Is this being discussed at all?

Is this being discussed at all?

who cares dude its just a video game


There's nothing to discuss, it's all just vague teasers and we know that he's going to be announced at Pax East anyways. Why even bother to speculate.

I thought Blizzard said they weren't going to be at PAX East.

this guy gets it

Is what being discussed? You post a vague as fuck screenshot of some source game and expect us to know what it is. Fuck off with your shit thread.

>not recognizing one of the best selling videogames of all time
honestly lmaoing at ur life desuwa

>one of the best selling games of all time

so its call of duty tier considering you cant come up with any other argument, thanks for letting me know to avoid it

People still care about this pile of shit game?

Grow the hell up, guys.


I hope this is a teaser about Doomfist

i'm not saying it's good i'm saying it's recognizable and you are in the minority for not recognizing it

ignorance is not something to be proud of user

the gauntlet is missing from the payload and it's smashed open so it's 99.999% about doomfist

So is Doomfist gonna be Overwatch's version of Vi? Because I can dig that.

Why are people so "teased" by this.

Didn`t the season just end? They keep this infront of you like a carrot so you stay interested/advertising the game.

Wake up

Blizzard fanboy retards drooling over their crappy shooter again?

Overwatch CAN be fun.

But it's a deep seated dose of reality that the game is;

>Horrible, toxic community in ranked games
>Terrible match making
>Horrendous map designs
>Balancing .. What is that?
>A game about multiple heroes for multiple situations
>Still has meta picks only if you want to do decently
>They try to tease about lore and shit, fat autistic neckbeards try to hype it up

Seriously, the only other person that I knew that played this game was a girl who had insane mental problems, played nearly 10 hours per day of it, would CRY if she didn't get a specific crate/reward.

She would throw autistic spergouts if you didn't buy her a 10 pack of crates and you played with her more than 5 rounds, because she 'carried' you.

All they did was play fucking Tracer with a 1.15 kdr.

This game attracts the worse of people.

Sup Forums doesn't care about blizzard games.

>why are people excited for more content for a game they like
idk dude


They always introduce major changes/new characters after the seasons.

First season ended with Ana.
Second season ended with Sombra and the Symmetra rework.
And now this.

Heh this guy is STILL playing overwatch.

What board are you on ?

Don't fucking tell me that the african loli is going to be the next doomfist and that Terry Crews visiting the studio was just a ruse.


They have a booth

Someday you'll be able to graduate to a REAL shooter, where skill matters rather than just having to press Q at the right time.

Ever seen "competitive" overwatch? It's really sad to see, everyone desperately trying to outcheese each other whiling clinging to that meta.

They confirmed that she's only related to the lore of the next hero.

you'll find overwatch discussion over at /vg/ these threads don't belong on Sup Forums

No one gives a shit, make a thread when the game no longer has an embarrassing lack of content
>b-but muh browser
if I can't modify the game the extent of a source game in my own private server, I don't care.

I thought the new character was an 11-year-old hyper genius ethnic african trans-dragon pre-post-pre-op snowflake?

Wow, you're so indifferent and so cool, I bet you're really good at videogames by not giving a fuck about anything. I wish I was just as cool as you are, this video game board need more apathetic guys like you.

I can't fucking believe people are interested in Doomfist as a character.

She definitely isn't. Her creation may be a hero though.

Blizzard fanboys getting triggered by the mere knowledge that actual gamers don't actually care about what blizzard does

Then why post at all?

In "her" interview she said she's going to take the plane with parents. Maybe Doomfist attack the plane because of her.

If he's going to be voiced by Terry Crews, it's going to be funny. The game doesn't have a proper nigga yet.

It is not me who hates this game (or board in general) yet clicks the threads every time just to whore some (you)s.

What fucking rock have you been living under? I don't even have the game and I know it's goddamn Overwatch. Fuck (You) for making me waste my time spoonfeeding your stupid ass.

Hey it's me, Doomfist.

they're not gonna let you shoot a little kid

That's right, backpedal at the speed of light.

>>They try to tease about lore and shit, fat autistic neckbeards try to hype it up

They fucked up the lore when they made it dark and serious but then made the in-game stuff (gameplay AND the in-game lines and banter) so wacky and ridiculous.

At least when TF2 implemented their "lore" they kept all the characterisation consistent; the soldier's been a lunatic since day one and the spy's been a suave professional since day one.

Hey remember all the "dead on arrival" people? I wonder how things have been for them.

There's nothing to backpedal when you don't have an argument. The thread is within the rules of the board. The only thing you can do here is set up a filter (you probably don't know how to do that anyway, newfag) or ignore the thread, but you have the audacity to think that your anonymous opinions matters more. Go make a trip.

Now you're desperately trying to derail. This will be my last reply to your sorry ass.


moreover, out of all the videogames, you picked the most bland, unimaginative and boring crap there is. There is nothing to discuss



Because through the magic of this website, people can voice their opinions without bumping the thread.


people care way, way to much about overwatch. blizzard feeds you people anything and you fucking froth over it. MUH WAIFUS AND HUSBANDOS, gross

I wouldn't even be mad

So going by your logic, your mom must be call of duty tier. Considering how many people play her

Doomfist is her dad

i'd be down

>almost one year later
>STILL playing Overwatch, the LoL of shooter games

Haven't you had enough humiliation?