What went wrong?

What went wrong?

It was published by Konami.


shit maps

It decided to go full Jew and charge out the ass for everything. The Metal Gear Online that came with MGS3 is objectively the best.

>Bring friend
>become on opposite teams thanks to shitty party system
>start interrogating boosting

They fucked up every other iteration of MGO, what makes you think they could ever learn from their mistakes and do it right. I doubt Kojima even gave a shit about online and it was only put in because Konami wanted it.

I like the qt's you can make....not enough hair choices...

They should just bring back MGO2

Is there even a way to play it today? On PCSX2?

IIRC somebody got a hold of the server files are brought them back up so you could play on the PS2, but you'd need a modded console.

DLC shit locked you away from other players which killed the gameplay super quick in a more modern approach to DLC, compared to how it was in MGO2, the best version, in that it just gave you extra chars and loadouts and maps, but you could easily choose to not allow it.

MGO from MGS3 was ass, worse than portable ops/+ in every way.

But it was fun

Less fun than portable ops/+ online modes, with less features and less maps too.

Wait...what do you mean it locked you away from other Players? I don't have any of the the dlc so i'm asking.

its not mgo2

>no lobbies
>game moves too fast
>crappy game modes
>no drebin-point alternative
>crappy skills
>crappy customisation options
>class system bevause why not
>no knife
>buddy system sucks in comparison to SOP

There's loads more, but that's the ones I can be bothered to type without looking at this thread. Some of the stuff was changed or added, but too late. The community was vocal enough and knew what they wanted. They didn't have to diverge from MGO 1 or 2 that much.

i blame MGSV gameplay, its too much like CoD. That's why MGS4 had the best online.

If you play at launch of MGO3, you could play everything with everyone. But they took the old CoD/halo approach and locked certain modes/playlists away unless you had DLC, including some of the more fun modes. When all the DLC had come out, they reversed this change but it was too late. You're lucky to find more than like 150 people playing online at once.

Meanwhile the MGO2 pserver has like 500 people every day of the week.

>tfw its a pain in the ass to jailbreak a ps3
I wish someone would find a loophole or something in current firmware, I just want to play MGO2.

In what way is MGSV like fucking COD?

thisthey have revived it, just google MGO revival,

Thanks, lad. I'll check it out.

I wish I got to play 3's version of MGO. Unfortunately I never was able to get the network adapter for my PS2. 4's MGO was awesome though. V's was fun but got old quickly.

I gave up on day 1 of launch, I pre ordered MGSV so got an xp bonus, played for a few hours and every other game my xp would not actually save, so I was seeing plenty of people way higher than me already. That and team sneak had the entire team spotted at once, I thought fuck MGO.
MGO2 was fun.

Who here is HYPED as fuck now that that talentless hack is no longer heading this series?

The game is coded and designed for single player gameplay. Making it multiplayer was a shit idea and then it was poorly implemented.

They are both shit

So CoD is like Zelda then?

Also Halo