IGN ran straight from the starting area to the Hyrule Castle in a fast-forward video...

IGN ran straight from the starting area to the Hyrule Castle in a fast-forward video. There's literally NOTHING on the way to the castle, it's a bland green grass carpet.

I'm worried, will the other areas feel like this?


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>Sup Forums in 1997
I ran straight from the starting area to the Hyrule Castle. There's literally NOTHING on the way to the castle, it's a bland green grass carpet.

I'm worried, will the other areas feel like this?


that's the whole point. to make you feel lonely.

So this is the "dense" level design people keep talking about? I think the worst part is the game dropped to 20 fps just before he died

He's still running and it's still the same 'sickgreen' aesthestic, with barely any enemies (the same ones in the Great Plateau area, by the way). I'm genuinely worried, since it's been said they're focusing on the overworld instead of dungeons, which are usually the best part of Zelda titles, this time.

That was one of the first 3D action adventure titles, though. I don't know about you, but I expect more in a 2017 Zelda than just empty grass fields.

That's what the Hyrule fields are, and have been in every other game they've made an appearance in


why not fly?

>limited sprint in a massive open world game

why is this still allowed? I don't care if you can fast travel.

>straight to the castle
no shit.
there nothing on the way to the castle alwasy. What is around is what will count.

we already know why its called breath of the wild now

there are 4 beasts, each give you a power to affect the weather.

the "breath of the wild" = beast ability for changing weather, this is based on the edge review where they say the power "literally" affects the world itself

you're meant to ride a horse

because stamina exists now.

mount a horse or a deer.

They were never this bad. The overworld in 3D Zelda titles used to be just a place to connect the actual dungeon areas, they were never too big, but this time you're wandering around this huge area filled with... nothing.

Oh, they succeeded at that. Maybe a little too much.

>why don't open world games have more stretches of emptiness? It's so COMFY to travel along the wilderness!
>why is this stretch of wilderness so empty? I want things to DO!

Reminder that Sup Forums doesn't know what it wants, and if it thinks it does it will deliberately take a contrarian view to have an excuse for complaining more.

this is a really dumb post.

>It's just 3D oracle of seasons guys

It sucked back then too, you little shit, and it was also 20 years ago

>why don't open world games have more stretches of emptiness?
when the fuck has anyone said this, aside from your post

>>why don't open world games have more stretches of emptiness? It's so COMFY to travel along the wilderness!

No one ever said this. People want big worlds, sure, but they want it to be filled with content.

Buy Horizon guys! Nintendo is for babies! Horizon looks like so much fun!

What the fuck should be in a field outside the remains of a scorched and empty city? Did you expect the farmers to stick around and milk chickens to sell to the guardians or something?

>Sup Forums when GTA V comes out on consoles
>"lol big open empty world! Have fun running for five minutes to get to anywhere interesting!"
>"You're supposed to be driving a car."
>"lol don't care. Empty boring world is empty."

>Sup Forums now
>Zelda open world is just lifeless as every other open world
>people call it out
>"lol shitters. You're supposed to use a horse! You're playing it wrong."

That TOD shading is incredible

>You make an interesting point, but let me say something you never said, wow, sure makes you look like a hypocrite huh

well, too bad you are a year early? how'd you get a copy of OOT in 1997 when it came out in 1998?

fuck off underage faggot

it must fucking suck to defend Nintendo and not get paid for it.

This was a 1997 game that ran on a 32MB cartridge.

Breath of the Wild is a 2017 game that runs on a 13GB cartridge.

This is the worst post on this board at the moment. Congratulations

guess we now know who the old man is.



OOT beta ROM

Sup Forums BTFO

meh was pretty clear

How about better area design than just copy pasted green terrain, more enemy variety actually threatening the hero instead of the same spider-robots we see in the Great Plateau area, caverns that could be filled with either monsters and / or treasures, abandoned towns, refugee settlements?

They didn't even bother hiding it with that description, did they?

>I ran straight through grass and avoided all the interesting areas in my arbitrarily chosen path
>why werent there any interesting areas?

But people are saying BotW has tons of shit in its overworld.
Are you telling me its as empty as OoT's overworld?

So you don't want a Grassland; you want clutter everywhere.

it's almost as if Sup Forums is multiple people.

Seems really easy to avoid any interesting areas. Has it occurred to you that maybe there aren't any interesting areas?

You want all that in grassy plains?

>those flying guardians
Holy fuck, we terminator now

>>why don't open world games have more stretches of emptiness? It's so COMFY to travel along the wilderness!
no one says this

>Seems really easy to avoid any interesting areas

This. Its okay to be a shit game if other games are shit you fucking retards

there are only 4 medium sized towns like what we've seen.

can you shut up for a second, not everyone here is a fanboy

its a zelda title that doesnt focus on dungeons, think about that for a minute

>Grassland is exactly like how a Grassland should be

Daily reminder that Sup Forums has literally never stepped foot in a remotely wild landscape before.

Looks fine to me, he even met a fox on the way which was cool.

reminder that wind waker had a big world AND great dungeons/level design

why isnt the focus on dungeons, with optional exploring? this is exploring with few dungeons.

>better area design than just copy pasted green terrain

They're FIELDS. That is literally the point of a field

>enemy variety actually threatening the hero

He fucking dies in the video before even reaching the city


How do you know there aren't any that the player just didn't see in his straight line trek? Do you expect a big neon sign pointing out the entrance to every cave?

>abandoned towns

Towns? Outside a town?

>refugee settlements

Next to killer laser statues, 100 years after the city got fucked. Okay.

10/10 you got me you retard

zelda has always been shit. got it.

This, thank you. Perfect timing for my post.

Sup Forums is so fucking terrible right now. I used to think sonyggers were the bad guys, but Nintoddlers get yet another Zelda, that looks okay at most, and they freak the fuck out and pretend it's the best thing ever when it looks so mediocre. I get the whole, "nintendo hasn't had anything in so long" thing, but for fucks sake it just looks like a run of the mill Zelda, absolutely nothing special. I'm not saying it looks bad either, it's damn sure better than that shitfest that's Wildlands

I guess Shrines don't count because reasons?

this. so disappointing. maybe the shrines will make up for it, but I doubt it.

>filled with nothing
there a 100 shrines and 6 main dungeons and 5 towns. there is plenty to explore
>The overworld in 3D Zelda titles used to be just a place to connect the actual dungeon areas,
which is why they suck, the overworld has lttle interaction or fucntion.

Windwaker has 6 dungeons no? This has at least 5 confirmed. Not a big deal.

That field really is incredible for the hardware, the only thing better around that time was Unreal and that required a beast of a PC to have draw distances like that.

>but this time you're wandering around this huge area filled with... nothing.

It only looks like nothing because they weren't looking at anything else. They wandered past a few things that looked cool and there was something surrounded by water in this shot here if you look at the mini map.

Go back to NeoGAF then?

It's almost as if videogames are hm not real khm not real life just something to activate you are almonds kid

open world puzzles are not dungeons

zelda should be about progressing via key items found in dungeons

ie: you get a hookshot that allows you to go to new places, like in LTTP

now it doesnt matter, so world design will be lazy/generic

You tried to write a somewhat legible sentence and failed. A for effort.

so what you're saying is that breath of the wild hasn't progressed past the stale game design of ocarina of time.


So you're saying Because it's not ten times larger, it doesn't deserve to be Grassland?

Holy crap there's a lot of free space for Key Items

I guess Zelda 1 isn't Zelda then? Or Zelda 2?

how about you walk to other areas ?
becasue of the natur of the game where you can go to the castle straight aw,. the way from the plateu to it,is with minimal locations.
it is your final destination but the game gives you the option to go sragith to it or explore the surrounding which has what you are asking for.

Damn, there was actually a lot more than I expect to happen.

>mfw paid Sonyniggers knock the graphics

Why does this picture look so comfy?

Also it would be nice if there was like say, ruins or something. To make exploring more interesting.

>can see in the distance
>brilliant view of the sky
>the rolling terrain and brilliant green of the grass almost leap out of the picture
>these are fields, but they're not boring

Zelda fields on the other hand are
>an ugly unchanging green
>look like an expanse of flat computer geometry
>have ugly textures

Yep this is definitely the same thing!

>reminder that wind waker had a big world AND great dungeons/level design
Sorry user but the Zelda cycle has moved onto Twilight Princess being the supposed best game. You no longer need to make up shit to make Wind Waker sound better. The map was big and empty. The dungeons were simplistic. It was fun to a degree, but it is just like Mario's game of that era. An unfinished game that could have been great.

>the world is empty


because you come from a long line of farmers/ranchers that lived on those lands.

It makes sense that the people who built the castle would have chosen a flat area without a lot of distracting topographical features. It would need to be accessible and highly visible. That means no hills, valleys, cliffs, etc. nearby.

Other gameplay videos have varied terrain with plenty of enemies, wildlife, treasure, Koroks popping up all over the place, and other stuff to do. I'm not even a little bit concerned at this point.

So it's like OOT. That's a good thing. Skyward Sword "overworld" once you went beneath the clouds was WAY too fucking busy.

I'm hoping they retain more of the old design philosophy than they let on.

its a FUCKING GAME YOU ASPIE. yes it's going to have flaws. WHO FUCKING CARES. it's a game made for kids, not for ADULTS. get the fuck over it you fucking retards. it's like arguing about gameplay on candy land. IT'S FOR FUCKING KIDS, NOT FOR ADULT. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. YOU ARE NOT THE MARKET SO STOP LOOKING AT THIS LIKE IT'S A PIECE OF ART FUCK

>Windwaker open word
>Travel from Point A to B
>Pass multiple islands along the way each having mini dungeons or minigames or something interesting on them
>Collect treasure from charts
>Battle pirates and giant squids and sharks

>Wild open world
>Travel from point A to point B
>thats it

if progression isnt based on key items (ie: the ocarina) then whats the point

sure, the game will be less linear, but without key items is it going to be interesting?

>it's a game made for kids, not for ADULTS
so why do they show adults playing the switch constantly making it obvious that they're marketing it towards adults as well?

>zelda should be about progressing via key items found in dungeons

Please god no. This mentality is what lead us to Wind Waker. Let's go back to Zelda 1, where dungeons were just hidden and most of the game was you trying to find them and then explore them and the items you got helped your combat prowess more then anything else.

ALttP started this "the item helps in puzzles and exploring", wasn't completely overt but it started a bad trend where they felt they had to justify an items existence and lead to bullshit like the Dominion rod being nothing more then a glorified story ticket.

Get the fuck out of my Zelda because you are the reason this series went to shit for so long when they finally ran out of ideas on how to implement items into dungeon design.


Pic related, you.


>zelda should be about progressing via key items found in dungeons
items that were almost uselles on the oevrworld outside some context sensitive situations, this was alwasy a problem with zelda since makes items feel uselss outside their deisnged situations.
Hookshot,bow, and bombs where ok but shit like magic, hammers and gloves give little world interaction outside just unblocking a path.

What the fuck is this "activate your almonds" shit, can someone explain.

mgsv had a big open world, with generic outposts.

just because the world is big doesnt mean it's filled with interesting things to do. that's the problem. dungeons are supposed to be the most interesting parts of the game, at least in a zelda title.



Illiterate cunt.

Its been like that for fucking 20 years
>get item for dungeon
>use it as a key to get through it
>item becomes very situational
>in the case of TP, many items become obsolete or useless right after completing the dungeon

You must love skyward sword, because its the king of this

Ina video where he goes one direction once. I have also done that in WW and saw no Islands at times when I just went in a straight line. Back then we called it comfortable

my point is that WW had a big world AND lots of dungeons to do.

this game seems to focus on dicking around in the world, without many dungeons, or key items that affect how you get around in the world.

lurk moar

Lon Lon Ranch is right in the middle of the field though

>He hasn't had his almonds activated yet
What a faggot.

so you're telling me its for adults as well?

nice try frogposter.

whos the final boss?