He's an "ideas guy"

>He's an "ideas guy"
>His "idea" for a game consists of purely story details and barely mentions the actual gameplay or level design

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See my idea

You can during the entire game be exchanging body with the enemies, so you will never have an original body.

and now he's president

cyborg justice or scrapland, kind of. have you played either?


This is how the entire western game industry approaches game making. Surely they cant all be wrong?

You mean like Messiah?

>Let's make this character trans.
>Cool. How does this affect the gameplay.
>I dunno.
Fuck most western devs.

>Game dev company I work for hires an idea guy
>RPG project
>They haven't played a tabletop game, let alone tried to grok their systems
>Only plays bioware post mass effect games
She probably earns more than me, too.

We just need to distill gameplay and level design into its most generic and ubiquitous form. Then we can stop wasting resources on those things and focus on important stuff, like atmosphere and story and character design.

You know what they say, a million flies can't be wrong, so we may as well eat shit.

I'm an idea guy with story AND mechanics but have no coding experience so I suffer through fighting with Twine.

>Traditional western Gothic-like rpg
>Open world
>Set on a planet that doesn't spin
>You start your adventure just in the middle of horizon, where it's neither hot nor cold
>You can progress your adventure in two ways, adventuring towards where the planet is burning due to constant exposure from the sun, or the other way where the planet is in constant darkness and ice
>Both extreme regions have completely different creatures adapted to those temperatures and land

I just want a good RTS/FPS hybrid game.

I can appreciate a good story in a video game, but I hate when the gameplay is crippled to accommodate the story like when Mass Effect 3 didn't have a final boss because it was too "video gamey".

Something I enjoy about JRPGs for example is that they have crazy ridiculous stories to justify why the final boss has 3 increasingly bizarre forms. Final Fantasy VII works great with Sephiroth and Jenova because they can be iconic effective villains but they can also do some really crazy shit and make whatever mutated monsters they want.

I always thought that would be a cool setting for a sci-fi story. Perpetual twilight, mining ventures into the frozen/burning wastes. Clashes with local flora and fauna, pirates that live brave the harsher areas and raid settlements for sustenance.

a rpg with contextual spells instead of regular spells
still working on the story btw

>contextual spells

one category is spells when two opponents are around you, another one is when one fire opponent are next to you, another when two warriors, another when one of your allies is damaged, ect
so you can focus on action and using lots of strike added to the automatic spells you're already using

the same way, if you want to play as a mage, you can launch different spells at the same time (adding yours to the automatic ones)

dunno if that could work or look like a total mess

Corkus was a good man. RIP.

You're a monk trapped in a forest full of innocent anthro animals and you need to defeat a demon that wants to conquer the world

The demon wants to make the innocent creatures suffer cause suffering creates more demons, and he needs an army to enslave humanity

>Spells being automatically available only when certain area criteria are met

That sounds casual tho? Why deny from being able to use them all the time

So Kirby?

A group of people try to escape the city.
It ain't as easy as you think it is.

That sounds generic as fuck, with basically being a hippy trying to save animals environmental message

tellme more

yeah that sounds casual, but add a special bar a a special type of spells and it gets stronger to improve
also it's easy to settle so one player can play without it (and transform the automatic spells/capacities he'll found into regular ones)

i guess it'll please kids and maybe girls (they like to anticipate)

There is a sort of value to be had in this sort of system where shit is context sensitive

Hell, Kirby Airride is just the stick and the a-button, and people consider it and City trial to be one of the more fun party games. Just a matter of determining how you want a single mechanic to work in a lot of contexts

Mario jumps, hence forth most of his interactions with the world is jumping. He jumps to kill enemies, break blocks, overcome obstacles, etc.

For the magic idea, why not have it be along the lines of puzzling how to get the right element in an environment. Like carrying a torch item into an icy environment to beat ice enemies easier, but you also need to use the ice to draw power to remake the terrain since your fire abilities melt the ice and create obstacles?

A 1700-Europe style empire degenerates into several warring states as dynastic conflict over the throne breaks out and you control one of the generals trying to capture the throne for himself, making his way to the capital for the coronation, eliminating your rivals and pacifying the nation

>first game you discover the world
>2nd game you discover the real villain
>3rd game the shit hits the fan


FUG Cyborg justice was the best. Everything about the game was fucking rad apart from that one jump.

You are an eccentric crusader in a river and god worshipping society based around a magical river

You have a journal to record rumors, important quest info, talk about the environment, etc. A lot of the quests have clearly defined goals, but many of the ways to reach the goals may be hidden

Goal: Stop a war in a city.

You can
>Broker peace
>Kill everyone
>Support one side over the other
>Give power to the poor bastards in the city to fight their own war

Or, if you listened to old scripture about the river, you realize there's a cultural significance to the dams, so, you, being a crazy crusader who loves scripture, you figure...why not evacuate the city, let the two forces have at it, then blow up the dams to drown 'em all?

>BUY our next game to continue the story ;)

I never said it was a good story. I just want an excuse to have Modern era battles and tons of logistics without being forced by actual history

Okay i'm curious, how did they hire her?

Was she a graduate somewhere, did she get in through networking, or what?

>carrying a torch item into an icy environment
no no no
you can't do that in a game anymore
but you can set a fire spell around you to discover new path, but it'll add water on the ground so other path will close
like you can't have all the items of a dungeon except if you do it one way then wait an amount of time and do it another way

most game have sequels now
Assassin's Creed was smart enough to define a trilogy from the start but it was poorly ended

I think we need more games like this, so games will look more like movies
>Star Wars trilogy
>LotR trilogy
>Harry Potter quintology
>The Godfather trilogy

That's needlessly binary and ruins choice and player agency. What if a player is just exploring and experimenting? If you arbitrarily punish that kinda thing, people are gonna be pissed.

It's less that you are using the item yourself, as it's just a torch, you gonna try hitting people with a torch? I was thinking straight up putting it out, and placing it down on the ground, forcing you to be static for a brief amount of time to sling fire spells, and then leaving that little area and attuning your spells back into ice through context sensitivity. Or you can deem NOT to use the torch, and instead only use Ice affinity spells to block and just simply create barriers to avoid having to deal with the ice enemies

I'm not just an idea guy, i'm an artist guy with shitty ideas!

Movies are short though and don't cost 60 bucks

A micro-rpg "episodic" series in 12 parts. Each part is very short, maybe 8 hours long at best, covering the "greatest hits" of an RPG. It takes place in on a large continent with many countries, taking place over the course of roughly 60 years, following a wide range of parties and adventures, a sort of multigenerational epic released over the course of 20 years or so. It would take influence from lots of sources, every installment having a twist on the battle system. The story and game would be very linear in order to create a better streamlined experience.

that sounds nice yeah
using ice to explore differently an ice dungeon, instead of using fire?
I mean imaging the party you picked can only use fire, if they don't use anything, they have one path, if they use it, they have another path
while if you've a party using ice you'll be able to clean the whole dungeon at once

i guess that'd be some crazy ass level design, and probably hard as fuck to create, but it'd be cool and somewhat original to me

>its okay if others do it too

What kind of fucked up mindset you have to think people would love to end up stopping in the right middle of the story, only to being forced to wait several months or years in order to continue the story by paying another 50$

Movie sequels kind of havie an excuse of doing so since they last 1-2 hours or so and can't cover everything, and people still do not like waiting so long to continue the story

Do you actually LIKE that?

It sounds hippish but trust me, it won't be hippy at all. There are a ton of other details I left out and there is no enviromental agenda at all

It becomes darker as you progress on the story, the animals start betraying each other for survival

The demons become crueler as the corruption in the forest grows, going from funny, goofy villains to homicidal rapists and sociopaths with zero empathy

And the MC doubts about his role as a monk so you can make him do selfish / evil stuff

>10$ for two hours
>60$ for ??

>have a gameplay idea and no story
>gotta actually make up story, because gameplay is tied to it

Not him, but I think that sounds pretty great.
I love the idea of a huge series of interconnected games that tell a story together or just form a cohesive whole. Shit like Kingdom Hearts, Assassin's Creed or even Castlevania and Mega Man. On that note, I also think it's great how all the Grand Theft Auto games in each universe are connected. It brings a tear to my eye when I remember how Xenogears and Ogre Battle were supposed to be these huge sagas and how that unfortunately didn't work out.

It's him!

Not him but similar situation.
Company hires some graduate bitch with a game design degree. She just takes on narrative design writing shit story without ever showing any interest in any actual game. Also doesn't care about our game plays or what it's about constantly pushing her bullshit writing with multiple choice so deep character crap into everythings

She was hired 2 years ago and still doesn't know how to navigate the viewport of our engine.

>have a gameplay, a story and coding skills
>tfw no experience and don't know anyone in the industry

>have story ideas
>not sure if better suited to a movie

I plan on getting a bachelors in digital media studies and also grabbing every glass that can be related to game design like scripting and whatnot. Then using the advantage of MUH DIVERSITY as a woman to sneak into companies.
As much as I love muh narrative and RPG's, we need more games with interesting mechanics to back up the scale as opposed to the bland Mass Effect style - leaning more towards Vamp the Masquerade, or Deus Ex where you have many ways to reach a similar goal.

I can't fathom the people who want to work in games but take no time to consider gameplay and how it fits with story shit

He specifically says his ONE story should be cut into pieces and each sold by the amount in different intervals

It's fucking new Hitman. Missions being cut into DLCs and sold separately for sheekels

Literal cancer

How to fix this problem

Do you have mechanics that are fun to play and tie into your story idea and become integral to getting the full experience?

Think Resident Evil 1 - if it was a movie, it'd be a shitty movie. But it's backed up with controls and mechanics that convey tension. You remember that shark in the basement? And then needing to fry the shark? And THEN needing to walk towards the dead sharks mouth to grab some keys? Shits pretty cash

You'd thing It'd be the other way around because most vidya stories are, to put it kindly, fucking abismal

>game concept/idea is so powerful it influences board games and vidya games BEFORE being released
Is that even possible?

>A game where you ?????

I hate it, especially when you prod and they just dump buzzwords. But of course THEIR open world zombie game will do it right.

So like... How is she employed?

sounds like a modern game designer.

OK, instead of the traditional top-down battle menu, you get expanding trees afix to a cross. Cursor default position is at center. You can select submenus from the same category/direction/sector with the shoulder buttons, as shown on table 1

-l:magic stones----------------------------l:Limit Breaks------------l:switch
--r:ninja consumables you never use--r:Combo sequencer-----r:bantz

The submenus themselves are likewise ordered in a 3*3 grid, with the cursor's default position at the center. Shoulder buttons cycle through small pop ups showing description, damage formula, elemental charts, leifmotifs etc. See Table 2.

Table 2

[Single Target. Physical/Venereal. 30% confuse chance. 3 STAMINA]
[A vicious three-hit combo that demoralizes and entices opponents]
-empty, unlocks at lvl 30-------[Victory Thrust] 3ST----White Death 7 TN
-Milky Way 50 MP----------------Edging +3 SE-------------Full Discharge 100%MP| 100ST | 10 SE
-Null Mind (Passive)-------------Console 2 SE-------------Lube up(3 vials remaining)

Battle system has a time limit to select commands. If you input your commands fast enough, you get a initiative/damage bonus or a panicked enemy using a different stupid strategy different than if you had given them time to strategize, so even regular combat is more arcadey. Example : To make your party perform White Death, All Out, and Hail Gloriana you would input ↑RA↑→A, →A→A, LA↓A in quick succession.

© user 2017


>says destructible environments are a must in every scale of the game


Third person shooter with low poly art style. Game would be semi open world with large compounds/zones/dungeons that serve as the main levels. There would be stuff to do outside of them. Not sure I would want it to control like a typical tps. Maybe like a souls game for lack of a better term. I.e. left stick is free 360 movement and left controls camera. Im thinking you would probably have a lock on and would always be shooting parallel to the ground. I would want the combat to be more like an action game.
The game would have an equipment system and maybe some form of randomized loot or varying appearences. I would not want everyones characters looking identical. The game starts with basic military weaponry but expands when you get to specialize. I was thinking like a high tech (lasers and stuff), cybernetic (augments, maybe compliments other specs), genetic mutations, maybe occult etc.
While I would have a campaign I would also like a replayble rogue-lite mode with randomized floors with special mobs and power ups (modified stuff from the specs or new shit).
Think mgs1 plus stalker plus a souls game.

open world multiplayer survival zombie game with crafting

The Mass Effect trilogy is all about resolving one story involving the Reapers. Same thing with the Witcher games - they are all basically building up to the conclusion of the story of the Wild Hunt, just with a lot of other neat shit along the way. It's been done before, even fairly successfully.
Also, and that's really going off topic, there really isn't anything wrong 1with Hitman's release model. You could argue (and I would) against making it online only, but the episodic releases are completely fine - they allow people time to fuck around a level in new ways if they feel like it or the episodes thing can be easily ignored if you just wait until the whole season is released. That's how I played through the game and the fact those episodes were available separately at an earlier time had no impact on my enjoyment.

How do you do a gameplay pitch?

>most vidya stories are abismal
There's a simple reason for that, "gamers" and game designers dont know what a good story is.
They've never picked up a book in their lives, atleast not one that doesnt have a pop culture figure on the front.
How are you supposed to know how to write a good story when you only surround yourself with shit ones?

I'd probably want to make a god game simply because the genre is quite bare in comparison to other genres.

roguelites, platformers, shmups, survival games, indie shit makes these genres all generic because there's too many.

People want to be writers and storytellers but dont know books exist because no one reads them anymore.

You're doing the right thing. We got ppl with media design education, some game projects down in uni and a lot of self taught Scripting experience.

Contract. I guess my company needed someone to push all the text bullshit on, cause nobody wants to write/do loca. I also guess fresh off the uni she didn't ask for a relevant salary.

So, Lost Vikings on steroids. 13 minutes well spent.

my idea is a multiplayer fps which is unhackable

everyone starts with an aimbot and wallhack and there are only projectile weapons

maken x is literally this


>want to work on my crazier ideas
>work on easier stuff instead to build my skills
>need to save up to hire an artist anyway


There is that issue with devs not picking up books, but at the same time, I think it stems from desiring to make a movie as opposed to a game. Part of what a game can be is gameplay.

Just look at Kirby Airride, and the City Trial. No Narrative, just a bunch of players fucking around in a city with events and item pick ups. But because the mechanics and internal workings have a good consistency balanced with scripting here and there, it makes it a fucking great party game. Simplicity backed up with consistent design turns into emergent, small scale stories when you add players to the mix.

And my small scale stories I mean shit like 'shit dude, I spent the entire time looking for red boxes like a faggot while my friend simply focused on building a good machine, and I got trashed'

Course this all changes when it's a single player campaign, but, that's the jist

>First person shooter set in 40k universe
>You play as elite guardsman
>You have to watch everyone you knew die in a chaos invasion


Like street fighter or final fight 'cept poison fucks you.

Mount & Blade or Chivalry style game using Skate's controls for different attacks. Every weapon type has slightly different variations on some of the attacks to fit in better (eg. cant stab with an axe, so turn it into an uppercut).

>let's replay a game we played a thousand times already with a different coat of paint while also wasting a cool setting

>tfw friends with a talented writer
>tfw when skilled artist
>have considerable knowledge about game design, and have tons of ideas for games that I write down on large documents
>don't know any competent code monkeys, sp we can't makes games
guess we'll just make comic books instead