You can press two buttons...

You can press two buttons, or you can press one button twice; pressing a button a second time will yield greater payoffs but with some kind of monkey's paw effect to balance out those payoffs.
What do you choose?

Red and purple. Golden age goes to either Capcom or Square Enix.

Red twice
I'll make it a super complex strategy/simulator game with detailed stats and hard to master mechanics, the theme doesn't matter, as long as it has a steep learning curve, since its success is guaranteed the mainstream market becomes less casual focused as a result, Sup Forums becomes super casual to continue being contrarian.

double blue for nintendo, those fuckers never shut up anyways

That's genius.



orange once for kotor 3 even if it's not called kotor 3; doing it twice would just get another swtor and i don't want that
green once for immersion

I am going to press the yellow button once to delete Pokémon Sun and Moon.

Then I am going to press the red button to make an actual 20th anniversary Pokémon game where it all comes together.

2 grey. I'm a big guy for you.

Pink twice. There is literally 0 downside, you just get free games on top of any others you might want to buy.

>Remove game from existence.
>everything stays the same

Blue and purple, both for Nintendo.

Nintendo games finally on decent hardware, and none of the substandard shit they've started putting out in recent years.

Hit the blue button 6 times and crash Sup Forums with no survivors

>Zero control over what you get
Does this mean it's random? If it is random, you'll get $60 worth of trashy shovelware.

5 pts
worshipping (6)
stalking (10)
dependent (11)
innocent short submissive poor (13) insecure

youthful (10)
video games (9)
adorable (0)
together (-7)
perfect hair (-8)

tech savvy (-4)
addict (-2)
diary (-1)
decorator (0)

undying love

that was fun, thanks m8

You can't go wrong with this.

that works if microsoft includes computers

Ooo, I like this one.


Blue. Fuck nintendo die.

trump's already going to make anime real and we'll already be able to go to any anime place in 10-20 years with vr, so i pick number 1

Sauce on the Big breast size pic?

Red and pink
Red makes a spiritual successor to dead rising 1

Double tap grey.
I never cared about half life but I'd be happy if everyone likes the new one as much as the older one so everyone can enjoy themselves

This. Developers of some of the most hated games of all time and you all know it.

The whole of Sup Forums is right with you. There's a reason why we call it the Sonic 06 of Pokemon.

Blue and Green for sure.

Get Nintendo to stop making terrible hardware and put their games on other platforms. Then usher in the age of VR with actual good games.

>Purple button, 1 press
CAVE Co. Ltd. or Raizing/8ing.
>Pink button, 1 press
Ten free arcade cabinets.

>implying Sup Forums isn't already casual


But if you use anime Jutsu, you can not only go to any anime world as a MC, but because you're the MC you can easily get an anime GF. 2 birds with 1 stone, and therefore the superior option.

Awesome thank you very much.

>No mystery button
>No little girl button

Hard pass.

Where's burn the industry?


with a trillion USD I can become a little girl and still have 999 billion dollars left PogChamp



Dependant +1
Worshipping +1
Delusional +4


Wealthy -3
Girly Girl


Income -5
Comedian -3
Fetish -2


Decorator +1
Diary +1




Your undyng love

>not choosing green

Green is immortality, more than enough time to earn that money

Ill fap before choice just in case

Green once and grey once because Half Life 3 is already going to use VR so it may as well be good.

Green and gray.
>Worshiping, eliminating, and delusional +11
>Optimist, dominant, wealthy -3, filthy, tall
>Great cook -2, perfect hair -1, motherly -2, protective -5, together -7, good taste -4
>Romantic trip +3, consent not required +3, genetic +3, true friends +3, her's forever +5
>Simply insane
>A family

Double Yellow: World of Warcraft.

Suicides spike up for weeks afterwards

I'm tempted to give Red two presses, but I'll just give it one and offer my second to Green.

I basically want a high profile new Dungeon Keeper game, except it would be a bit more adult in tone, emphasizing necromancy, demonology, and so on.
>Customize your own dungeon.
>Allocate specific guardians to specific rooms.
>Form a detailed chain of command for your units.
>Craft living and social quarters for your servants.
>Form relationships with said underlings (fuck some succubi, fist-bump a dullahan, train your hell hounds, etc.)
>Earn gold by defeating invading heroes.
>Fight off invasion forces from other lords of competing dungeons in PvP scenarios for even larger scores of gold.
>Dump the reward money into refined traps, lavish furnishings, new weapons for your underlings, and so on.

Simply put, the game would be VR compatible so that you truly get to experience your personal dungeon first-hand. Walk around, explore it, and maybe visit the crypts of other players once in a while, either platonically or as a PvP invasion. Plus, as an added benefit, VR would flourish and be reasonably affordable, which is something I've dreamed of for as long as I can remember.

>the second press on yellow
>this would affect draenei
I'd be right there with those statistics.

golden penguin, in the name of gnu+stallman

t. Sonygger

As much as I enjoy Cytus, REMOVE_MOBAGE.apk is the best choice.

Zone of the Enders spiritual successor would be hella cash. Red is tempting but I would just fuck it up.

Gold and grey Nintendo World Championships, Earthbound complete in box, Steel Batallion also complete, haven't decided on the last six, will probably hold onto them.

I was going to press yellow but Randy Pitchford is already doing that to Battleborn.

Dependent and worshiping (7pts)
eliminating (im already introverted so its not like i'd come in contact with any)(13)
Wealthy (if she is going to ruin my career she better have some serious dosh)(15)
neet (if she is going to isolate me from everything I need some one to at least keep me some company)
fetish (13)
monster girl(9)
perfect hair(8)
Romantic Trip(14)
Consent Not required(17)
True Friends(27)
Connections (30)
House Husband (I mean she is already isolating so not like this changes much and its just free points)(34)
Good taste(18)
Zero Contact (13)
bondage (16)
Short Fuse (23)
Great Cook (21)
Protective (16)
Adorable (7)
Beautiful (1)
your attention




great cook

Romantic trip
Love bites


Undying love


Can't I just do a half press on four buttons instead?

I press the red button twice

I don't believe in "toxic" fanbases.

Body Type
Breast Size
Hips, Butt, and Thighs

>Worshiping (+1, total 6)
>Stalking (+4, total 10)
>Delusional (+4, total 14)

Personality Traits
>1.) Dominant
>2.) Tall
>3.) Filthy
>4.) Wealthy (-3, total 11)
>5.) NEET
>6.) Socialite (Despite the implied conflict with NEET, she would be popular online and would have a small handful of close friends that she likes to spend time with when she's not being a reclusive introvert.)
>7.) Total Fucking Bitch
>8.) Foreign (Ideally a Dark Elf if fantasy races are allowed)
>9.) Gifted (Synergy with Filthy, and could lead to magic fun if elves are indeed allowed.)

Gifts (Round 1)
>Video Games (-1, total 10)
>Good Taste (-4, total 6)
>Youthful (-3, total 3)
>Comedian (-3, total 0)
>Together (-7, total -7)
>Beautiful (-6, total -13)
>Fetish (-2 [-2 for lifestyle, which would be momdom roleplay], total -17)
>Protective (-5, total -22)
>Forever (-9, total -31)
>Good People (-4, total -35)

>Closer (+1, total -34)
>Romantic Trip (+3, total -31)
>Consent Not Required (+3, total -28)
>Genetic (+3 [+4 for siblings; it's a big, rich family], total -21)
>True Friends (+3, total -18)
>Addict (+2, total -16)
>Connections (+3, total -13)
>Her's Forever (+5, total -8)
>Tech Savvy (+4, wouldn't make sense not to have it, given that she's Gifted, total -4)
>Collar (+4, total 0)


>Your Undying Love

That was a good bit of fun to think about. Thanks, user.

There's something wrong with you people

I press purple and go with Sega.

That's all I need. I don't need any other button presses. 5 years of prime Sega is enough for me. I guess red is kind of cool too but I'm a dev as it is (shitty mobile dev as a job and indie pixelshit dev as a hobby) so pressing a button to have my game made for me feels like cheating.


Dependant (+6)
Stalking (+10)
Delusional (+14)

Wealthy (+11)

Great Cook (+9)
Video games (+8)
Adorable (-1)
Good taste (-5)

Secret ingredient (-3)
Romantic Trip (0)
Genetic (+3)
Love bites (+5)

Childhood Friend

A Family

Green, no contest

>can chose only one game
i guess i'll chose league of legends

I have the best taste

>didn't pick above average tit or ass options
I'm kind of confused, user. Isn't that a bit contradictory, given that hips are rolled into the ass option? Sounds like you kind of indirectly picked the Average body type. Am I failing to take something into account?

Blue for Nintendo, then purple, also for Nintendo.

Red and Purple (Nintendo)

I get to make the sequel that Star Control 2 always deserved but never got AND I get to play some bombass games in the meantime. Best choice no contest desu senpai.

Star Control Origins has promise though. Gonna hold off judgement till I see more gameplay, but I'm mildly hopeful.

gray twice
enjoy hl fags


Give me that fucking squid