defend this sonyggers
Zelda has grass interaction. Horizon doesn't
Other urls found in this thread:
"muh grass physiks XDXD"
Nintoddlers are more stupid every day.
by grass interaction in zelda do you mean frame loss?
Seems zelda fans really are...
Man, must be so tiring to be a nintendo fanboy these days. All that mental gymnastics.
What kind of TECHNOLOGY will kojima make with this engine?
>those stealth grass patches
onyl thing missing is a big arrow pointing at them
Zelda is garbage
>Visibly clipping through everything
The game may look pretty when you're standing still, but that doesn't excuse the bad animations and non-existent physics in this dull pile of trash.
The grass is moving, I don't see the issue here? I mean why make up dumb shit that is clearly right there? There are plenty of things to ACTUAL critique the game about, even if you want to make it about the visuals, pocket related.
>Hahaha cinematic shit! PS4 only has cinematic shit!
>Not waifu tier? DROPPED!
Is that Assassins Creed stealth grass?
looks like it, they used it in Uncharted 4 too.
Horizon has casual destructibility, all over.
Zelda doesn't, defend this nintendrones.
Also, op never make another webm for the rest of your life, you're terrible.
Horizon doesnt have water interaction either. If you go into a river/pool of water the water doesnt move around you
Well yeah, Horizon is a run of the mill open world game, it's going to take a majority of its gameplay from other titles, just like a majority of open world titles.
I thought graphics didn't matter?
Horizon has grass, zelda doesnt.
Defend this ninteniggers
Zelda doesnt have Matriarchy propaganda and main protagonist isnt transgender although I learned few days ago that main protagonist is male and it is not Zelda.
>not a single water ripple
>Digital Foundry calls Horizon a technical masterpiece
meanwhile on Sup Forums
the story
Dude it's okay they are robots lol
Digital foundry are shills. Look at Ark releasing on the PS4. I've never seen a video being so kind to a game running at sub 20 fps on a device that is supposed to be more powerful.
God that VA sounds like shit-ass text to speech voices.
soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi
Both look bad for different reasons. Horizon and Zelda both have no interactive water. Difference is Zelda at least tries to imitate ripples with shitty 2d textures while Horizon due to it's realistic look can't even do that.
DF are pcucks first and foremost. They praise any garbage as long as it is 60fps. Watch their Fallout and AC Unity video.
I thought they were masturbating while seeing their meme card get 60fps
Dynamic fog!
Nice ps1 game
Why is Brom insane?
Any explanation?
>Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda
no, both games have that
>ps4 exclusive AAAAAA game cannot do what a simple ps1 game could
how sad
BoTW's environment interaction kind of reminds me of a more refined version of what Dragon's Dogma did.
How can anyone literally defend this garbage? literal trash.
Worse cooking than in Patapon.
Yet Horizon can't even beat a ps1 game, funny how that turned out
>>Digital Foundry calls Horizon a technical masterpiece
Except for the shadows, AF, foliage interaction, AI, lip syncing, audio, and water.
Which is hilarious considering they've literally put out Sony-sponsored content for the game.
This is that kind of game that is praised by its visuals but the lack of attention to details made me puke. Like Crysis that is all about vegetation and physics, but when you reach other parts of the game like caverns and the ship you see how bland it is gets me really disapointed.
It looks so empty in comparison to the environment in Horizon.
The new Zelda game doesn't even have grass. It just has a rectangle filled in in Paint with the bucket.
>Take a look at what Gamespot’s Peter Brown, who just last week awarded Horizon a glowing 9/10, had to say. “…I really liked it [referring to Horizon Zero Dawn]. But playing Zelda is really making me question- jeez. Horizon is a great game, it’s a fantastic game. But next to this, it’s like, shoot! If I was to make a list about what I like about both these games, the Zelda one would be as twice as long, I think.”
This is bulshit, right? RIGHT?
>no grass shadows
Lel, if you're not gonna even try to compete with current graphics standards, might as well just not make the game at all.
The game looks awful.
>wanting shadows on a ps4
impossible user
But it does on your webm?
People are really that dumb on Sup Forums?
Or it's a false flag to show that theres some limited interaction?
>having shadows but cannot interact with it
>not having shadows but you can interact with it
hard choise for a INTERACTIVE MEDIA
The graphical fidelity of Zelda is much lower therefore resources are available for things like grass interaction. Not defending, just explaining
Fun fact : Even FH 3 on PC ultra doesn't have dynamic shadows casted from car's lights.
>Zelda has grass
Could've fooled me senpai.
What are you interacting with in Zelda? The world looks as empty as Mad Max's.
in aopen world game it's a must have
>all the patches of grass you can hide in are highlighted red and are insta win spots
Is this game made for 5 year olds, Jesus, this game is baby tier.
performance is more important.
and have to seem zelda? the area of effect it massive. its an invisable ball rolling over the grass.
horizon is stable and the most beautiful game this gen.
But you can clearly seen it moving as she moves through it?
Then maybe stop reviewing games on a scale from 7-10 you mong.
Why are game reviewers so bad? Why can't they just see that 5 should be average. AVERAGE
look closely at botw's grass.
only the parts rendered in light look good and move smoothly. everything in shadows is choppy and shitty looking. it's a little trick they pull.
>even talking about grass
is this what games have come to?
It's all just bait for poor unsuspecting newfags. Basically the ''buy nintendo, nintendo best'' is literally the same shit as ''delete system 32''. Poor kids who fall for it.
did you ever got out of your house user?
the world IS a empty place
This week is going to be a doozy on Sup Forums
Shitposting up by 501%, says weather reports!
>someone makes a claim
>Sup Forums is posting examples of how they are wrong
What are you going to believe, some shills or your own eyes?
not everyone lives in the desert, user.
Pokemon had grass interaction
I've never seen a game from nintendo shilled this hard since bayo 2.
You realize that the tree fell because of simple physics right?
If you actually cut the tree properly, you could cross.
Horizon attempts to be all style, no substance.
But the game has no style, so it just fails miserably.
yep, and that is called interaction
if you fuck up the game will not hold your hand
B-but digital foundry said the game is rock solid frame rate and had 0 negative things to say about its performance.
they get paid to review stuff
and thats not in cash, its in bonuses
stuff like one on one interviews, free games, free consoles, trips. I think the reviewers for Assassins creed got a FREE FUCKING TRIP to Italy.
you think they are going to give them a 5/10?
I agree with this. Guerilla's taste is just bad and generic. Just like Crytech.
Do you honestly expect otherwise?
Not looking at it through a shill's potentiometer, even, it IS at the very least a promising attempt from a series with lifelong fans.
LITERALLY, lifelong fans. You can't fault people for being hyped. I am.
Majora's Mask (my favorite) came out just short of 17 years ago.
Fuck damn it I love this kind of silly shit.
The 2D water ripples look great though. Just more of a proof art style matters a lot more than raw graphics.
>criticizing the ps4 because of one game
I recall the ps4 outlasted the wiiU
it might even outlast the switch
it's almost like it has other games or something.
Zelda Grass !
I get that the grass isn't testrig-tier but the area visited in the video you posted is one of those without long grass. It's rocky terrain and short grass there.
Why did Invisimals fail?
>still pictures
Yeah, compare it to the amazing water of Horizon.
You know it's true and faggots swallow it whole and not only ask for more, but demand that other ingest it as well.