Transcendence Trophy Edition
Just buy it senpai.
I haven't played the game yet but why the fuck is Emil a truck?
Gotta get around somehow
I'm not rich, kouhai
>The Emil Mobile
Sasuga Taro
Because yokotaro couldn't come up with something better
So give it to me straight famalams, are the story and characters good? Also is the gameplay actually good or is it just passable?
Worst boss fight....i would have prefered a rhythmic fight
So, ending X/Y are still undisclosed
>>"Even if it's pointless, you still have to do it!"
Yeah it's cool. Story can be hit and miss, game starts a bit slowly but ramps up. Gameplay itself is generic as shit but it's not painful to play and the plug in system makes things neat.
Good. Not as much as the first Nier, but that's to be expected.
It's complicated. I get the feel some people would love it and some would hate it. Subquests are great as well. It really goes into existentialism and the point of war and shit, so if you like that stuff you'll like it.
>gameplay actually good
It's way better than the first Nier, and there's quite the variety. Not the best Platinum game tho, but who fucking cares.
Makes me sad I didn't get the black box edition. I really want that artbook.
Story is probably the weakest part of the game...
oh wait... there are the shoot em up sections...I mean gameplay...gameplay is the weakest part
This game looks far worse than the original.
Worse Soundtrack
Worse Story
Painfully boring characters
Oh good aspect is the slightly improved gameplay.
At least you weren't lying Taro.
I hate you with every fibre of my being. I need you to know.
Are the bosses fun? thats all i care about. If theyre generic i'll probably pass on the game
Generic sadly.
>Pascal went full nuclear
>9S just goes through an edgy phase
Pascal should have been the main character.
>mfw i saw through the hype day 1
i fucking knew this game was going to be shit.
So as soon as Emil pops in the shopping center I can find his truck form?
Also what the fuck was he even doing inside a random-ass bot anyway
Just get on the horn with them again. With my previous experience working in tech support, if you complain a lot stuff happens. Mention Ash specifically if you get a new guy.
how many times do you fight this guy
It's plot related though sort of
Well, just the first half of his window is over.
Why do you still even care? Honestly the game is shit you should probably just sell it before people figure out its Duke Nukem Forever-tier lmao
Why is this game such a let down? It feels like the Taro charm just isn't here.
what a letdown...
>hearing the Dark Colossus melody again
What the fuck are you talking about? This is the most Taro game out of the four.
its okay Tarofag the denial stage will be over soon then you can join the rest of us in reality
Does anyone have the full version of Taro rolling on the floor? It was on twitter, but I cannot seem to find it
Soundtrack is crappy remixes of the original, characters are boring and the story and bosses just aren't interesting.
The gameplay is better than Nier but everything else has taken massive hit.
I already payed them, they already accepted it. JUST FUCKING SENT THE CODE ALREADY. Why does this take more than an hour?
A 2nd emil fight? Is that the one that gives the trophy, since it wasn't the first?
I really do feel bad for you user, you stuck with play asia right?
What happens if I delete my save data? Can I go back and do other endings or is it legitimately starting from square 1?
what do you think "delete save data" means
Nippon-Yasan. It's already 2015 here, I need to download it as well.
It only takes a few shitposters to get the hate train going
Well the post about the second Emil fight has a different start screen and has all the same endings I do and I've heard about New Game+
I'm next to the giant robot you destroy mid-game and I keep seeing a red mark for a side mission, but I can't unlock it. The red icon is there but no matter where I check I can't get do the mission? I'm on my second playthru - and last playthru I missed the mission because I go to the red mark and it's not doing anything.
Same with the giant robot itself, there's another red mark there too. How do I do it?
>tfw we could have had a 10/10 game with Platinums amazing gameplay, Taro's crazy story, and Okabe's truly great ost
>instead we get a 6/10 game with Platinums C-team gameplay, the weakest Taro story and character line-up by far, and a bunch of rehashed songs from the first Nier that aren't nearly as good as the originals
What, if I may ask, went wrong?
still waiting ://
isnt this
just a reskin of that other boss
It's being honest. This is simply worse than the original Nier.
I guess Taro developed Miyazaki syndrome.
Well to make it blunt, it retains the start screen as the game data is saved but your actual save data for your playthrough is wiped.
Well guess I'll wait for it to go down to $30 in a few months. Sad!
You expected too much from a man who's only call to fame was his dark and edgy shit and random story events. People thought it would be some grand conclusion when he can't conclude anything.
>even downplays it himself
This. If you rate this game above a 6/10 you are lying to yourself.
I would wait until its around $15 honestly. It shouldn't take too long, its the definition of a bargain-bin game.
who didn't delete their save files here
I'm sorry
>Bargain-bin game
So like all of Taro's games? You people overrate the man for one good story.
Least PC exists and piracy.
We'll have to wait a few months to discuss the game properly. Too many Platinumfags who will play it just for le curazy combat.
>delete your savefile to save Kaine?
>delete your savefile to help a random casual who can't into shmups?
Shoulda gone play asia. Got mine in a few minutes.
How are you guys dealing with the utter disappointment that is Nier: Automata?
It took forever to load.
Killing myself tomorrow.
>save file
playing better games such as Horizon Zero Dawn
Wait everyone is disappointed by it?
All I care about is the combat, is it curraayzeee like other platinum games?
it's people like you that made this game shit
Probably wouldn't have taken an hour
You get Y for letting him do his self destruct sequence, I think.
I hope this is bait.
>In Japanese
So what happened?
I didn't make it shit, I didn't buy it.
Yeah, I don't know how to do the sidemission "Machine Examination 1", I have no idea where that red marker is pointing towards either...
Honestly, it's more similar to what happened with DoD3, what with people who only played Nier buying it because Yoko Taro and then sperging out that it wasn't like Nier at all. Except, yknow, even more since this one is Nier 2.
Add in the influx of shitposters due to a new console release, and it's a bad time to discuss any game, let alone one that is as offbeat as this. Give it a couple weeks after the International launch and it'll get better.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
I'm sorry
>gameplay actually good
The shmup section is fucking atrocious.
The game play is miles better...except shmup part.
That one tripped me up for ages, you have to talk to it as in press circle. Usually doesn't work because nearby enemies are taking a peek at you.
Have you completed this sub-quest?
This quest right here is the difference between a skilled player and a scrub. It's like casual filter - the quest. Only hardcore players will complete this.
If you used a guide then that doesn't count and you're even worse.
Tarofags are triggered by platinumfags
they're also all very insecure right now because the best part of the game is the gameplay and the worst part is the story
>People that haven't played the game and spoiled themselves by watching streams shitposting that "It's such a letdown"
Also the original Nier wasn't even that great. The bosses are almost all fairly trivial and unimaginative, the sidequests are tedious and ending C & D felt weirdly out of place (no new content until the end, ending all of a sudden revolves around a side character I didn't really care about...).
Tell me right now anons, is the game good or not. Especially to someone who's new to the series.
I liked the shmup as basic as it is, but I can see it getting very repetitive. They should have designed way more "levels".
But let's be honest, as far as hacking minigames go, and coming from Taro, it could be MUCH worse.
>Implying there's enough people who even are playing it right now.
Wait for international release and ask this.
Plus, always expect the worst.
Its pretty forgettable. 6/10 at best.
>get the last piece
>suddenly cowboys
I'd be lying if I said that didn't seem like a worthwhile reward after that search
I don't know, maybe the madman is out of touch, man.
I beat the game with the DQ stick because it made chests more noticeable.
Am I the only one?
Thanks! Did you get another red mission right next to it as well? I can't complete that one either.
there's some debris right under his head, you're supposed to talk to him while standing there
and the other mark is probably for the racing ones where you have to climb up a highway to find a machine circling near the robot's head
at least the generic ones are better than the story ones, looking at you Soul Box
it's also my first and it was fine, or maybe it's just because that I haven't played anything else
>Tfw nothing else to do but shitpost about the game so I won't feel so bad about it being late on PC
It looks so good, but I'm sure it's actually very bad!
I beat it with the DQ stick purely for the font change. Crits look cool.
Is that the race one? I've often found the guy without warning dies sometimes.
>he hasn't heard
They cancelled it on PC because of piracy user
nah they don't want people to somehow restore backups :^)
9 more minutes, Ash.
Stop shilling your shit videos here Shitrakko.
Genocide is the only option now user
He doesn't sound like a muslim.