ITT video game characters who voted for Trump

ITT video game characters who voted for Trump

this asshole

why skyrim graphics look bad in this picture?


When did they start giving eyetalian US citizenship?

because thats what it looked like

No AA, low texture quality, clipping, i could go on

mmmMmMmMMmMMmMM........... go onnnnn.....

>he thinks people actually care about US politics


>edgy af
>no friends
>hates women
>spent his life in his basement with his computers
>"the demons did this!"
>hates partying
>thinks normies are brainwashed by the demons into being degenerates
>wields a katana
>wears a fedora
>mommy issues
>wants to show his daddy how great he is by taking over the world
>ends up depressed because his brother didn't pander his childish desires
is he /ourguy/?


He's Mexican though, he would hate Trump.

>convicted felon

He's Italian and loves blondes.


He voted with bullets and cocaine. The currency of America's elite.

I was gonna post that.

Legal mexicans love Trump


legal border brother types do. I don't think americanized mexicans like trump at all




But whats so bad about globalism anyway?

ask this is a video game board

You cannot ask this question here. Sup Forums is filled with self loathing Asian Americans and Pajeets from Canada

You didn't need to be a citizen to vote in the 2016 U.S. elections.


The fat NEET son from GTAV

Unnessesary bloom, low resolution models, shadows on but AO off...

It pretends to uphold diversity and open mindedness but it's just a scam by big business to flood places with people who don't belong there to drive down the price of labour. The people who stay in their own countries are given work in sweat shops because it's cheaper to outsource labour than to invest in your own people. Eventually they will destroy all diversity and make the whole world a dysfunctional mess of brown people with the help of useful idiot leftists.

I want a Trump Administration Anime. I have a feeling it would be something like The Boondocks except white people.

I don't think that actually counts as a vote at the polling stations though.

What pansy fucking polling stations do you go to? Next you'll tell me there is no hookers or a live performance from a puppeteer using Tupac's corpse are a marionette.

You mean the rightful High King?

That's only valid if you're voting Democrat.


>after election
>w-w-who cares?!!