I really hope that it takes off. I prefer playing on handhelds in general so I'll end up buying multiplats for it if it actually gets them. Considering that I'll always be right next to a charger the battery issue doesn't bother me that much.

>I feel like a lot of the people latching on to the handheld aspect of it won't even be using it as a handheld

I don't think a lot of people here will be taking it on the go

However I also think you're underestimating the appeal of playing handhelds in bed

>implying people don't like handhelds
i used my vita and 3ds more than my ps4 desu, i'll probably stop buying stuff altogether for it if the switch gets some decent games

On one hand I want it to do well because it's a great concept. The Sony-And-Microsoft-Are-Gonna-Make-A-Cash-In-Version-Of-This-That-Doesnt-Work-At-All-And-Everyone-Will-Give-Up-On-This type of concept.

On the other hand, I want switch to fail so Nintendo becomes multiplat dev.

My opinion is that I want Nintendo to fail.

I'm not shitposting. Hear me out.

The more morbid and fucked up a game is, the more I like it. I've got tons of exceptions to that rule, but those are the games I gravitate towards. I haven't enjoyed Nintendo games since I was eleven or twelve.

I bought the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS exclusively for Monster Hunter.

I'm done with Monster Hunter, but I might have to buy a Switch for Beyond Good & Evil 2. I've been waiting thirteen years.

I'm just salty. I don't like Nintendo games, and I don't like buying consoles for one or two titles.

I'm happy for the people who are psyched about the Switch, though. That's gotta be exciting.

I hate the switch
I liked it at first but has so many flaws and issues, such as;

Reception interference
wifi and browser
low res
Underpowered for the current year
price (too expensive for what it offers I could get a ps4 for less and have more power.)
UI is horrible
Game controller looks like from the 90's and its pretty ugly though the buttons look nice
I see the fucking dog for the joy con dock controller everytime I look at it plus it looks ugly (not the dog the dock)

I still will probably get one as I like Mario odessey but not now.
If there was a way to get Mario oddessey else where I would get it there.

nice blog faggot

Played the Switch two weeks ago. The controllers, in all forms, feels fantastic.

i doubt beyond good and evil 2 will be exclusive. not for long anyway.
also you're a huge faggot

DS3 is amazing I prefer the ps2 controller though

Switch and a 35,000 mAh power bank seems ideal. The seem to have provided fixes for most of the issues with the Switch's hardware

I thought a lot of Wii U games had great graphics. Super Mario 3D World, Yoshi's Woolly World and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse all had amazing visual styles. Only complaint is that RC's style is kind of wasted since you're forced to look at the gamepad.

>Sex Genie doesn't want to buy a Nintendo console
Who'da thunk it

XBX outside of the character models looked fantastic.

I'm still sad we don't get to see what Nintendo's devs would be able to accomplish on top-of-the-line hardware. At least this time around, the hardware limitations seem justified, given the constraints such a hybdrid system has to work with. All in all, it looks like a rather well engineered system, probably about as good as you can expect given such an approach. I'm fine with it.

Can't wait to play the new Zelda and in particular Splatoon 2.

That's one of the best things about the switch, the display isn't a blurry mess.

People who say that you wouldn't use the switch as a portable are silly because you can just use it in your house like the Wii U / Vita streaming.

I have a friend who just prefers the screen in his hands.

Honestly I think it's pretty shitty and I got seriously burned by the WiiU but still mostly love it
They just took the laziest way out with the Switch and it really brings nothing new or good to the table it's a tablet with a couple of shitty wiimotes attached to it because they gave up on the WiiU by making the off tv play the only viable option so thats all people wanted.
Even worse is they're fucking over early adopters again with half assed software

I think the console itself is an amazing idea. But Nintendo has made some key mistakes on the roll-out, mistakes that I hope won't cause too much damage.

For one, it should have been $250. This would undercut every other console on the market and is square in the center for a handheld price. 1, 2 Switch should also be a pack-in. I don't think it's going to sell well-enough on it's own to make much of a dent for Ninty, but it looks eccentric and high-quality enough to at least make some buzz with the normie Millennials who love boardgames and shit and also have nostalgia for Nintendo.

They also need to roll out a final, fucking definitive Virtual Console. It's absolutely embarrassing how many problems they've had with this shit. The VC needs to be the Netflix of Nintendo's past; pay $2.99 a month for their internet service, or pay $5.99 to get access to the entire catalog of Nintendo games up to SNES; $7.99 a month to get N64 and GC. Could you imagine how much nostalgia drones would love this shit? They'd be lapping it up.

The launch lineup and first few months of games actually look quite good. Launching with a new Zelda that is (by all accounts) massive and incredible is great. Plus, it's getting a brand new mainline Mario in December.

The system will be more successful than the WiiU, less successful than the Wii. I think it will do well. They're advertising as a mobile in Japan and as a console in America; this is smart strategy for both regions. Ninty is also abandoning children as their demo and going after 20 - 30 year olds. This is also smart; this is the cohort that has pretty strong Nintendo attachment and has expendable income.

With the death of the Vita, and thus Sony's handheld ambitions, the Switch will also become home to Weeb games. It's gonna be a Nintendo and JRPG machine. If I were Nintendo I'd also be aggressive about courting Indy devs to try and offset the inevitable lack of 3rd party support.

Overall I think they got it 70% right.

didn't one of the leaks have a higher powered dock or something?

Did not know this. Thats a bit better!

Exactly what they're doing now but at 60 FPS. Look to the gamecube, they clearly don't give a fuck about hyper realism.

Nintendo never really goes after hyper-realistic graphics. Honestly I doubt we will see much image quality improvement past what the WiiU was able to deliver.

Besides, I agree that the limitations are justifiable since it's a handheld. The WiiU really had no excuse. I loved some games on it, but man what a shit system. What in the world were they thinking.

My major problem is the switch is half assed on all spectrums. Leading it to not have a single aspect nor feature it does right out of the box.

Nintendo has completely failed to convince me to spend +$300. Furthermore more the jackasses don't even have faith in the system themselves and are allowing 3ds to undercut several possible exclusives.

I can't tell how livid I was when I saw 3ds was not only getting a new fire emblem but also getting a port of the warriors game.

I think Nintendo blew it with the concept for Switch. What they should've done, is market it as a handheld, a new DS that comes with a charging dock via which you can also play your games on your TV if needed. Now it's marketed as a console you can turn into handheld if needed instead of vice versa.

How I see it, if it was considered primarily as a handheld device, Switch is all right. But as a console it's underpowered and bad designed.

Joycons seem retarded and broken even. It would've been better keeping main controllers integrated with the device and sell this Joycon shit separately.

The issue is that realism don't catch up with time.

Any ultra realistic game will look dated soon or later when another game does the same, on top of eating a big budget that could be used to make more things.

With a proper artstyle you can be lax and shave some polys there and there and make the game timeless.

Fucking metroid prime got relased like 10 years ago and still can keep up to modern standards.

I'm exited because I've always wanted nintendos console and virtual console games in a portable form. Having all my favorite nintendo series on one device is amazing. I am excited for wii u ports for all of its good games since I didn't have one. This is a huge upgrade quality wise from the 3ds and Nintendo actually seems like they care about this console which will make it more successful automatically. In all it just seems like it has a lot of potential. I'll be trying to pick one up at launch to play zelda, but mario kart and arms come soon later so I see no reason to wait if I don't have to. Most of the disadvantages Sup Forums points out don't apply to me or I don't really care.

>3ds is getting a remake of a game hardly anyone played
>switch is getting a full new console FE and the definitive version of FE warriors
>anyone buying a musou on 3ds after hyrule warriors