What are Fallout 4's good qualities?

What are Fallout 4's good qualities?

We all know it's a shit RPG, what are things that Bethesda did right?

>Power Armor mechanics (excluding needing fusion cores for T51 and up)
>Weapon smithing
>Character creator

Oh, almost forgot, and the companions were the best in any Fallout game. OP pic related.

>Big varied open world
>tons of shit to do
>tons of short side stories

U fockin wot mate

> settlements
> customisation of armour and weapons
> power armour made a useful commodity in the game, not some token value item you get at end game
> biggest map
> varied map locations
> combat improved by 100000000x
> most companions
> best companion characters and personalities
> no level cap
> game doesn't end with main story
> mods compatable with consoles
> biggest DLC in franchise
> multilayered karma system that factored in different peoples opinions on different things eg one action may please one person but piss another off
> factions

Only the first 3 are any good. And there's almost no interaction with them, Fallout 4 at least has them commenting on things happening very frequently and you can develop a real relationship.

nice joke

Thicc body models with big fat asses without having to install mods.

>Cass is not good
>Raul is not good
>E-D isn't the cutest fucking thing

Being able to build your own buildings and settlements was a good idea (some kind of similar system has been a popular mod for FO3, NV and Skyrim at least), but they fucked up the implementation by making it utterly pointless and oddly limited, as well as making the scrounging for materials the most nightmarish thing on the planet.

Gameplay is an obvious step up and I'm glad V.A.T.S isn't a freeze frame attack.
The settlements thing was somewhat fun if not shallow.

>varied world

Did we play the same game? Raiders, mutants, mercs, or ghouls. I don't really consider going to the same abandoned buildings and fighting these same enemies "varied."

>biggest DLC
FNV exists
FNV and even FO3 did this better, though.


>Only the first 3 are any good.
>implying ED-E isn't the fucking best
>implying Raul isn't second best
>implying I don't want Cass to sit on my face and ride me like a pack brahmin

>Fallout 4 at least has them commenting on things happening very frequently
As do certain companions in NV. Arcade comments on shit constantly, as does Cass and even Lily and Veronica. Boone doesn't say much because he's a sperg who doesn't talk much to begin with, ED-E is a robot, and Rex is a dog. If you need your companions to say witty lines every thirty seconds, that isn't character building, that's artificially making them seem more alive by making everyone a fucking blabbermouth who never shuts up.

>you can develop a real relationship.
ED-E's story including Lonesome Road is more interesting than any companion in 4 and the rest aren't bad either except maybe Veronica because she's fucking shit.
>tfw Lily has no good ending

>The engine was better than the previous games
>big world
>gun and armor smithing
>settlements were a good timewaster but ultimately pointless and didn't feel like they payed off at all

i can't, even point out all the positives without immediately remembering the countless negatives. This game is fucking cancer and i hate the fact that this got more attention than New Vegas ever did. The next fallout is going to be even fucking worse.

Character creator is obviously good.
Gunplay is decent and actually enjoyable compared to shitfest in 3/NV, thanks to the guns (not the guns variety, those are shit) and the AIs.
The environments are great and I like it better than 3/NV.
The graphics looks like from 90s CG, in a good way
For a shoot-and-loot game, it's good

>Power Armor mechanics (excluding needing fusion cores for T51 and up)
>Weapon smithing
>Character creator
All VERY debatable.
Except for the *improvement* of the gun mechanics -mind you, not the gunplay in and of itself- there is NOTHING objectively positive about the game.

Far harbour bigger than any DLC in New Vegas.

The locations were varied, not just the same dull locations in the brown/grey doughnut that was the New Vegas map.

> karma was better in New Vegas

Of all the hardcore fans of New Vegas I've seen on here, you are the first to actually try and praise the NV karma system.

>character creator
>combat gameplay
>power armour
>settlement building (even if they didn't do anything interesting with it)
>some of the companions were pretty well written I suppose

The combat is so much better than 3 or NV.

In 3/NV you freeze the entire game, have it auto aim multiple head shots, then kill the enemy. That's it. The collision detection was absolutely laughable in non-VATS combat, but probably because they didn't expect anyone to ever actually use it.

> power armour made a useful commodity in the game, not some token value item you get at end game
This is not a good thing, just like the prevalence of advanced war weaponry in 3, that was, of course, ruined by the degradement system that made them shit like the rest of the shit weapons.
The power armor and energy weapons are supposed to be entirely overpowered to wastelanders, now they are ubiquitous and therefore pretty much pointless as an item.

Companions in FO4 are only good because they interact a lot more with the player.

>customization of armour and weapons
i too love 4000 variations of pipe guns and no actual unique weapon models
>power armour made a useful commodity in the game, not some token value item you get at end game
power armor should absolutely be an endgame thing, not some shitter everyone has access to
>biggest map
filled with FUCKING NOTHING OF INTEREST, two tiny cities and a dozen blank spots for goddamn settlements
>varied map locations
yes i too loved 'ghoul infested ruin 47' and 'blank settlement lot 83'
>combat improved by 100000000x
this is your only correct answer
>most companions
most != best
>best companion characters and personalities
>no level cap
explain to me how this is a good thing, all it does is encourage you to play forever and become a demigod (in no small part due to the removal of fucking skills, what the actual fuck?) and the perks-only system is fucking asinine
>game doesn't end with main story
because having an ending means players might stop playing and thus stop talking about the game, free marketing is free marketing and beth realized this after the FO3 ending debacle
>mods compatable with consoles
console plens don't deserve mods for their watered-down email boxes, also "mods" and having to use an extra tool on pc so it doesn't disable achievements and stats
>biggest DLC in franchise
except it's complete fucking garbage, size isn't everything (and I'm not sure it's the biggest anyway, requesting source)
>multilayered karma system that factored in different peoples opinions on different things eg one action may please one person but piss another off
vegas did it
vegas did it

I never finished FO4 even though I've played and finished FO3 and NV a few times.

Just can't be bothered. I feel like the forced choices between factions is ridiculous and too forced. I think I've done the majority of everything in the game, though.

I honestly enjoyed the story, even though it's pretty linear in comparison with the earlier Fallout games.


What the fuck? How can you debate that? Try me.

>Power Armor
In F4 you need frames, power armor parts, and the energy to power the armor. In 3/NV you literally just put it on like a piece of clothing and all it does is protect you more than clothing does. How the hell is that at all better than 4?

>Weapon Smithing
F4 is objectively better for customizing your weapons. No debate.

>Character creator
My character actually looks like a functional human being and I can sculpt him any way I want. Explain how 3/NV somehow did this better.

How did you manage to overlook the massive institute related plot holes

I liked the weapon mods, being able to take all the mods off other equipment and make one super weapon was pretty cool.

The level scaling was a lot less pronounced and much less fucking obnoxious compared to Oblivion and Skyrim. That shit goes a long way. Level scaling is awful for exploration.

Power armor also looks like how it's supposed to look

The thing that really pissed me off about the factions is that it doesn't fucking matter what faction you take part in. I infiltrated the fucking institute for the Railroad, then did all the quests i could do for the institute, and ended up save scumming and getting both endings within minutes. Your choices don't matter at all, even if you find a brotherhood patrol for example, and you are the head paladin big dick chief, you can slaughter the whole fucking squad and they don't give a shit. You can shoot the vertibirds straight out of the fucking sky and they don't even say anything to you if you go back to the prydwen. It's so fucking retarded, they completely skipped over every good thing that New Vegas did and made the game easier for idiots who don't even care about the franchise

> console plebs*

Thanks, my question was going to be: what platform do you play New Vegas on, which is obviously PC.

As a PC user you're unlikely to like Fallout 4 for these reasons:

> Consoles get mods

As you've already highlighted, you don't see consoles "worthy" of mods, so you hate on the game that gave it us.

> Bethesda

Seen as a developer that sold out and started to develop games primarily for consoles, as opposed to Obsidian, who are primarily a PC games developer. FYI NV was by far the most buggy, glitchy mess of a Fallout title released.

> Close to your heart

Becuase of the lack of quality titles - and I'm agreeing that New Vegas is a quality title - you have to resort to modding out old games to give you anything to play. Subsequently NV holds a SPECIAL place in your heart because it's been one of only a few titles of any worth on PC in the last decade.

>cant point out any negatives
>Call it shit anyway

Fallout fanbase is absolutely reddit-tier.

I don't like the power armor legs and that's the one thing I hate about them.

Karma system was a joke in new Vegas and I've played the game for nearly 500 hours.

Kill a load of people, no issue, steal a single cap off their body, YOU ARE THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!!!

We don't need Fallout 4 hate thread #9999, so arguing over F4's positive stuff is a lot more interesting and original than criticizing the game over and over again.

Gentle reminder that Fallout 3, 4, and NV are ALL in the same tier.

NV is NOT a classic Fallout game. If you claim to love New Vegas and hate 4 you are a hypocrite.



We can point out the negatives for days, but everyone already knows them. Pointing out the positives of a shit game to learn from it is a lot more enlightening.

People say that New Vegas is a worthy successor to 1, 2 and tactics fuck you not that it's a classic

what are you talking about? Stealing things barely ever did anything to the karma. You could steal for days and not even dent your karma, i stole literally any health item or bottlecap i came across and still came out as the jesus of the mojave.

What you're saying simply isn't true.

If you did that Danse would return to the Prydwen and you'd initially be attacked.

You can try and manufacture your game by making choices that allow you to do the most quests, but at the end of the game there will be 2 factions not happy with you, whatever you do.


Gameplay is good for the most part.
Settlements where a good idea but some of the mechanics where shitty.
Environments looks nice.
Companions are good and have personality.

Biggest problem is that they shoehorn you into this retarded main plot line and half your characters lines throughout the game are nothing but "Help me find my son!" "He's just a baby and was stolen from me!" Retarded shit trying to get you to care about your potato of a child you saw for a whole 5 minutes in the intro.

Are there any good must have mods out yet? I haven't played the game in like 6 months and I haven't been keeping up with the mod scene.

except for my own character who looks like hank hill

>People say that New Vegas is a worthy successor to 1, 2

NO ONE says that except massive Obsidian cocksuckers. I like New Vegas, I like Fallout 3, and I like Fallout 4. None of them are in the same tier as the classic games. Writing and storyline were actually the weakest aspect of New Vegas to most unbiased people. What Obsidian actually DID do right was improve the gameplay from Fallout 3 dramatically.

*3d printed meat clone based on your son's DNA waifu.jpg

>Writing and storyline were actually the weakes aspect of New Vegas

The Karma system is heavily flawed in both 3 and NV. It's ridiculous to have made it so important.
>Fallout 3
>nuke Megaton
>be considered as the new devil
>give water to the homeless and caps to the church
>you're the new jesus

>Fallout NV
>be considered as the new devil for any reason
>3 hours later you're the new jesus of the wasteland for killing a couple of ghouls

I agree with a lot of these things and I'm a PC player, but goddamn you sound like a whiny bitch

>not good



I'm glad we agree on 2 things then.

>character creator

Really? I thought it was a downgrade to previous bethesda titles.

>what platform do you play New Vegas on, which is obviously PC.
I don't even own a current or last gen console, of course I play on PC.

>As you've already highlighted, you don't see consoles "worthy" of mods, so you hate on the game that gave it us.
Because, frankly, they aren't. PS4 players can't even use mods that have external assets. A couple number tweaks will never amount to the sheer shit possible on PC with NVSE and external toolkits, many of which easily fix flaws in the game that are commonly brought up as criticism of the game. Don't like VATS freeze-framing the world? Install VATS Alternative for slow-mo with all the VATS related perks tweaked to match and have uses outside VATS. Don't like the economy? You can fix that. Don't like the karma system (like , who fails to realize karma in NV has almost no effect on the game at all)? Install JSawyer's mod which you should always be using anyway. Don't like having twenty (GRA) weapons in your inventory? Install a mod to merge them with the base weapons. Don't like this thing or that thing that always breaks? Install Yuki's unofficial patch, install cut content, install all the sex mods you want, I don't give a fuck, the option is there and that's all that matters.

>Seen as a developer that sold out and started to develop games primarily for consoles, as opposed to Obsidian, who are primarily a PC games developer.
Are you >implying they didn't? Bethesda learned long ago that making games for the lowest common denominator is the easiest way to make money, and the consistent dumbing-down of both Fallout and TES shows that in spades. Normies don't give a fuck about RPG systems, they just want to shoot mutants and reblog photos of Jones cane soda with Nuka-Cola wrappers attached on their favorite social media site.

>FYI NV was by far the most buggy, glitchy mess of a Fallout title released.
And yet the bugginess is easily modded out, which you have to do for every Gamebryo game anyway.

You got a problem with her buddy

Gunplay is sort of decent

Power armor actually looks and feels like power armor, unlike the glorified +2 STR platemail suits in 3/NV

It's not completely desaturated/monochrome like Fallout 3 and Skyrim

That's it, it's shit, just like every other game Bethesda has made since Morrowind

I almost agree. Curie is the best one in the entire series imo, but the rest feel either less interesting or just on par with NV. The companion wheel would have been way better to have if they just added the relationship aspects of Fo4. Also the fact that only a couple of the companions have quests and they're mostly short is kinda shitty, but at least they're there

Power armour change was a masterstroke, weapon smithing not so much.

If you need to apply a strong of mods to make the game playable, it's not inherently a good game.

Which means not a single Bethesda-published game is good, and I'm just fine with accepting that.

It includes an amazing feature, it's called uninstall.exe.

The power armour is neat too I guess.

4 has better gunplay, physics, character creation, character design, and animations, but it falls flat as a vanilla game, and needs heavy mods and DLC to be enjoyable at all. It has a great settlement crafting system, but that was really overused and became an annoying chore instead of a luxury. The story isn't as open-ended as New Vegas or 3, being that its already predetermined what your occupation is before the war. There aren't that many ways to roleplay. The only speech-checks in the game rely on charisma which is the new speech stat. The perk-skills system is just a clusterfuck and very unorganized(basically they combined skills with perks instead of making them separate like before). A ton of NV fags were angry about that and the speechchecks.

That being said, overall it's an okay fallout meme game, but it's not really as RPGey as the other two 3D games. I like the DLCs more than the base game. Tbph I have more hours in fallout 4, due to the DLC and fucking around with settlements.

Personally I rate the games:

But only because I hate NV with a passion for being a boring yellow turd in the desert. Also all the NV characters look like a potato with jaundice dipped in urine.

One extra one, arguably most important one that I forgot.

> Mainstream

Fallout 4 was absolutely a mainstream title, off the back of the success FO3 and NV brought to consoles. As per your typical PC user, they like to avoid the mainstream.

Oblivion and Morrowind were great games.

I've seen this post before

Problem isn't that the game doesn't have good qualities, but that all the good stuff is dragged down by the terrible stuff.
There is simply too much shit on top of the good stuff to make it worth it, no matter how good it is.

>specifically mentions heavily modding games
>still complains about NV's yellow tint and potato faces
i'd call you a stupid nigger but the fact you used 'tbph' and like settlements already confirmed that

expect 5 million replies on why your wrong

I did two playthroughs my dude, one with the brotherhood and one with the institute/railroad. The brotherhood one was the one i was talking about, and after you finish their main quest you are free to kill any brotherhood member you want as long as it's a patrol or random encounter. Even if you enter the prydwen and slaughter everyone inside you are still allied with them. This was not the case with NV, as when you shot someone from for example NCR, they would immediately reduce your reputation or send assassins if you did something really bad. The point is that the game feels like it has no consequences, they want to you feel like you have complete freedom within a very constricted plot. It feels like being lied to honestly.

Fallout 3 was really dumb with the karma stuff, but i think NV nailed it pretty good. You don't get godlike karma from just killing ghouls. There's are so many dialog choices and just choices in general that decide what kind of person you are. Things are much more grey and vague than KILL THIS ENTIRE CITY or DISABLE BOMB BE A BIG HERO.

I'd agree with this. It's tight between 3 and 4, but 3 pips it - probably for nostalgia reasons I admit.

>tons of shit to do
As long as that shit was to clear out the zone of hostiles then yeah, there was plenty of variety.

They actually thought about the world this time round i.e. no more "heh, but what do they eat? xD" which is good.
I think there were some really strong characters as well like curie, danse, nick valentine and piper which again bethesda didnt have in 3.

overall they did an OK job, but it just fell flat on so many fronts on what matters in a fallout game.

Morrowind was alright to good, heavily carried by the setting and writing, but the more old school RPG mechanics (missing an attack when you physically hit them, for instance) might alienate people.

Oblivion was largely fucking horseshit. Ugly at release and the entire leveling system is completely broken, with it being ridiculously easy to fuck yourself over by leveling the wrong skills, not to mention the ENTIRE GAME leveling along with the player so there is zero sense of progression when common bandits start carrying glass armor and Daedric claymores (or inversely, when you can go toe to toe with ''endgame'' enemies at level 1 and the Siege Machine of Oblivion is surrounded by nothing more than a handful of scamps). The most memorable parts of the game are the quests because most of them were actually pretty imaginative which was completely trashed with the next game in the series.

tasty pasta

Power armor
shooting guns

that's it

>implying there are any other version beyond T-51B and Enclave power armour
Fuck off Emil Pagliarulo

>Bro Tier
Nick, Deacon, Hancock
>High Tier
Codsworth, Dogmeat, Curie, Longfellow, Ada
>Okay Tier
Piper, Danse, Gage
>Low Tier
X6, MacCready
>Shit Tier
Strong, Cait
>Preston Tier

The karma system in NV was:

Do good thing = you're now a good person
Do bad thing = you're now a bad person

It was simple and basic.

In FO4 it was multilayered, simple game mechanics would affect different companions and characters differently, so you had to be careful and think abo what you were doing, based on who you were with e.g. hack a computer in front of Piper and she thinks you're a l33t h4xx0r and wants your dick, do it in front of Garvey and you're a cheeky scumbag, no better than a Raider or Institute drone.

You also get second chances. Fuck Shaun over at the battle of Bunker Hill and he might just overlook it and explains he'll have his work set out with the board to patch it back up, but you're still not out just yet.

that image clearly contains non-t51b armor in the back row

Oblivion was probably the one game I thought challenged Final Fantasy 7 for the best game of all time.


The gunplay was good, for a fallout at least. Was funny too.

>his was not the case with NV, as when you shot someone from for example NCR
As someone who really likes NV, not even true.
Silenced stealth kills don't effect your faction rep other than some named NPCs triggering rep loss upon death. It's actually pretty funny how you can walk around casually murdering every single settlement/guard post/camp/trader caravan you run into and still be considered the wasteland jesus

T-45d was created by Interplay

>not God Tier
Are you retarded on purpose?

this is harsh bait but i'm giving you a reply out of pity

T-45 was created before T-51b
>beyond T-51b
Post war PA that isn't Enclave PA does not exist

Preston would be fine if he just stopped giving quests once Radio Freedom is online. No fucking point to him doing it anymore then. I'm sure there's a mod for that though.

I get her killed by the Van Graffs every new run

what the fuck was his problem?

why are there no living trees in Boston?

Still waiting for that ultimate edition, is the season pass shit done & over with yet?

They released a good DLC, a bad DLC and mods disguised as DLC

Oh right, I thought you meant nothing beyond what the original Fallouts' power armors.

I think the T-60 would have been good if it was, let's say, a Brotherhood improvement of the T-45d, but the fact they shoehorned it as a pre-war PA is retarded.

The settlements were surprisingly decent. I thought Bethesda would leave the system half-finished expecting modders to fix it and instead it's the least bad part of the game.

>Post war PA that isn't Enclave PA does not exist
Fucking Betheseda and their obsession with random loot tables.

The X-01 armor looks like the true patriot power armor but you finds it scattered around mostly sealed off pre-war bunkers and shit, is it the advanced power armor or is it some secret pre-war government funded shit make up your mind

>desperately want to replay NV and FO4
>working part-time and in the middle of my final semester so I'm stressed out with assignments and projects
>promised myself I would wait until the end of the semester so I could play them without deadlines to worry about, and as a reward for graduating
>every day it gets harder and harder to wait

In NV the good thing wasn't always a good thing for everyone, you could finish the game with neutral karma for example

I agree that the companions were definitely better, but i found most of them to be pretty shallow people. Like why the fuck would Cait be so impressed by me picking locks or doing evil things? She's not an evil person if you actually do her questline.

Now yes, in principle the NV karma system was alot simpler than 4, but the choices you had made those karma points so much more satisfying and meaningful. The choices you get in 4 were for the most part just, do i want to be an asshole, do i want to be a good guy, do i want to ask a question or do i want to say something dumb? If you like that that's fine, but i honestly found much more enjoyment from what NV had to offer.

you're actually right about that, i never ran a stealth build so i never even knew that but you're totally right. My bad.

I'm not baiting this is my honest opinion.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but what games people like are entirely subjective, as per the nature of the contrasting opinions in this thread.

I'd understand if you were surprised by my choices if I used completely outlandish examples, but given I'm listing 2 games that were globally, critically received, won numerous awards etc. it's hardly that unlikely it could be true.

I think what you were implying was that you don't think either of those games are good in your opinion, which is fine, that's your opinion.

What are your favourite games of all time?