No shitposting, no memes, genuine thoughts and criticism?
No shitposting, no memes, genuine thoughts and criticism?
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Looks better than Rayman trash and other latest 2 3D mario games
also comfy traditional platformer.
Going in blind baby
First video I've seen of the game in motion. Looks like a new Banjo Kazooie, which is cool. As long as it isn't a technical disaster, I'll probably get it.
Worlds are way too large designed, Music sounds like early demo shit (there is nothing nice sounding to it, no catchy rythm, etc) and the lighting is horrendous.
I wish they wouldnt have made this game in Unity. For me it looks too much like a Banjo Kazooie ripoff with the visuals of Nuts and Bolts.
Environments looks too open, making the characters look too small.
Light bleeds and shadows are all terrible.
Characters could have looked a lot sleeker with better materials.
Those are all my critiques. Entirely based on the visuals, as I haven't fucking played it yet, and won't get to, until I buy a Switch this coming Christmas, because those dapper gentlemen gave up on a Wii U version.
no it doesnt
More like Yooka-Tooie
Looks good, but I wish Yooka and Laylee moved faster, it looks too slow and floaty, but then again that was my main gripe with Banjo and Kazooie.
It didn't matter much in Banjo Kazooie since the levels weren't absolutely fucking enormous to begin with (only exception i can think of is Rusty Bucket Bay)
Yeah, that's also a problem, the levels look to huge, 100%ing the game is going to be a drag
That level looks bad but everything else I've seen looks great. I dunno.
This floor shine seems really excessive and it seems to just ignore edges and other walls that should give off shadow. It makes the game come off as large and empty.
Same things you could see from the first materials ever released.
The worlds look empty, bland and desolate.
>Looks exactly what people asked for
I don't see a problem here.
I will be pirating it because of the WiiU fuckery
What a terrible note to start your company on.
I don't know who in their fucking mind asked for giant, empty areas that look like garbage.
Is this out yet? If not when is release?
Oh man, I hadn't seen anything besides the awesome look grass world until now
That looks fucking AWFUL
people who backed this project, because morons never fucking learn.
what a baby
yea if they are going to make flat, shiny floors, they need some reflections and shadows
Not a fan of levels where normal things are gigantic and you look like a toy in comparision. I like about Banjo Tooie how the world kinda feels like an actual world with tons of different places to visit like a resort, a theme park and things like that instead just being levels.
>genuine thoughts and criticism
Cashino has really poor content distribution, but it is not lacking in any respect.
Helicopter form is hideous and too loud.
Not animating the female doctor's face was a mistake.
The more I see the less hope I have.
Im the biggest Kazooie and Tooie fag on the planet, I by no means want this to be another kickstarter flop, but this has pretty much solidified to me that Kickstarter is not a business model that works for vidya. Good products cannot come from it without much sacrifice.
Banjo Tooie did have some godawful levels though, Grunty Industries or the Mines come to my mind right away why i dont want to touch that game alot of times.
But even those levels had something to look at and it wasn't a complete bland mess.
>Good products cannot come from it without much sacrifice
An amazing Metroidvania game released literally yesterday that was funded through Kickstarter.
The Developers are so based that they actually worked on and finished a stretch goal they didn't even reach. And have promised all the ones they planned to do as future free content updates. And the best part, It's fun.
And what game are you talking about?
Worlds are fucking huge and empty instead of small and filled with goodies
they just dont learn
Pirate it if you don't believe me, shit's cash if you enjoy the genre.
This has had constant astroturf threads up since it launched but sure my dude, I totally believe you just like the game
>hurr nothing is ever genuine, everyone is paid and a shill
Looks cute, thanks dude.
>denying all of the paid shills on Sup Forums
We're not at Reddit level of astroturf but we're quickly approaching it.
although I don't think this game is being shilled in particular and it actually looks fun
Literally every single OP has had a Q&A marketing pitch in it for fucks sake
Grunty Industries is the best level of both Kazooie games and one of the best platforming levels in general. The setting, the concept and the creativite powers which went into that level are amazing.
My dick gets hard as diamonds if I think about how genius the level design is. In the beginning of the level you don't even have access to the factory. It's Grunties property after all and she doesn't want you to be there and everything is closed up. So first you need to invade her place trough exploring outside the factory. Yo get to the flying pad and get trough windows or the ceiling like James Bond and open up the door from inside.
>astroturf threads
What the fuck does that even mean.
>literally every single OP
There's only been 3 threads. The one I made with a 1-line opener (too lazy to dig out of archive), and these 2.
>literally every single OP
Do you not know what Astroturfing is? Basically it's when you hire a shit ton of paid shills to orchestrate conversations and shit.
McDonalds was caught doing it on Leddit a little while back.
Those that backed based on the campaign video did.
That is a retarded term. I'd call it fabricating/fabricated hype or most anything else. But calling it "fake grass" just sounds retarded.
Also, neat. Thanks for the info.
There's something about it, that makes it feel designed like a person just placed assess down onto the level.
I mean obviously that is what happened, but the way its put together, doesn't make me believe that the characters are actually there, unlike say a Mario Galaxy level where each bit feels like it was designed for that level in mind.
I like it and will more than likely pick it up when i get a Switch in the summer, but I dunno man it gives off that Sonic Fan game sorta vibe.
Levels could be more handcrafted and less copypasted objects. You can see the seamworks of level editor in them.
Levels are waaaaaay too big and running around in them seems tedious.
What were they thinking?
I think this level, and the other gameplay I've seen so far looks good. Not particularly impressed with the music on this level, but other stuff I've heard has been generally to my expectations of Wise and the other composer from rare whose name I forget.
Did you even play the game? You get into the main factory by using the train. The flying pads aren't accessible until after you do that. Also Grunty Industries is shit.
The idea behind the term is pretending that it's grassroots sponsorship, hence astroturfing. It's a shitty name for a shitty practice, I guess. We have it decently bad on Sup Forums, but Reddit is actually fucking overflowing with it.
Thats true, but not only that, you can also get inside by activating the train and getting inside this way, it's really cool.
I still wasn't a big fan on how extremely large the level is and how much backtracking there actually was. Given, the warp system made it easier, but it still felt a bit too much for my taste.
I think that video has been discussed to death. It looks fine, but the world is kind of barren.
I do agree, I've seen some legitimate shills around, but it's nowhere as bad as people act it is here. At least on Sup Forums. I can't really speak for other boards. Most "Shilling" around here is just grandmasterbaiters pretending to be shills for attention. Last legitimate one I saw was one of the Horizon threads like 2 months ago.
Its fucking empty. In any given square meter, there's likely to be nothing in it. They made the worlds too big. Its also looks easy.
The sound effects are going to get annoying pretty damn fast
It was annoying in BK and it is annoying here.
What? Grunty Industries, Cloud Cuckoo Land, and Jolly Roger's Bay weren't huge levels? Remember, you could teleport around in them so it made them feel smaller. They will probably have a teleportation mechanic here too.
>playing this on anything but a Nintendo console
just wouldn't feel right desu
I fucking hate the train so I never used it. The loading times are fucking ridiculous. The train and everything related to is the fucking worst part of the game. You can get into the factory perfectly fine without it and it's much funner that way.
>tfw Snake Pass looks better than Yooka Laylee
I'm happy and sad at the same time
Astroturfing doesn't really apply to video game shilling. A Grass Roots campaign is a local or small individualized political movement (rather than a push from a big company of political party), and astroturfing is supposed to be a fake grass roots campaign. The term has kind of been co-opted to mean any kind of promotion by a company, political party, country, etc. that's meant to look like 'real' people.
It looks like an amateur game. The aesthetics and presentation are not professional quality.
>cloud KEKoo land
My first time playing kazooie and tooie was on ecks bawks
Yeah, Sup Forums isn't the main target for it, Reddit is.
Sumo Digital has produced one of the most baffling games lineups I've ever seen. But yeah, Snake Pass looks wonderful. Depending on the price tag, I'll probably buy it. YL looks like a soulless cash grab in comparison at $40. I mean, it'll be good, but it won't be amazing.
man i wouldve loved this game when i were 10 years old. it has that crash bandicoot / croc vibe
>Says Banjo-Kazooie levels weren't enormous to begin with
>Responds with Banjo-Tooie levels
One of Banjo-Tooie's biggest problems came down to just how far apart everything is, further compounded by asking the player to return to older levels with new abilities in order to complete them.
I looked it up and apparently you're right and you can only get in with the train or by using some glitch. So I remembered wrong. But you definitely needed to get inside the building from the ceiling and windows to get to new locations.
That was my main issue with Tooie and the reason why i never got back to it, even the warp portals didn't make it any more fun.
I have the same opinion about Tooie like the same i have about DK64. Its too big, too much and way too much Backtracking.
That's true, but you had to do stuff like that back in Mad Monster Mansion as well so it's not really new, and doesn't make up for how tedious it was to navigate the interior of the factory.
This is pretty interesting, is there any specifics on how exactly the controls work?
We saw a video that had the tutorial in it.
>sticks/d-pad for movement
>L1 to raise head
>L2 to coil tighter around whatever you're on
I was super hyped for this game and still am but this level looks pretty poor.
Maybe Sup Forums's game will do good when that gets finished in 3000 years.
I only watched the first minute or so of that video because I wanna go in blind, but it looks fun. Either way I don't see myself backing any kickstarters from now on.
it looks nothing like crash bandicoot
isn't that every new game ever
They never promised a WiiU version. Plus WiiU is now a dead console.
What did you expect?
I had fun exploring the convoluted and hostile structure. There was some legit platforming for once and most objectives needed some creative thinking and were challenging. I think this shows best in the Mumbo and the transformation parts.
In other levels you switch to mumbo and just go to the place where he needs to use his magic without any trouble. The worst offender of this is jolly roger's lagoon where the magic platform is right next to mumbo's house. Some of the transformation parts where like that too. Just transform and walk easily to the objective to use the special powers on it. This is just fetch quest tier bullshit.
In Grunty Industries the mumbo part is excellent, you need to navigate trough some very hostile areas to get mumbo to the magic platform. Same with the transformation. I think they even used the skill to seperate banjo and kazooie from each other the best in this level.
Anyway, I think Grunty Industries is definitely the most concentrated gameplay in Tooie. Cloud Cuckoo Land had one of the most amazing settings in the series but it just was full of gimmicks and minigames. Definitely fun but not something you want to be your final level, your final challenge in a platforming game.
I loved all the backtracking. I also loved all the hidden shortcuts between worlds. :/
I legit never heard of this, looks way cooler than Playtonics trash.
>daily reminder that this game will be 10x better
That's why I hate Sup Forums mos of the time.
Everyone was hyped the shit out for this game last year myself included. But saddly it just gonna happen Sup Forums will ruin it. Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing here.
I honestly think it looks boring, Banjo-Kazooie series aged like milk for me and doesn't seem like a type of game I could enjoy anymore (3d collectathon). I can see this becoming another Mighty No 9 for fans of the Banjo-Kazooie games, but I really hope it isn't.
No fucking way this game is ever getting released
If only it was on a console. Doesn't feel right playing a 3D collectathon platformer on PC with some shitty second hand gamepad.
Yooka Laylee will get a sequel released before this releases.
that level in particular looks pretty shitty, this one looks a bit more fun
There was actually one amazing 3D platforming game released in 2015 called Ben and Ed which had excellent controls and really fun and challenging level design and a really good fresh concept.
I think Sup Forums barely talked about it so a lot of people on here don't even know this game.
The game is designed in Unity. The lack of Screen Space reflections and non-blended reflection captures indicates that it might be forward shaded (helps with all the various glass materials in the game and performance). They should just quit with the modern reflective PBR design and just go with a matte surface as the disjointed reflections are seriously godawful.
Casino level looks rather boring, but the rest of the levels shown look really good.
Only complaint I have is, and this was a problem with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts too, is that it's just a bit too clean.
What is it with 3d platformers all looking too clean now? That's a complaint I see for YL, Crash remake, and SM3DW.
looks like another kickstarter blunder proof grant kirkhope is a hack
Something about that level does look very icky. Very much like a level designer scattered with props rather than its own real world.
This looks like fucking amateur trash. Sound design is fucking terrible, music is generic and forgettable, level design is very disjointed and the whole pseudo realistic cartoony look is terrible.
This looks like a sure flop.
then go suck off GFB
OP wanted an honest opinion. There it is.
Game doesn't look good. I don't even know what gfb is.
that other game that guy posted,
It looks empty somehow. More open unused space compared to the earlier games.
The problem is that it is using N64 era level design with modern graphics. Nonsensical, abstracted worlds in older games looked fine because the graphics were similarly abstracted; however when you start using realistic graphics the brain immediately catches onto the fact that something is wrong with the level, there's a disconnect. This can be avoided by using very cartoony graphics or some kind of cel-shaded style, but they've gone with a very generic, shiny graphical style that just reinforces this disconnect. I think the problem is especially evident with this casino level because a casino is a real world, recognizable environment.